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Edited by Twotall: 10/20/2016 11:25:44 AM

Archon's Forge needs at least one thing changed, the event time out

Edit: I really don't understand the down votes, I knew the general community was generally against the well being of solo players, but this is a little ridiculous. If you are going to design the follow on to Court of Oryx to be Archon's Forge, it is a nice design in general and I do enjoy playing it. HOWEVER, there are things that NEED to change. Beyond the changes that the community have already cried for like stackable SIVA offerings, the little things matter the most. If I'm too lazy to LFG or pull friends into a fireteam to run Archon's Forge and I don't have a Perfected offering (read: it's either fused or enhanced) and I want to solo the public event, which is easy to do, I shouldn't have to worry about dying wasting any efforts of farming the offering and starting the event. Honestly... If I'm absolute and I try to duck around a corner only to find a silent exploding shank that was staring at the ceiling or floor is triggered and kills me, I should have enough time to respawn (5 seconds on the counter), get the splicer key into the kiosk, have the door open, and drop back into the arena with at least 15-20 seconds to spare before the event ends.... The timer is so short that the damned door doesnt even open fast enough to the point you can barely see the fallen before the encounter ends. Right now the encounter times out with no one in the arena at about 10-15 seconds.... Just boost that time out to 30 seconds and we are all good. Court of Oryx only gives you 20 seconds but you can walk right through the door (you respawn at about 11 seconds to return to the arena and can run through the door within 4-5 seconds leaving you 6-7 seconds to be slow at life and still continue the encounter). Also, if you fail in the court of oryx you keep your rune.... This issue of Bungie making it take too long to be able to spawn back in and open the door wouldnt be so bad and almost no-one would complain about it (looking at solo players that spawn into an empty Archon's Forge) if we were able to keep the SIVA charges if we fail... Fix this Bungie! P.s. I had a topic on this yesterday in feedback but some jackwagon down voted it into obscurity within minutes of the thread being created... his solution was "just don't die" which is fine and dandy but that's not a solution to the issue.

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  • My problem is that every time I do go to Archon's Forge, it's empty. I have to wait and wait for more players.

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    5 Replies
    • I understand your point but Archon's Forge was not meant to follow Court of Oryx. Rather [i]build[/i] on it. The down time is meant to be a punishment.

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    • 2 maned perfected servitor thats the hardest offering

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      • Bump

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      • Edited by SnOw BLiizZarD: 10/21/2016 12:21:14 AM
        If soloing i sit ontop of were the siva form / axes come from. Dont have to worry about any melee enemies or exploding shanks. Pick of the enemis that shoot you first then pick of the cqc type ones very simple and easy

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        • Edited by DeathOnSale2Day: 10/21/2016 1:26:38 AM
          What exactly does being a solo player mean? Because I know if a solo player spawned in with people at the forge they would not just leave, they would stay and fight alone side them which isn't solo. Next i know any so callee solo player has definatly joined into a strike playlist which again gives you a team. Then there is nightfall which is an event that can be soloed yet I see solo players complain about it not having matchmaking. The raid I can understand as you can't solo the damn thing (minus crota). So is being a solo player really about challange ing stuff by yourself or is it about not bothering with an event that dosnt have match making?

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          • Agreed, definitely should be longer window to get back in. Nothing worse than trying to insert key only to cover every damned inch trying to find a spot that will start accepting it.

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          • Just don't die

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          • Edited by DMGRGN: 10/20/2016 9:15:51 PM
            As much as i understand where you're coming from (being a 90% solo player myself), i think Archon's Forge is fine as is. Why? First: it's out of the way. You have to travel to get to it. You have to basically go out of your way to do it. It may be a public event, but like CoO, it's an event that players initiate. It's not random. This means that by activating it at whatever offering level, you are going into it voluntarily, knowing what the challenge is going to be. Second: all public events CAN be solo'd, but they aren't MEANT to be solo'd. They are called public for a reason, and the 5 minute timer caters to teams that can work together more than it does to solo players. I can solo Nightfalls, but that's not what they were designed for, so it wouldn't be fair of me to ask for Nightfalls to be easier just so that my solo runs don't take as long. Third: the timer is what encourages skill vs. a simple grind. Removing the timer means that deaths don't count and have no impact, meaning that all it takes to get through the event is either patience or luck, luck being if some randoms happen to fall in and join you. It would be a participation trophy and not an accomplishment, and there's already too much of that in this game as it is.

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            6 Replies
            • The only thing that bugs me about AF is the length of time it takes for that siva door to open. I am jumping like a maniac running into the wall trying to get through!

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              • Edited by TheArtist: 10/20/2016 11:39:27 AM
                Its a public event. It is not intended to be soloed. This game is designed to have MMO, like features. Part of that is the "emergent" multiplayer co-op play that happens during public events. The Archon's Forge and Court of Oryx are just public events that give us control over how and when we initiate them. But they are still, public events. What you're asking for is like someone in Year One----when a wipe in a Nightfall sent you to back to orbit and have to restart the strike---saying -that it was unfair to be booted to orbit if you died soloing the NF, because there isn't anyone there to revive you. Sorry but if you want solo content that is not intended to be soloed, that's the risk you take.

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                181 Replies
                • Needs less class items.......

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                • So, basically, you should get gear for essentially just turning up? Please. Man up. You cant win everything all the time, which is what you are basically asking for. [i]Back in my day you got three lives. Wanted more chances, you had to earn em. All them hard earned extra lives and continues... and forget about saving progress! You go big or go home. Want a do-over? You play your way back there... *rambles on and falls asleep*[/i]

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                  • git gud

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                  • Edited by Hux2yaDome: 10/20/2016 11:37:08 PM
                    It's a public event that the public played for 2 weeks and now has almost no value except now you can get up to 400 light or class items. Everytime I swing by the forge by myself or my fireteam no one is there. They were week one now it's another ghost town like CoO.

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                  • Have you tried not dying?

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                    • I don't have this issue I often go to the forge solo, usually when I do I pop on my offering and by the time I cleared the first one more people have joined and are popping theirs.

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                    • If you die don't your chances of getting good loot drop a lot so isn't it better if it resets after you die instead of wasting time to get nothing

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                      • Edited by NOBLE 7878: 10/20/2016 9:52:39 PM
                        It does timeout to fast, it makes spliced keys irrelevant, because if your solo then the event ends before you can respawn and open the door and if your in a group your just gonna be rezzed by another player.

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                      • Bump

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                      • It doesn't need to be fixed. It's supposed to be more difficult by yourself, and it's designed to punish you if you die. Just don't be stupid and do a perfected, or something you're under leveled for by yourself.

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                      • Since they hardly drop anyway the armor set and weapons dropping up to 400 would be nice.

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                      • This sounds like a good idea. You have my support. It makes sense

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                      • BUMP!

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                      • nah - its kill quick or go home

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                      • I dont thibk archon's forge should be as forgiving as court because archon has better drops, such as shells, armor, and weapons. Court only really gives artifacts, allowing it to be a bit simpler/easier

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