Been playing it a lot lately.
I remember the good ole days; preordering the special edition for my birthday. Playing that tragic campaign and then stepping into the multiplayer as a complete noob.
This was my first true competitive multiplayer fps .
I remember the hard grind to level up, the excitement of buying new armor and the gradual buildup of my skills until it was I on the top of the scoreboard! Stomping where I used to be stomped!
Tell me your experiences with this game: did you like it or hate it, what rank did you achieve, favorite map, favorite armor and ability, ETC..
Also, there are still a good amount of games going on so matchmaking is a breeze!
PS. Did anyone else hate the DMR? It was honestly the worst part of this game for me. Never felt right and swat was unbearable. Funnily enough though, It was my favorite weapon in Halo 4...
Yes. Actually I miss it often. But that's how it goes I suppose. For me, Reach was "the glory days", so it'll always be special. - I was in my prime (gaming-wise) - I knew people I played with - I had friends - Community was awesome - Theater mode was and still IS AMAZING - 10 waves of enemies provided a legit challenge - No game was exactly the same - I personally LOVED the campaign - The cast was awesome and the gameplay was the best (at the time) - The Community was awesome (needs on here twice because that's why the game lived way longer than it was planned to)
Nope, kill it with fire.
I know it's basically sacrilege on here but other than ce it was my favorite. Granted I never had Internet until I moved out so I haven't been playing multiplayer long. And never in Halo.
Edited by Helljumper: 10/22/2016 9:37:40 AMNo, I miss Halo 2 on xbox live. Truly an amazing experience to be a part of.
Not one bit. That game was full of stupid bullshit. Only good things to come out of Reach was the falcon grenade launcher, invasion and the pinnacle of the halo art style
Maxed out. That stupid server hiccup. Lost all my challenge progress. Lost alot of my xp and unlocks. Yay.
Yes and Halo 3. Those two games hold great memories for me. No games since have been able to replicate the feeling those games gave me.
Reach is absolute garbage
Edited by RykerAnime61: 10/20/2016 4:29:38 PMI've been thinking of plugging it in and giving it a run through. Was the best game I played. It was also the first time I went online and played MP. Favorite AA: I'll be honest I used Armor Lock a lot. So that was my favorite. Current Rank: Not really sure off the top of my head. Favorite Armor set: I don't really have a favored set, I just played around with it to see what I could come up with. Favorite Map: I kindda liked the BTB maps. Your not the only one that hated the DMR. Was one of the worst weapons in the game. Literally everyone used it. From what I understand the DMR in 4 is better cause it got a serious overhaul from Reach.
I don't really miss it because I can play it anytime I want on BC.
I got reach after 4 came out, so I already missed it.
Played it yesterday, doing an entire Halo saga campaign on legendary. Im now in sword base ( second time around when you gotta get cortana) love reach, love soundtrack and man the nostalgia...
Reach is trash