Hey guys, One of my favorite weapons in Destiny was the Payback SOS auto rifle. I received mine from the Postmaster and it was BEAST!
For those of you who do not know, Payback SOS was a superlight variant auto rifle that acted as a SMG. Similar weapons include, Sahara AR2, Khvostov 7G-OX at 900 rpm, and Hakke Arminius D.
Payback SOS has been my favorite weapon from that archetype and I have not seen ANYTHING that is statistically equal.
But the problem is, my Payback SOS is year one and has a power of 148. It does not help my light level. So, how many of you liked the Payback SOS from year one and would wish it in Year 3.
BTW My payback's roll was Red Dot-ORES, Spray and Play, Fitted Stock, Crowd Control, and a whole bunch of Upgrade damages.
Oh my head it was all I used in y1, then I switched to Xbox in hopes of halo 5, then came to destiny again to find my stuff didn't transfer ;-; I want a new one, also one way ticket, hide and seek, and devil you dont