The longer I think about how we beat the enemies of The City the more I wonder how we end the fight with each alien species. My money is the Cabal being first. We have the least amount of information on them and their background doesn't seem to intertwine as elaborately as the Vex and Hive. Also, there are Fallen on the same planet as us, so that would be more difficult. The Cabal's empire is outside of this solar system, has an unknown situation at the moment, and would be the easiest to write off as, near if not, extinct. I also want to hear your opinions on this.
Edit: I forgot to put Taken in the poll. Also, dying out counts to this extinction poll.
Edit 2: "None of the above" counts for Taken as well now. They may seem minor now, but Oryx isn't the only one who can manipulate Taken.
[spoiler]*cough Worm Gods! *cough[/spoiler]
Edit 3: Starting to think I should have asked who would've been the 2nd enemy force to be eliminated.
I feel like people aren't giving the Fallen enough credit. They're survivors. They've threatened the city multiple times and can build advanced technology from nothing but scrap (i.e. Servitors, skiffs, ketches) We have no idea how many cabal are outside of our solar system. It's very possible the cabal would become extinct in OUR solar system, but how many live outside of it? There could be forces in other galaxies, taking other planets and we wouldn't know. The hive are reborn after every death unless they are killed in the ascendant realm. Even then, thousands are being newly spawned every day. They certainly won't be going extinct anytime soon. If I remember correctly, the Taken are like the hive and are reborn unless killed in their own realm. Time travel is not understood enough in the Destiny universe to tell what will happen to the Vex. I myself believe in time paradoxes, so it could be very possible to kill off the Vex if time paradoxes existed within Destiny. The different timelines may disprove time paradoxes in Destiny, however. If they truly don't exist in the game then there is hardly a way for us to totally terminate the Vex