We know that Thorn, Necrochasm, Touch of Malice and Bad juju (Still under a bit of speculation but it seems to be a Weapon of Sorrow) are Weapons of sorrow. I've been wondering for quite sometime if Black spindle is also a weapon of sorrow.
[b]Weapons of Sorrow are guardian weapons that have been altered by Hive sorcery. [/b]
Black spindle was at one point most likely a normal sniper and was altered by the Hive or forbidden use of hive sorcery (meaning a guardian who used Hive sorcery on the weapon).
We should also take note of the Weapon's flavor text.
[i]“Your only existence shall be that which I weave for you out of [b]sorrow[/b] and woe.”[/i]
So what do the rest of you think? Is it a weapon of sorrow? I'm leaning towards a yes but I could be wrong.
I think that the Necrochasm is just a Hive weapon that was changed by Hive magic, and not it being originally being a Guardian weapon turned into a Hive weapon through Hive magic.
I think Black Spindle (and by extention Black Hammer) are weapons actually made by the Hive and not weapons of Sorrow. If you were to say it was then by extension every Raid weapon from Crota's End and King's Fall would also be weapons of Sorrow.
Looking for 1 more for black spindle and ship run thanks
Id say so, the crotas end gear and grasp might be as well Bad juju seems to be an attempt to make one
Edited by Venatria: 10/10/2016 7:22:15 AMIf you look closely at Sepiks dead body in the mission for Cayde's stash it has black with orange power up or something. Very similar to the spindle(and a bit to the scorch cannon)
Edited by OhtheHugeManity: 10/10/2016 10:52:35 AMYep, because it reminds me of the old Black Hammer :'( [spoiler]but to answer your question, I don't think so. It follows some categories of WoS. But if it is, then all of the other CE gear is too.[/spoiler]
Edited by dylangillian: 10/10/2016 8:44:00 AMweapons of sorrow aren't created just by coming in contact with Hive sorcery. they're created by coming in contact by the darkness, it just happens to be that the Hive's source of power comes directly from the darkness. now it seems like it that the spindle was created by ir halak and ir anuk. therefore it most likely is a weapon of sorrow.
Edited by LordThunderhorse: 10/8/2016 6:59:25 PMThorn and Necrochasm are technically the only weapons of sorrow...that we've seen. Bad juju was Toland's attempt at creating a weapon of sorrow. Black spindle is just Crota's sisters version of the Black hammer.
we dont know, nobody knows at this point.
Well its just a the y2 black hammer, which was a gun from the hive raid.... So yes its a hive weapon. Along with grasps of malok
All weapons are weapons of sorrow. Especially if you get killed by it.
Thorn and Nechrochasm are Guardian weapons altered by the Darkness; that seems to be the theme of the weapons of sorrow. The Thorn slowly corrupted a once noble Guardian. The Nechrochasm was created by the Hive but it feeds off aggression and anger, and it has a particular appetite for the Hive according to its description as Eidolyn Ally (it may even be sentient. Touch of Malice seems like a weapon of sorrow. It is a weapon altered by the Darkness and does feed off of you. Black Spindle probably isn't. Bad Juju may not be one either. It does seem to have Hive spines on it and that weird beak, but it doesn't seem to feed off of you in anyway.
Yeah it most likely is since it's basically the black hammer. Oh feels good saying black hammer...
It's basically a exotic black hammer so there is the answer
Gonna go with no. Weapons of sorrow are crafted by guardians. (and there's a whole lot of death in between) Seeing as how it doesn't appear the spindle was forged by us, I don't think it's a weapon of sorrow.
The only sorrow is the black hammer's former glory
I thought weapons of sorrow were weapons used to permanently kill other guardians?
Black spindle is a lower point of its original self black hammer with bullets coming from thin air rather than your reserves
You forgot Touch of Malce.
Well, now I want it to be a weapon of sorrow just so it is grouped with the other weapons.
Not saying it's Eris, but it's Eris
Edited by Moot: 10/8/2016 5:18:19 PMSeems likely, but I don't think it is. A weapon of sorrow has to be owned by a guardian and have an insatiable hunger for the light, and the three weapons we know of are all stated at some point (either during quests or in the Grim) to have thins hunger. Black spindle however, does not. Truthfully we don't have enough lore on the spindle to be sure.
No it does not feed off its owner
With that logic, every hive themed weapon is a weapon of sorrow.
Have you read it's grimoire card instead of just the flavor text?
Yes anything hive darkness related is a weapon of sorrow