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Edited by Sage: 10/7/2016 2:55:18 PM

Nerf Pulse Rifles - it's inevitable if we nerf shotguns

Just a warning- this is a rant- and I hate nerfs. I don't mean it by saying "Nerf Pulse Rifles," but I guarantee you IF AND WHEN they nerf shotguns for the 10th time- the next weapon people will cry about are Pulse rifles. Why? Cause the next Iron Banner won't be supremacy. It'll be a normal game mode like clash or control where people keep their distance. I'm never for the nerfing- I'm just calling it now- people are going to want the Low Impact- High Rate of Fire archetype nerfed. Like Grasp, Blind Perdition, Nirwen's Mercy, Hawksaw- those are next when they nerf shotguns again. People always complain about what kills them- it's annoying me and making me sense trends. Oh my RNGesus, it just won't stop. The nerfs won't stop cause people can't figure out how to back up and shoot/ pick their gun fights wisely. Nerfs won't save you scrubs- I'll find ways to make you a scrub still- and so will other people. If it's not the Pulse Rifles- it'll be auto Rifles... again. I can't believe you people want shotguns nerfed- the nerf train is starting again cause of this Iron Banner- I HATE SUPREMACY now because of what it's going to do to shotguns and the after effects of that. Oh and btw- I've seen about 6 posts now on Striker Titan nerfs- wow- you guys must really suck. Look, I know I'm not the best- I'm just calling it now and not getting my hopes up anymore. Next thing you know, hand cannons will be nerfed. Everything will be nerfed to oblivion cause it kills people. We will be shooting nerf dart guns- even those will be nerfed cause they sorta injure you. Then after that, we'll be throwing flowers at each other- but don't get your hopes up- flowers have thorns on them- they'll be nerfed too. So now we'll be throwing papers at each other- but people complain about paper cuts- so papers will be nerfed. Ultimately, guardians will be nerfed so much all we can do in the game is just stand in one spot so no one dies. Then that'll be nerfed cause people will complain about how this game isn't fun. CAN WE STOP CALLING FOR NERFS? Accept the fact that specials are perfect for supremacy. Accept the fact that primaries are perfect for clash and control 8/10 games cause of the map. Accept the fact that snipers are supposed to HARD SCOPE a lane and shut it down. Stop complaining about snipers- and hey- if they are that good to quick SCOPE you- YOU GOT OUTPLAYED. Accept the fact that fusion rifles cancel out shotguns and rushers Accept the fact a SUPER IS A SUPER- and is meant to OHK- ESPECIALLY IF YOU'RE USING IT AGAINST ANOTHER SUPER- Accept that classes have their own strengths and weaknesses- [b][u]IF TOU THINK A -blam!-IN CLASS IS OP- USE IT, and AVERAGE A 2.0+ KD EVERY GAME AND SEND A VIDEO OF ALL THE PHANTOM MEDALS AND RELENTLESS MEDALS AND MERCY MEDALS YOU GET[/u][/b] ACCEPT THAT RIGHT NOW- IT'S THE MOST BALANCED I'VE EVER SEEN IT. Rant over. I'm eating a cookie now. If you can't provide evidence that something needs a nerf, I will get on your case. Btw- the most dominant weapon in destiny according to Guardian GG IS SCOUT RIFLES followed by Pulse Rifles. In SUPREMACY- AUTORIFLES ARE DOMINANT, followed by shotguns.

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