We have multiple destiny players in the house. If we reboot our consoles a couple of times I can get 2 in a fireteam, but as of yet can't get 3. Tags are
Wei Cho
The whole reason we all bought the game was to play together.
Tonight I can't even 2 in a fireteam.
Please provide solution, we wouldn't of come back if we had known we couldn't play together!
Hey there, Currently, Bungie is aware and actively investigating the issue. You can find current updates and information in the [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Forums/Post/210716770?sort=0&page=0]Marionberry, Canary, and Local Network Fireteam Issues[/url] pinned thread. Make sure your home network is properly configured by following instructions in the [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Help/Troubleshoot?oid=13612]'Allowing Destiny Connections' KB article.[/url] After attempting the above, you can provide Bungie additional information by following instructions in the pinned thread, Apologies for the inconvenience. Hope this helps! [spoiler][i]Death is not The Sickness unto death. ~ Soren Kierkegaard[/i][/spoiler]