Eh, no now I have to deal with Double RNG. I have to hope and pray that a key drops and THEN I have to hope and pray I get the item I want out of the chest I've opened (so far I have gotten nothing I wanted with all the keys I've used).
No, I'd prefer the old way at this rate.
Triple RNG - getting a key. Getting a fcking gun or item/armour piece. Praying to the RNG gods it gets the right roll. RNG is ruining the fun anyway. Double RNG is garbage
Edited by SamSu916: 10/4/2016 7:03:47 AMActually all of that existed before the skeleton key treasures. Except this time around you get the choice of choosing which strike you get a strike specific drop from. Not only that, Nightfall is no longer the only decently reliable way to get a strike specific drop. Admit it, you had to find the right nightfall to farm a strike specific that you wanted than grind normal strikes. So basically, you have more options now with the skeleton key treasures.
Out of three keys - I still have yet to get a grasp. I keep getting the bond. So nah - I dis agree and think the RNG sucks. I was happy after they did away with the stupid keys in wolves.
It even triple RNG...even you have it still pray you will not get crappy perks..LOL
Edited by SamSu916: 10/3/2016 3:48:10 PMThe old way you had one drop or the other(like it is currently with the treasure chest), do you remember a time where you got both strike specific drops? The old way you had to deal with the RNG of the map and the RNG of the drops. Every fail you got, resulted in you having to leave and find the map again and again. Now you just can get the key and reset til you get to the map and 100% open that treasure. If you prefer the old way, that's fine but you are being WAY mislead if you think currently the RNG is higher than before.
Edited by GrumpyDadpool: 10/3/2016 3:48:55 PMYou can just select the strike from the director (both now and before, so I don't know why you brought that up), that isn't the problem. The problem is that they added items to the chests and you only get one item at a time (at least I have). I've gotten mostly class items and 3 devil's dawns. *Sigh* No, I much prefer the old way at the moment. I at least actually got what I wanted with the old method.
Edited by SamSu916: 10/3/2016 3:53:20 PMI've gotten 7 imago loops and 5 grasp of maloks in 1 week. Before? I've gotten 1 imago loop and 3 grasp of maloks(I didn't farm it during that easy nightfall) the whole year. Don't get me wrong I've gotten the class items and the gauntlets in between but despite that I've received way more imago and grasps in this week than the entire year before the skeleton key. Those "strike director" that you speak of has an insanely low chance that it wasn't even worth it, only nightfall was. So I wouldn't even go there if I were you. In current form, I can just do strikes after strikes and keep getting keys. Then go to the strikes I want to receive drops from and receive it from there 100% a strike specific loot from a strike I want. Sure it has the 50/50 thing with which strike specific but that was always the case before simply because there are 2 strike specific drops in most strikes.
all youre saying is that 'its better now'. Thats not any kind of solution, mate.
That is the solution. I mean they can increase the drop rate of skeleton keys if they want, I have no problems with that as I'll get even more keys. The solution of the skeleton key itself is the solution to the strike specific drops. You get to choose what you want no matter what strikes you are doing now. Before you have to farm a specific strike to get it, now you don't even have to do that. Farm anywhere, get a key, head back into the strike and get the strike specific loot table at will.
Well congrats, you've gotten about twice as many keys as me it seems your luck has been in your favor. The same is not said for me so we are at opposite ends of this spectrum right now. I got plenty of strike drops from the director however you HAD to go to the director for some of them for a while. Namely Imago Loop and Theosyian Vibrasse. Not much of a choice on those for quite some time.
Edited by SamSu916: 10/3/2016 3:55:12 PMI'm going to hope that you haven't been farming keys from heroics, heroics don't really drop keys for w/e reasons. 320 strikes are passing out keys like hotcakes. 320 strikes also drops 385 gears(skeleton key treasure) if you're around that level just in case you didn't know because a lot of people don't know still.
I haven't been farming keys at all, I've been playing heroics for the marks and radiant boxes. I've been doing the 320's for the book as well. Yes I do know the chests are LL matching (or close to it). But honestly no, I haven't spent too much time in strikes other than nightfalls and what is required for quests, the rest of my time currently is spent raiding.