Simply put I want to get better at Trials and also Pvp in general but Trials is the priority here in terms of competitive game modes, I'm not sure anymore what the best way to test my skill and get better would be anymore, anyone have any recommendations for me?
I'm already a higher than average player in standard games usually coming in the top 3 for 6v6 games but in a competitive game mode I loose it, I cant compete and I want to change that.
Any help is appreciated and already I've thought of things like using only a primary or shotgun or sniper to try and get better with them but that's about it.
Again any help is appreciated
Thanks, Wizard
Playing 6v6 and thinking it will transfer to trials is your biggest mistake 1 game mode you run around with no regard for your own life The other that life is finite and extremely important Make a mistake in 6 v 6 oh well Mistakes in trials will be punished severely Grind elimination to get better