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originally posted in: Unsportsmanlike Behavior in PVP
10/3/2016 7:39:55 AM
Sadly this isn't just a competitive issue. I got a message tonight actually because me and my friend joined a fireteam that had started a strike. We had issues with it, since my light level was low for a heroic. And we, me and my friend, were able to communicate pretty well. However, this means some of the team communication is often missed by randoms. Thus the player who messaged me didn't know that we were coordinating for survival. I had to pass up a lot of resses, because of adds assaulting the spot, because there was no cover, to avoid the boss smashing both the resser and the ressee. People think teamwork is mostly about getting them back up, but it is also making judgment calls. This can come off as "poor playing" and this get you the same toxic behavior you see in the PVP. There are tons of good players out there, who won't risking wiping a strike or a raid, just to get a person back up under full fire. And I fear that with this behavior leeching out from the PVP players is soon going to invade the PVE too. I have also had teabaggers in strikes for that very same reason as above. Passing up a revive in order to kite mobs away or because you needed to dodge something. Then you die, and rather than res you, they would teabag your ghost and then risk death before your timer runs out. It isn't a new behavior, but it is one of the crappiest to have. And it's the same attitude that births messages calling people scrubs. I like to call this the "pooptalking" mentality of players. Some just have to dominate a game, whether it is PVE or PVP, because they cannot allow themselves to just relax and enjoy the game. So they pooptalk others to feel like their superior. Anyway, sorry for the long rant. Just had to mention this is a more wide spread issue, not just PVP. And yes, it is super frustrating.

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