We are LuCKyy and BW. We help people go flawless each and every Trials weekend
We are some of the highest ranking players in the world on PS4 and XB1
If you would like to play with us then join our live stream here: http://www.twitch.tv/luckyy_and_bw
We choose each person that we play with using a raffle. Someone is chosen completely at random
Sometimes we get people from other countries, people who are new, people who don't have a mic and we even get some young kids who win our raffle. We'll help anyone and everyone
We never know who is going to win but it makes for a fun adventure
We'll try our best to get whoever wins to the Lighthouse
Above all else our community stands for positivity, so I know you'll enjoy yourself if you come chill in our channel
That's it! Join us if you'd like and we'll see you in the Lighthouse!
My buddy and I do trials carries and account recoveries on Ps4. for more information message me on psn: TrulySavvy
Only a 366 Titan! Need help to get to lighthouse! I can hold my own, don't give fooled by the light level!
I'm a 379 Titan looking people kind enough to bring me to the lighthouse Message me on the Xbox DHG AWESOMENERD
Hi there!! iam a 385 Warlock Looking for 2 People with the New y3 scareb emblem. Last weekend I went 5x 8-0 and just wanna hit the lighthouse one time in y3. Why the New scareb emblem? Because there are alot of People that say there good and I end up with scrubs. If you, and a friend are willing to help send a game and party invite to Vat0s 1oc0s.
Looking to join a trials group for flawless! Add DarthHeisenbergx on PSN
After you get picked you get asked to pay money
Trials is back! Your future lighthouse sherpa here. Looking to help/carry people for FREE this weekend get to the lighthouse. I help 10-20 people to flawless each weekend. Rank top 300 in trials in the world. 3000+ followers on twitch I also play with 20+ people that are ranked in the top 300 in the world in trials that help me Trials 24/7 www.twitch.tv/pnutbutrjleetime Tired of getting close only to lose on your final game? Looking for tips and tricks on how to outplay your opponents? You've come to the right place. Please help me build up my twitch stream and I will continue to help people with trials every week.
Unless you can guarantee me a spot. Then it's not worth my time
363 warlock message gt aguyinthebushes to invite me
Another muted streamer.
[quote] We are some of the highest ranking players in the world on PS4 and XB1[/quote] Highest light on xbox is 330?? 🤔
Your stream is probably the best out there. Cool doods, keep it up.
Hmmmm. Decisions. Turd sandwich or Giant douche. Muted
Replying for later?
Looking for a team of 2 to do trials. I am a 355 titan
Looking to get to the lighthouse never been before fresh trials passage
So I see that you need help with flawless?If you need some help come on over to my stream! Come over to www.twitch.TV/dalekkillerhd and get your flawless year three today!I do carries and am on my way to 900 followers!Stop by and say hi and stick around for your carry!Giveaway today!
Add me if you need 1 for trials
Lvl 365 h. Trying for flawless got some flawless runns under my belt in y1 and 2. Got decent wepons Quick learner, always Calls Out stuff during The game. Shoud be able to hold mye own. But Gonna need good players to help get me There. If any body Out There could help me then message GT Ass above. Im a decent sniper. ( Just went 7-0 im a pretty chill Guy)
Honestly I've given up on people saying that they are willing to carry me for two reasons. a) They always leave halfway through and never join back up. b)Destiny is at its peak when you play with people that are actually your friends.
Look at all these scrubs....
370 titan....looking for a badass team to join on to go to the lighthouse...gt is the same send invite please
Need a group on PS4. Hunter Lvl 371 add ShadowZeroX9898
Need 1 4 trials msg OVERSOULZz 4 an inv 365+
Am a hunter light level 372 i meed to do trails please invite me or send ill invite u psn sniping305miami
Am a hunter light level 372 i meed to do trails please invite me or send ill invite u psn sniping305miami