I can't speak for everyone's opinion on this. But, the spawn effects for the exotic class items from N.M, and FWC are very noticeable. Really cool actually! And, I feel that the D.O spawn effect is really.. lack luster. I have the D.O titan mark, and warlock bond (currently not equipped) and, You can just barely notice it! And on some spawn screens you can only see it[i] if you're looking for it[/i]. The only idea for a fix I really have for this in mind, is reworking a little more black smoke into it. Or, when our guardians with one of them equipped spawn have a spiral of black smoke that our character drops out of. I mean, it's not outside of the realm of possibilities. Its purely cosmetic, i get it. I don't really expect it to be changed. Because it may not seem like a relevant enough issue to be fixed. But, it would be nice for it to have that exotic luster to it, as N.M and FWC do.
Thanks for reading guys