I was grinding Heroic strikes yesterday, in the hope of getting some good drops to bump up my light level.
I had hoped to get a Skeleton Key to hopefully finally get an Imago Loop, since I've never had one.
We reached the boss and took him down before he could go into the middle of the room as he does after you take his health down enough, and a Skeleton Key dropped!
I was like "yes, let's open the chest", and turned to do so only to be given the middle finger by the f&£king invisible wall!
Those invisible walls should disappear after you kill the boss, as the visible ones do. It was a massive troll.
I only wanted an Imago Loop, my have you forsaken me Bungl?!
That happened to me yesterday too
I died as we killed Sepiks and I had to respawn as my teammates went off to get the chest. I respawned on the wrong side of a locked door, I spectate do one of my teammates and there was a skelly key and an exotic...
Next time commit rocket suicide, you'll respawn next to the chest
If you select the strike from the directory and change difficulty to 320 you can still open chest and get 365+ gear.
I was able to get to the chest. Two -blam!-ing class items...
Hate the keys idea, it's just added grind. It was annoying for PoE and it's annoying now. I've only had 1 key drop in at least a dozen strikes, I had better RNG with just the gear dropping.
Undying Mind drops it too.
Do the keys go to postmaster?
I've used a majority of my keys on that strike, for a nice imggoo loop. I haven't had the chest give me on though. Only class items 2 at a time too. Let's go BUNGIE I'd rather be farming then just not getting items I should be getting.
It's the same if you kill him in the middle.
Same. Mine went to the post master tho
I don't even know where the chest in that room is.
Your echo chamber and my echo chamber have completely different meanings.....
Just keep it till you get undying mind imago comes from that too
Hey man, at least you have the strike.
Was so pissed when it happened to me! Another one is the bloody big shank strike it spawned the shot to roof and spun a few times then basically spawned next to me my teamates beat him and didnt revive me so i respawned basically at the start!!!!
Haha I had the same happen to me once I got the skeleton key. I had 4 keys and those shields just trolled me 3 times in a row. Finally got the chest and got an Imago but I wanted the gauntlets with either auto or scout rolls
I soloed most of the strike until someone joined halfway through. We kill the boss when he's in the middle and lo and behold, blocked by invisible wall. I can see the chest but I can't get to it. Wasted my time. Fix it bungo
Just fyi, to get around the invisible wall you just have to walk into the area you enter the echo chamber from and then go around the side
YEP, had to do the strike 2 times because I got stuck on one of the barriers
Yes, I did notice that the echo chamber can block you from the chest. Bungie should have put in the glowing center of them room.
Was the key in the postmaster? If so you can just run the normal version for the chest.
Lol. Bummer dude. Better off trying undying mind. I did it today and finally got a decent loop. The only two I've gotten prior to RoI both had shit sites, icarus and lightweight. Super disappointed. But today after costing me 3 keys and getting trolled the first 2 times with that ugly titan mark, I got a loop with sureshot rangefinder hammer forged and grenadier. Not spectacular, but sure as hell the best one I've gotten so far.
Do not fret Xbox players. There is still some hope in bungie
I've gotten every imago loop from the undying mind strike... like five times... You should try that strike.