OK, so I want to run a class file I programmed with java through a bat file. I have the first bat file,
[spoiler]@echo off
java WordGame[/spoiler]
That works.
The second one runs the first one
That works.
This is my folder setup:
----Bin (folder)
-------Scripts (folder)
----StartInterview.bat [/spoiler]
I want the "StartInterview" to run "Interview", but I also want it to work when I send the files to my friend. So I can't do "cd C:\...\Interview\bin" then "Interview", I have to find a way so the bat file reads the file in the separate folder, but doesn't require like a specific path. (If my friend uses it, then it will be in a different path) The reason I don't need a path for the others is because they are all in the same folder.
I expected batman
Batch files sometimes just don't communicate with Java correctly. Try downloading the latest version.