Those shotguns in PvP are too OP. Everyone keeps running/sliding around with their shotgun so you have no chance if you play an automatic rifle or any other weapon!
Oh absolutely, you can get sniped out of your super by one shotgun round and it's completely ridiculous.
No. Now get muted for contributing nothing to this community
Yo should be buffed
Edited by Reshsafari: 9/26/2016 9:56:07 PMI don't think they should be nerfed. But seriously, I hate all you shotgun warriors. Especially warlocks because well you can melee from 15 feet away and titans that run around with juggernaut/shotgub are just so pathetic
Edited by J1bber: 9/26/2016 7:52:03 PMYou wouldn't play hockey with a tennis racket...Get a shotgun/fusion and join the fun.
Buff all primaries across the board would be better. Shotguns are easy to use when not challenged.
Why nerf? Like really why nerf thing at this point... If your complaining about the new crucible mode ... It was kinda made for rushing shotgun players. It's a fast pace game mode. But instead of nerfing just simply buff
No ,stop making excuses for dying ,because you can't counter a weapon type .
No shotguns are fine in pvp
No, shotguns are completely worthless without a god roll on a Party Crasher Archetype. You have summoned me.
This is getting pathetic. I consistently kill shotgunners with a fusion rifle... yeah, a weapon that many players consider a handicap. Maybe you should....... spend less time looking down a scope Pay attention to your radar Check your corners When unsure what's around a corner, toss a 'nade Back pedal What i'm trying to say is.... git gud
No, because first off the shotgun user has to push the gap between you and them to even get within range of making the kill. So you allowed them to close that and gap and you deserve to be killed by one. Now if you properly knew how to counter them, we wouldn't be having this discussion.
No primaries just need a buff.