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9/25/2016 8:07:47 PM

Is there anything Bungie can do about uneven teams in matchmaking?

Matchmaking is frustrating when your team has only 4 players and the other team has 6. It means that the other team has to only work 2/3 as hard in order to beat you, whereas you have to work 1.5 times as hard in order to beat them. If some of your allies aren't pulling their weight in addition to that, a match can be rendered almost completely unwinnable no matter what you do or how good you are. I've been trying to win matches of supremacy for the scorecard, but I'm only on 5 wins so far. It's been extremely difficult for me due to a combination of my poor internet connection (my ISP has a severe case of finger-in-ass syndrome), lazy allies, uneven teams, and my own "meh" skill level (I can do good if I really concentrate, but if the rest of my team isn't contributing enough, I consider it wasted energy). In any case, uneven teams is annoying as hell and I really think it's something Bungie should look into.

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