So, not sure if this has happened to anyone else, but I would like to let Bungie know so they can fix it maybe? I just ranked up my queens wrath faction and from the package I received 2 different versions of the Cloak Of The Sixth Reign. Both look Identical but have different icons, one with the old icon and one that has the iron axe in the corner. Also, the old icon one has intellect/strength stats and the rise of iron one has no stats. Has anyone else had this happen?
Yeah my issue is I have gotten that same drop...oh I don't know...THREE RANK UPS in a row....everytime same thing the old cloak and the new armor no ship...just cloak...please tell me my rng isn't that bad and that it's a bug that bungie will fix and give people who got plagued by three months of ranking up only to be screwed over a free boost to rank up.
I got the same thing - but it appears to just be a UI issue. Comparing it against my Strength of the Pack: Strength of the Pack: Disc+35, Str+25 Int 246 Disc 306 Str 181 Then when I equip the Cloak of the Sixth Reign with Disc and Str perks: Int 246 Disc 295 Str 179 That's a difference of 11 Disc and 2 Str, not the full 35/25 of the Strength of the Pack. For whatever reason, the new Cloak of the Sixth Reign isn't showing its stats in the menus, but it is granting stats.