It should have been related to Iron banner like the trials and raid ornaments are.
Completely ruins the feeling of getting one.
Am i missing something, or isn't the Days of Iron Ornament available through the record book as well? pretty sure it is the second to last reward.
I'm sorry, but does having a small bit of fire on your armour impact the game? No it doesn't. Also, if you don't like in game purchases, go play some chess or monopoly.
And yet after all the BS bungie has pulled, somehow you and a lot of others forgot about it and decided to throw some more money at them. And now you want to complain about it!? LMFAO
Earn silver dust from heroic weekly strikes.
But Bungie needs all your money 🌬💰💰💰💰🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑👍🏻
Iron banner has a different gear set than iron lords gear. Wouldn't really make sense to have iron lords ornaments drop from that.
I'm more annoyed they made rep boosters purchasable but whatever, if they get money pumped into bungie and the outcome is more (freeish) content then I don't give a damn. Trading isn't a thing so truthfully it doesn't impact me whatsoever anyway.
Nope. It's cosmetic and you will probably get the whole set by completing the book and the ornaments are ornaments.