Add wheelertequila for the nightfall or the new raid or for farming as well
Also if anyone is interested in joining a clan hit me up and I can get something sorted.
Hunter. Needs two
Looking for 2 add tomuchgamer 357 hunter
Edited by Butter Bot: 9/25/2016 1:40:58 AM350 hunter shadow shot add me or post here I know what I'm doing
Looking for 2 who know what to do. Add tomuchgamer
355 hunter, add me in down
Edited by Zero42993: 9/25/2016 1:35:23 AM363 warlock storm caller add me Zero42993
Need 2 add me, I'm not adding you.
Omnigul farm! 350 Titan with gjall need 2 more! Hunter and warlock! Add me Yung_DCG for invite!
2 hunter 356 - 358 looking a warlock for omnigul farm. Add QuesoFresco44
349 Titan with gjall, need one more
2 hunter 356 - 358 looking a warlock for omnigul farm. Add QuesoFresco44
Have two titans with gjall, need one more for omnigal farm. Add GrimLockXIII
Need one for farm we have a tether and a stormcaller. 359 hunter
Anyone need a hunter with tether and gjallarhorn? Add: Timbread-
Doing the 320 strike need 1 HUNTER with tether add destiny89
Need 1 guy Razelighter or darkdrinker Msg me
359 Titan with Raze Lighter. Need two, at least one hunter.
350 stormcaller with gally inv Cloudnux for omnigul farm.
Need one more void hunter 350+ with mic, add bloxcrusader25 an Join
***FARMING OMNIGUL*** 350+ night stalker hunter Send friend request for inv We are on her rn in Siva crisis playlist Gt:DrinkAquafina
Edited by bloxcrusader25: 9/25/2016 12:49:27 AMNeed one more void hunter 350+ with mic, add bloxcrusader25 an Join
Looking for 1 more guy with exotic solar sword to farm Omnigul.
348 Titan with gjall
I'm a 357 night stalker hunter with exotic void sword. Looking to farm with two people for a little bit. Send me invite if u need help. Can't use my mic right now though. Thx
359 hunter with gally. Can be tether or gunslinger with nighthawk. Need two.
***FARMING OMNIGUL*** 350+ night stalker hunter Send friend request for inv We are on her rn in Siva crisis playlist Gt:DrinkAquafina