Add wheelertequila for the nightfall or the new raid or for farming as well
Also if anyone is interested in joining a clan hit me up and I can get something sorted.
Need one gt above
Need one hunter. Add motharuckajones
Need 1 hunter or warlock 350+. Must know what to do. PSN: AIRMAXbeastMODE
351 nightstalker looking for a group have I have tally or swords whatever way you wish to do it. Be 350+ add tommosgotballz
Looking to do omnigul farm 347 storm caller with gally or supercell add ogdopekilla
350 nightstalker with sword and gally. Inv XBloodSniperX
Edited by Bury McCoqiner: 9/25/2016 2:52:34 AM353 nightstalker with sword , done it before, add me psn: pushingink620 Need 1 more preferably storm caller
345 SC add me omni farm
Nightstalker looking to get his light up invite me
362 warlock stormcaller with ghorn. psn Breehyieh
Add me @HighKing1 I'm looking to farm for a while, I'm a 346 hunter with ghorn also
355 light SC add me for omnigul farming
Need 1 stormcaller and one night stalker
352 (nighthawk + raze lighter) i have done it before roi. PSN: jarsham
Need 1 Knightstalker 350+ with sword for Omnigul Farm -PS4 -add XxDoUgHnUtZxX
My psn username is iamThomasHau I am a 350 storm caller, looking for other people to farm omnigul. \(^o^)/
Need 2 stormacallers. Be at least 350 light.
Add: Timbread- If you need a night stalker with gally
Edited by reaper060290: 9/25/2016 2:12:08 AM351 Hunter w/ tether, looking to join a group for omnigul farm. Hit me up
Need 2 stormcallers. Be above 350. Add me.
Add Hefty23 at omnigul know what your doing and be 360+
Hunter need two
Need a hunter for tether add me please
Need someone that knows what they are doing and is ready to grind for a while add jacob_bratcher
Edited by HairPikNeeded21: 9/25/2016 1:49:21 AMI'm trying to farm omnigul, I am a Hunter with tether need a team add HairPikNeeded21
Hunter. Needs two