Add wheelertequila for the nightfall or the new raid or for farming as well
Also if anyone is interested in joining a clan hit me up and I can get something sorted.
Edited by Kller_BG: 9/25/2016 3:27:56 PM354 Titan kller_bg <3
354 Titan lf Omnigul to farm add Tyrannos91
354 Titan lf Omnigul to farm add Tyrannos91
Need two for farming Omnigul add iTs-AcXD. Preferably a hunter or a Warlock.
Hunter 344 i'm looking for a team , i've never try to kill omnigul before the last Riom, i got the sword max and i read a tuto :D
Need 2. Preferably 2 more hunters 1 night stalker with raze lighter and 1 hunter with x6 golden gun Add Grimkiller47
354 Titan lf Omnigul to farm add Tyrannos91
Hunter 344 i'm looking for a team , i've never try to kill omnigul before the last Riom, i got the sword max and i read a tuto :D
Lvl352 nightstalk hunter with razelighter looking for fireteam
Need 1 with storm caller for farming. Add Mbhavsar
354 Striker LF farming add Tris222
Im a 360 Titan with raze lighter and gjallerhorn looking to farm omnigul. Add me on ps4 if interested PSN:VELOSITYHD
351 storm caller with raze lighter looking to farm add. o0_doc_freez_0o
Level 358 hunter LF farm add me if interested
Titan lf omnigul farm. L_Y_C_O_S_A psn
Need 1 nightstalker E-mak-qu-lent
Need 1 farming omnigul must be stormcaller, or striker
Level 367 Titian.. Looking to join group
357 hunter with nighthawk experience d lf party
Edited by lVlidnightt: 9/25/2016 2:46:38 PMNeed 1 farming add shadow200212 stormcaller would be nice
354 Titan looking for group to farm. Haven't done the farm as of yet.
Im a Stromcaller. experienced Add: oscarherciniano
349 night stalker hunter with razor lighter looking to farm Psn silentscope5703
Need 2 to farm omnigul Psn The_Flash930
Need 1 storm caller. Add name above.
Titan lf omnigul farm. L_Y_C_O_S_A psn