Add wheelertequila for the nightfall or the new raid or for farming as well
Also if anyone is interested in joining a clan hit me up and I can get something sorted.
Looking for a hunter! I am 364 and have a 360 Titan
Need 2 Hunters or Warlocks.
If anybody needs me for the omnigul farm message me. Im a Titian
Edited by CΔM: 9/25/2016 5:17:01 PMLooking for hunter 355+ know what their doing I have 2 storm callers
Need a lvl 350+ storm caller Add: XSWAGXMLGX Im a 354 hunter with tether
Need 1 for farm. Add dcpeloso14
Edited by Momia75: 9/25/2016 5:15:14 PMLooking For a Hunter Add : Momia75
Need a storm caller that knows what he is doing add jacob_bratcher
I am a hunter with teather looking for a warlock and titan to farm omnigal. Please add xparadoxd
354 Titan lf Omnigul to farm online skilled people add Tyrannos91
Titan 353 looking for stormcaller and nightstalker
352 hunter looking for a group PSN: Jarsham
363 hunter looking for crew to do heroic omnigul strike add me: rifie_ioco12 ( the L's are i's)
Night stalker looking for will of crota omnigul farm SOCAIN
Need 1 storm caller. Add fornoni
Edited by Cloud: 9/25/2016 5:09:26 PM1 Stormcaller 356 Look for Group Add Cloud_091
351 Titan looking for a group, PNS is KKolborn
Need a storm caller that is 350+ with the ghorn or solar exotic sword add jacob_bratcher
Need one xb1 gt godlyxxxmonster
350 Hunter looking to join group SOCAIN
Edited by Momia75: 9/25/2016 4:59:55 PM364 Warlock Looking for Group Add: Momia75
Edited by Jeffrey84: 9/25/2016 4:55:12 PM355 warlock looking for group.. psn Jeffrey84
Need one to farm. Need to have a mic. Add above and join
347 Hunter looking for 2 to farm! Add spiral-paynt if intrested~ Thanks!
Need one more for omnigul grind
Edited by Cloud: 9/25/2016 4:59:23 PMWarlock 356 Look for omni Farm Group Add Cloud_091