Add wheelertequila for the nightfall or the new raid or for farming as well
Also if anyone is interested in joining a clan hit me up and I can get something sorted.
Gonna start fresh need one night stalker with raze lighter or nighthawk
352 hunter looking for 2 more to do omnigul farm for a few hours please be 350 and have a good exotic heavy to kill omnigul with psn is jamison757
Edited by Erza-Scarlet: 9/26/2016 12:57:29 AMSearch omnigul cp with a good team for farming ,Titan 369 gametag HEIKICHI26
357 nightstalker with gally looking for group. Message AwakenTheBeings
360 nightstalker looking for a stormcaller with bolt caster
346 storm caller looking for a group. Add derekstark
I can be nightstalker or golden gun if u want I have celestial. Light: 353 A_TicTac_TacTic Msg me or invite me I'll join
Anyone have omnigul cp
Giving away omnigul checkpoint be quick will be leaving in 2 min add nearbear01
Anyone has omnigul checkpoint?
Need 1 hunter with nightstalker or celestial nighthawk for Crota omnigal farming. Must have raze lighter. Gt. Callme-tort
Hunter with sword LFG add O_Lilium
Need 1 more for farming. Msg me or request
Need 1 hunter with nightstalker or celestial nighthawk for Croat omnigal farming. Must have raze lighter. Gt. Callme-tort
352 stormcaller with raze/ghallahorn add and invite ESPINOZACROSS x onmigul farm
350 Hunter with tether lfg
Level 360 titan with 360 razelighter sword ready to farm. Add me to your group
Anyone wanna farm omnigul Obey_Griiizly
Looking to farm... venomcooks
Need 2 for farm.need 1 tether and must have razelighter
350 Hunter with nightstalker or one shot golden. Have gally. Looking to farm :) add above,
Need a hunter with raze lighter
Edited by SpIcY_sYrUp: 9/25/2016 11:41:38 PMNeed 1 Must have tether and sword Add spicy_syrup Know what you're doing
Edited by PhriendlyClown3: 9/25/2016 11:42:30 PMHunter with tether Galla and sword lfg add me^^
Need 2 tethers with swords
Need 1... hunter with teether