Add wheelertequila for the nightfall or the new raid or for farming as well
Also if anyone is interested in joining a clan hit me up and I can get something sorted.
358 nightstalker with ghally looking for a group that knows what to do
Need 1 for omnigul farm
Need 1 more for omnigul farm add johntheman111 and join
Need 2 for echo chamber farm ! Add BoosieBadazz95
Need 1 for Omnigul farm. Add mbennett02
Need 2 message for invite
Need 1 @ Omnigul Checkpoint Hunter with Tether or Nighthawk Plus have heavy weapon synths
Need 2.. Msg for invite
Two hunters, need a warlock for omni farm Add dcpeloso14
Need 1 hunter PS4 add studmuffin165
350 lock, need invite
Need 1 for Omnigal farm. Add mbennett02
Storm caller 359....need invite
Storm caller here inv me gt is rn blanco
354 hunter lfg invite me!
Need 1 for omnigul farm. Add First_Killcam
Looking to farm omnigul..have gally and senthy
Need one more hunter for farm!
Add TRUELY_KOTG for farm Trying to level up second character (313 hunter with tether and gjally
349 Warlock Stormcaller, I need two people add me Studmuffin165!! Quickly
353 Nightstalker looking to farm for light. Add me krodriguez90
Need 2 guardians any class with raze lighters (preferably) with a decent light (around 360) to farm Omnigul strike. Add BananaJoe141
353 Titan LFG farm light. 320 omnigul works too, just looking to get 365. Add me: xKoufang
Im A 350 hunter or 349 warlock Will use any dependant on who joins Have either raze or Arc(if we do heroic) Need 2
360 Titan looking for group BigTime-_805_-
339 NS hunter looking to do omnigul farming. 320 strike still gives loot up to 365 light. Please have raze lighter and another hunter would be nice