Add wheelertequila for the nightfall or the new raid or for farming as well
Also if anyone is interested in joining a clan hit me up and I can get something sorted.
Looking for a spot, add Ashler_PT
Looking for one more to farm. Im 344 Titan and 374 Hunter
353 storm caller looking for 2 to farm with
Night stalker lookin to farm for a bit add same as above
352 nightstalker looking for two 350+. Not doing heroic because there is no point.
348 titan looking to farm. Using striker class. Don't have razer but can use gally as well.
Add me looking to farm 350 warlock psn saintkilljoy
348 hunter looking to farm for a couple hours
Need 2. Know what to do and have raze lighter. Add zach_reaper and join. Already started
356 warlock looking for 2 to farm omnigul add me
359 nightstalker looking to farm. Add krodriguez90
Hunter here looking to farm for a while. Know what to do and have a mic
need one hunter nightstaker for for farming add t-bo-b01
356 hunter here with tether, raze lighter, gjallarhorn and heavy synth. I know what I'm doing and communicate, just need a team. PS4: J-Foundation
Getting ready to farm Omnigul for a while, need 2 storm warlocks to join (I'm a nightstalker level 366) please know what to do and be able to put out enough damage. Add me on PSN @ KidRounin
354 hunter voidwalker/ gunslinger hunter, need a team for omnigul farm. Have gjally, and nighthawk. Add: onderdeurtje1197
352 Warlock, haven't done the farm spot yet. I have Ghally and stormcaller if needed. PSN: Joseph_Lapp_DW
352 hunter add me
Need 2 for Omnitel, I'm a warlock need one hunter rodney_starbuck
Im titan light 353 with raze lighter sword and helm of saint 14 helm looking to join to levell up add me youngthug514
need one for omnigul farm add t-bo-b01
351 titan w gally bolt cast and sleeper
Ps4 with bolt caster lfg warlock for omnigul farm
Hunter with tether and bolt caster need 2 Xbox one
Hunter with tether and bolt caster need 2
Titan looking for a group need to level up