PLEASE! Don't want to wait until next year for the sequel to get more vault space (for weapons, armor, and items) to import over (a) character(s) that haven't even finished this editions' challenges and the like and be behind most others. Know there's the whole last-gen thing, but this expansion is done with those consoles so if those consoles were the main reason users didn't get more storage (BUT STILL DID) the past couple of years, why won't there be anymore (in the near-future that this user has read about, regarding the roadmap for this) now that it finally is only supporting current-gen tech?
I understand why Bungie doesn't want to add more space. See, in loot-based games like Destiny, once you get something better then what you have, you normally get rid of it. But Bungie didn't expect collectors to keep everything that they get. Don't get me wrong, I would love more vault space. So it's a two-sided conflict. Bungie needs to realize that a good amount of Destiny players like collecting stuff, and the player base needs to realize that once we find something better, we should discard the old, outdated items.