"None other than! Fragment!"
"For this one we are in the ugh... None other than! The blast!"
"Moving along this one is in the none other than! Mission! You guessed it! Walls come down!"
"Go up, go down, it takes a while but not that long, and it's a none other than! calcified fragment."
"Next load up the none other than! Mission, the PLAGUELANDS!"
"You go around the back of this pole and it's a none other than frag-a-mint!"
"The calcified fragment..."
"The next calcified frag-a-mint is none other than 1.8"
"You guessed it!"
"Again these are in order!"
"You guessed it!"
"These are in a none other than! You guessed it! Order!"
Lol! Didn't have a clue what you was talking about then I watched the video..
None other than bump 2.7, also known as, you guessed it! "Bump!"
Haha yeah the video is good the commentary though... It's a legendary list of haiku