In court of oryx you could hold unlimited runes and just put in easier runes waiting for others, it was a pretty good system.
Now you put one in and leave, no chance for others to get in on some action, no chance to grind easy ones till someone comes to help do the hard ones.
The system where you lose the token if you fail makes this worse because you just have to go farm another one. The whole system seems designed to punish the player rather than be rewarding.
Please fix this, you shouldn't have to LFG a damn public event! Let us hold more tokens!
In other archon's forge feedback, i completely agree with the [url=]polygon review[/url] in that the mechanics feel dumbed down compared to court of oryx. Court of oryx T3 bosses had personality and were interesting and had cool mechanics (the fights were easier if you knew how to do them correctly - thalnok with the sword, the ogres mechanic and the acolytes and the safe zones/burning floor). Compared to that, the archon's forge bosses are really dry and boring - unlimited super strong mobs and limited cover. Its just kill shit, then kill a bullet sponge boss which is a normal mob with more HP with a ton of adds spawning.
Other feedback :
* Archon's forge is waaay too far inside the patrol area. We need the ability to spawn much CLOSER if we want to go there.
* New players who arrive in the zone should not need to use a splicer key to get in instead of sitting on their asses until the current event is over.
* The splicer key to re-enter mechanic just feels silly and grindy. You died? No key? Too bad for you, go farm some patrol some more...
* Drop rates of the archon forge tokens are too low, especially in the forge itself! Drop offerings much more frequently in the forge so we can stay there if we want to.
* Reward drops should be guaranteed for the player that initiated the event and possible for players who are helping with the event. Rewards should be a few points above the current character light level.
There's a lot i really like in this DLC, but so far, I really don't like the archon's forge. A similar topic to this on reddit got over 1000 upvotes :!-ing_dumb_how_are_we_meant/
What do you guys think?
Edited by Jio: 9/25/2016 6:27:51 AMThe Archon Forge should definitely sustain itself. It's so much fun with 6 on there. The splicer key barrier is really annoying, but they should either remove it or have splicer keys drop like crazy while playing in and near forge. Everyone should get rewarded with something. I had one round where we ALL got legendary loot and everyone started dancing. It happened at least three times in the hour we spent together. It may not be complex, but it is fun as hell. The small arena, the music and the tension just create the most metal atmosphere. You get straight to the point, kill and don't get killed. I love it.
Event is fun but being able to hold one offering at a time is really stupid.
Over 2000 kills now in the gaylands. Still no siva offerings. Every time I go to the forge there's nobody even playing it. Shit is stupid
Nice feedback, there should be a spwan there. And only able to hole one token, is not really fair!
Bump its also stupid the one who actually puts in keys gets nothing in return.
Bump. Hell ya the fact that you can only hold 1 at a time and can't even stack them in your vault and the drop rate on them is ridiculous and the part of dying then getting spawned outside of it is so lame man archons forge 👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎
Absolfknlutely. Htf am I ever going to get anything done if I'm not super lucky catching a mass group in the pos. Only one time I was able to use an offering and there was people to help, another did drop bit before I used it the 8 people in there all left. Seems lame ...if I could have more than one I would try it on my own but for some reason I can't get a blue one to drop because I'm holding the fkin hard one. No fun and Everytime I log on I roll by hoping there will be a small crowd. Bit its empty 95% of the time so far.
Completely agree with all of this. Even something as simple as a notification like the public events like "Archons Forge is being Challenged"
It's laughable how dead the archons forge has been this week because of the low drop rates and lack of ability to hold more than a single offering on your person. The court of oryx has been packed with guardians grinding Eris rep. Underwhelmed and so far disappointed with the dlc...I'll make my final judgement once I've completed the raid.
Ok - old
Thanks for taking the time to write this up. I have passed your feedback along to the devs who worked on Archon Forge. -
Had my first real go in the forge last night. between me and other that were in there we ripped off ten straight, got credit for them in my book. noticed the offerings would drop for at least someone so you could keep going. having a bubble boy helps
Edited by DeusFever: 9/21/2016 7:59:20 PMI was hoping Archon's Forge would be a destination from orbit, to solve the ghost town problem Court of Oryx had. Instead Archon's Forge is a miles away from the spawn zone. Good luck finding randoms. I'd love to say we play for fun and we should play Archon's Forge because it's a fun game mode, but looking for SIVA offerings is not fun. Also, I'm want to run the new raid for fun on Friday, and I need to reach the recommended light level in the next two days. As pointed out elsewhere, the strike playlists are currently the best source of loot for leveling up. Archon's Forge can't compete with strikes unless Bungie increases the drop rates for SIVA offerings, lets Guardians hold more than one at a time, and signals other Guardians when the Forge is active.
I agree with much, but I think I have some more sensible ideas. 1. EITHER it needs to be very obvious from spawn the forge is active, OR we need to spawn MUCH closer and it still needs to be partially obvious. 2. The ability to hold more than one offering MUST be fixed. Cap it at 5 for each level? 3. The drop rate of offerings needs to be bumped. I recommend bumping it by 10% in patrols, and by 30% in the forge itself. That or bump it by 25% all around. If you want us to play this, we need more accessibility!! Loot. 1. He who offers needs a guaranteed drop, even for a fused it should be at minimum rare with higher light level. Perhaps tier the rewards so armor come on lower tiers but helmets and artifacts come from perfected offerings. Like wise with weapons for the new sniper. 2. Random drops from participating need to stay with above above change. 3. Needing a key to get back in IS FINE!!! But maybe add the drop rate/possibility of getting them inside the forge. Other thoughts. 1. The feel of the fight is fine as well, I see no need to complain about flavor of boss fights. 2. Increase patrol sizes? If you don't increase the accessibility as described above, we need to be able to manufacture it ourselves. 3. Loot chest? Let us pick rewards like at factions? 4. You described being able to take potshots from the outside of we could bot join event way back when over the summer. I don't see this opportunity anywhere.
It was a awesome system.
Wanted to write nearly 100% the same text! Thx for doing my work.
Just like the dumb scoring adjustment to CoE a while back. The forge was clearly designed to limit solo play. Bungie has a hard on for Fireteams. The whole LFG for everything is getting freaking old now.
the only thing i would add is that you should be able to run back in if you die... getting killed by doing a solo (cause heaven forbid ANYONE ELSE ACTUALLY DO THE EVENT) run and having 5000000 90-95% damage suicide shanks (that they give you a MELEE artifact to deal with), loosing your offering, and having to go grind a new one just to have it happen again is pure and total nonsense. they either need to turn the freaking dial down on enemy spawns (especially the exploding shanks) or let you have more than 1 death, at the moment it feels waaaaay too lop sided and gear has been dropping at 350 or less, meaning its barely worth putting up with the difficulty to get gear.
What are you guys doing to get your light up fast? I hit 340 and now I've totally slowed down. I've done my quests, Including the khvostov and gjallahorn.
I agree. The entire screams "GO PLAY THE GAME! PLEASE! PLAY LOTS, GRIND LOTS!"
Bump! Reevaluate please!!
I'd be set if they let us carry one of each tier.
Edited by Dampfanator: 9/22/2016 6:00:45 PMI really don't like The Archon Forge...such a failed concept. Sad part is this is their second time trying it and they didn't do anything to approve the playability of it. Worse than Court of Oryx and the place is always empty... at least the court was always busy the first month or so.
I feel this… and coupled to it is the weekly Shiro bounties require you to do specific types of encounters to progress. I'm sitting at 3/4 captain encounters, killing shanks, servitors, dregs vandals. With no idea when I'll get a captain encounter. I've done at least 25 encounters. There was randomness, in T1 and T2 CoO but it didn't matter because runes were abundant and you needed to do multiple to progress to the next tier. So it worked out, and the only thing tied to tier 2 combos were the calcified fragments. Archon's Forge feels aimless and because of it the weekly bounties end up feeling like a cheap ploy to get you to grind content that doesn't have much going for it. I feel like green offerings should stay the way they are, giving you a slaughter house of fallen to murder. But I would like the higher tiers to have some actual mechanics to them. And I would like to see the requirements for specific encounters to be removed from the bounties. It seems unnecessary. Just dial up the number to 6 random completions. And if you actual mechanics to the event, have a bounty for kill a weekly named mob that spawns in higher tiers.
I like you need a key to get in after it's started or if you die. I also like that you lose the offering (note the name) even when failing. But the offerings need to drop more
I used a Green Offering last night (level 320) ... dropped down into the pit .... annnnnnnnnnd nothing! No event started and I lost my offering. A friend put in his blue offering, the even started and about 2 minutes in we both died ... by the time we got back into the room (using a splicer key) the even despawned and neither of us received anything.