I have wasted too much time, spamming my god damn button to install the update on my PS4. I have 41.23 GB free, and it won't do shit. It goes to 3%, and fails. Every single -blam!-ing time. I nearly broke my controller. So now because of bungies dumb ass updating system, I can't play rise of iron, and I don't know if I ever will. That sounds a little overdramatic, but I've been trying to do this for 6 hours. [i][b][u]SIX GOD DAMN HOURS[/u][/b][/i] I've been spamming the same button. I've reset my PS4, more times then I can count, and I've restarted my internet several times. WHAT THE -blam!- BUNGIE! I need help, or BUNGIE needs to get their shit together.
Edited by itzeMeR: 9/20/2016 3:31:13 PMI been at 10% for since the morning Oh well. Looks like ill play rise of iron friday. This is pissing me off. Looks like bungie cant launch a game properly. Nvm as soon i said this it jumped from 10% to 55% and no we up to 60%