If I post in the wrong place, please tell me where to post this, I'm not used to these forums.
So I haven't played Destiny for a while and wanted to pick it back up. Of course I'm [b]light level 309[/b]... and it feels like I'm in some kind of Limbo because I don't know what to do that'll help me level up. I guess being such a low level is really a downer and it kinda kills all the fun in this game for me. I know doing the raid (even on normal) will help, but I've only seen people wanting to do raids with [b]320+ light level[/b] people...
p.s. I suck at tags
I asked this same question and honestly, ROI will have higher items dropping so there is no point in raising in such a hurry if your 300+. Just doing the story will probably boost you up quite a bit.
Farm exotics, rank up factions to get packages, play Challenge of elders, or get strike exclusives. Rise of Iron is tomorrow so it'll be easy to raise your light.