Can I have someone carry me through the missions as soon as it launches? I had my characters deleted a week ago and my light level can't go any further than 258 at this point.
Add: PandaEatinHuman
I had to start a week ago as well 315 light there's no excuse
add me ill help you psn holkiebolkie im waiting now for the update
Oh shit and you have a ton of grimore too that must of really sucked sorry about that
Just add me on PSN
That sucks are you ps4 if so them I'll add u, also who deleted you characters was it like that kid in year one with Kermit the frog?
Edited by PandaEatinHuman: 9/19/2016 5:51:36 PMYeah it was kinda like that but hacked lol. Vault and everything GONE. Add: PandaEatinHuman (PS4)
Ok well I have school so I'm on not that often during the day
But after school I'm on s lot