And all through the land,
Players edged their factions,
And saved their engrams
They booked days off work,
Some called in sick,
Some took holidays,
But time off was taken by hook or by crook,
Beers where being chilled,
Popcorn was being warmed,
And the enemy's lined up ready to be killed
Now players entered the game,
With hope and wonderment,
Hoping things would be different,
And not just the same
The players are ready,
Let battle commence,
And lets play nice and steady
So Don't go to fast
and don't burn out
Or you will be back on this forum
All salty and aghast!
This poem isn't that fine
It's not as good as the OP'S
But thank you for reading
For this rhyme is mine
Brilliant. Came expecting funny. Found legend.