The legacy engrams were pointless from the get go. The legacy engrams provide absolutely no use and they're a complete waste. I would much rather xur sell an engram like he did in Y1 that had a chance to give useful equipment.
Edit for those who aren't bright: Why do you "need" legacy engrams? They serve no purpose other than collection. They aren't viable weapons for things that require higher light level. Your argument is missing points.
Yea they are kinda useless. If you want y1 weapons and armor you can get it from CE and VoG. Both have at least two chances at exotics.
Are you stupid? If you get a legacy exotic you can buy the current, relevant, year version off the kiosk.
If this was done it would be the only way that I would get the Jade Rabbit (I'm on PS4).
Ok, and then the moment I hit 380-385 light I will use some of my 1200+ strange coins to make the game easy mode for myself and upgrading. Just leave it as it is, most of the weapons will likely come through quests again, which is a nice change, and that makes weapon engrams pointless.
It's not y3 yet
No more Xur'ing your way through the game
I'm going to need the legacy engrams because scrumgie said my main account isn't transferable, now I am back on PS4 from the ground up after being a loyal Bungie and Microsoft consumer since 2004.
Selfish elitist prick. I still need a few yr1 guns. If xur stops yr1 legacy then I'm screwed. Dont care for you or if you dont need legacy endgrams. Plenty of ppl still do.
He alternates between a weapon and an engram m8
Yes please! I'm sick of legacy engrams