As you all already know, the [b][u]Owl Sector[/u][/b] is an ARG released by Bungie to incorporate a new buff system to encourage players to play more Destiny and increase their Vanguard/Crucible/etc. Reputation gains. They are also known as Space AIDS, Space STDs, Space Disease, etc. Here's the gist of it and the basics to what you need to know about them:
- Once you catch a buff ([b]Brilliance 3.2[/b], [b]Glory 2.1[/b], [b]Splendor 2.6[/b], [b]Magnificence 2.0[/b], and/or [b]Fortitude 3.1[/b]), you will gain a [u]bonus in Reputation gains[/u]. The more of you have, the more bonus XP you gain. How much of a bonus you gain from each one, I haven't calculated it yet.
- Some people have gotten it without playing with others who don't have the buff, but this was more the case when the ground zeroes of the event started. Now, [u]if you play with other Guardians who have already been infected, you can potentially transmit their buffs[/u] (more or less).
- It is still a question of whether or not they stack with Reputation Boosters (Vanguard/Crucible/House of Judgment). So far, I've been stacking, but I can't tell if there's a difference. If someone could clarify on this, that would be great.
[b]Can I get the rest of the buffs even if I'm already infected with only 1-4 buffs?[/b]
Yes, you [b][u]CAN [/u][/b] get more buffs if you play with others who (supposedly) have the other buffs that you don't have. For example,I had all 5 and played in private matches with people who already had one or two. After a few games, they all transmitted all 5 buffs after killing me (or others) who already had all 5 buffs, or collecting my orbs.
[b]Is there a way to further increase my chance to transmit a buff?[/b]
There seems to be an RNG (random number generator) for transmitting the buffs from someone who already has them, whether it be killing them in Crucible, or collecting their Orbs from them in Strikes. You just have to keep on playing either playlists with others who already have the buff(s).
[b]What's the best way to catch these Space AIDS?[/b]
If you're a PvP Guardian, [u][b]Private Matches[/b] seems to be the most efficient way of transmitting the buffs.[/u] Just set the settings to [b]Mayhem Clash[/b], have your teams ready, and have your teammates pick up your Orbs or kill your opponents who (should) already have the buffs. Bannerfall seems to be the easiest place to find each other in the middle area and just Super one another. Coordinate kills to your liking.
Or if you're a PvE Guardian, play the [b][u]Taken War Heroic Strike[/u][/b] playlist constantly and grab as many Orbs as you can. Despite the numerous Defender Titan "protection" joke that's going around, all Orbs have a seemingly small chance of transmitting the buffs from that Guardian.
[b]How long do I have these Space AIDS? Forever? God I hope so because the upsides are wonderful![/b]
I have no idea and I have yet to figure that out when I log back on Destiny tomorrow. It may last until Rise of Iron launches, but you may reconsider it being an overall good thing. Check my story theory for more information: [url][/url]
That is all for now. Prepare to become an Iron Lord when [b][u]Rise of Iron[/u][/b] launches on [b][u]Tuesday, September 20th[/u][/b]. Horde those Engrams, collect those Legendary Marks, make peace with Eris about her ship, and watch those tech mites.
If you have any more information on how the buffs work, please comment below.
Its Space Aids!!