The Skyrunner is an all-terrain dune buggy that is also capable of true flight. Goes from 0 to 60 in about four seconds, has a max speed of up to 115mph, and can reach heights of up to 15,000ft. While airborne, it is capable of traveling at about 55mph, and has a cruise distance of up to 200 nautical miles. It costs upwards of $100,000. This information varies based on different models.
Pilots can be licensed to drive the Skyrunner with only 12 hours of mandatory training. And, as a light airsport vehicle, this can be flown in (according to what I've read) more than 90% of all airspace.
Hope the god flying cars, like "back to the future", never happen. The amount of bad drivers now is beyond staggering. Now you want some one flying above you, texting, doing makeup, drunk or whatever. Yeah, how about No.