I'm a rather new player to destiny and consider myself to be a slightly above average player in the crucible, still nowhere near the level as some of the more experienced players but that is the reason why I'm looking to join a clan that can help me grow and learn as a player, with Private Matches now in Destiny, playing as part of a team with other players or even just being able to 1v1 others would be a great way to improve not only individually but also as a team. If anyone's willing to give me the chance to prove myself and is willing to help me improve by sharing their own knowledge and tips I'd really appreciate it.
[https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/1686476] New clan for the xbox one looking for new members.
Clan name: Godz Of Destiiny Clan tag: GOD clan motto: we keep it crucible mofukaz! We are a starting crucible based clan with only 3 clanmates and 8 memeber. Anyone can be a memeber but to be part of the clan you must meet the requirements. I will be having private pvp matches to see if you got what it takes to be a clanmate. We are laid back when playing for fun but when it comes down to trialz or last minute bounties and iron banner we will sweat our arses off! No losing just winning! anyone is welcome to join the group! And if you meet the requirements you will be promoted and carry our clan tag! Clanmates will be helping memeber to better their skillz in private pvp matches so come and join us! For we are godz of destiny! (Xbox only)
Hey, We're a bunch of friendly people looking to expand our clan with some like minded people. We get things done but we also like to have a laugh at the same time. We usually play mainly afternoons and nights pretty much every day. We're willing to help out with whatever you need. PvP,PvE, strikes, quests, etc This is our link if you want to check us out https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/1646883
you can join my clan We are the wolfpack, im not the best player in the world but you can check my stats and see for yourself im down to help you and do 1v1's.
Check us out at http://www.xallegiancex.com/ 1200+ members PS4 side and around 80 XB1 members(we just opened our clan a few weeks ago to XB1). We don't bail on anyone and love to help get people to the light level they want to achieve!! We have very experience clan members as well as new ones. Play everything the game has to offer from year one raids to kings fall(right now) we will be ready to run the new one that is coming in a few DAYS. We run lots of PvP including sweaties and Trials of Osiris. Tell them RainMaker02 sent ya! I am one of the admins, if you have any questions feel free to shoot me a message. PSN: RainMaker_02 XB1: xRainMaker02x