Just wondering.
[spoiler]Enclosures should be safe spaces[/spoiler]
Sodium. Rage. Venom. Fury. Bile. Hate. Salt. Harambe. Sparrow fuel can't melt plastasteel plating. Nerfs. Hunters suck. -titans Titans suck. -Hunters Warlocks rock. -warlocks Bungie's lies. Balancing is good. Balancing is bad. Paper is OP, scissors are balanced. -rock Deej doesn't know how to destiny. 1v1s. Ships shaders n shite. Morton's iodized table salt. Troll posts. Troll bait. Troll polls. Burritos OP Bungie please nerf. Sbmm is stage 5 werewolf aids. Proper teabagging etiquette. K/D matters. K/D doesn't matter. Lag. L aaaaaaaa aaa g! Salt.