Why Lord Saladin walks around wearing a cape and I can't
I agree 100% When I think of a Titan I think Roman / Greek / (sometimes) Viking... Mainly the Greek / Roman... And think of how Greek Spartans and Roman Legionaries had a cape / cloak. In conclusion... Bump
[url=https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/I2Gzh0xnHK_uVtafZdgAeRuBSYAuFB15_EjYCfyPawksaAwCaeCatOWNKV-v8JDX2NOKPK3Tjg=w1920-h1080-no]Really? Wish this was a real feature...[/url]
Because Saladin is the mighty Iron Lord boss. You are just an insignificant little Titan peasant. Not even worth cleaning his boots from wolf shit with your tongue. No offense.