My other niche with this is the part where the exo stranger states "no I was not forged in light". I could be wrong but I was under the impression that the traveler was the one who forged the exo-guardians. If this is true, how did she know the process to forge "ascendant-exos"? If not forged in light, than it must've been darkness right? Why resort to that extreme of a measure? Where was she able to attain such darkness?How was she able to forge HERSELF via the darkness?
It doesnt have to be darkness if its not light....she might as well be created in the void which is light as well as darkness......remember the reef? It lingers BETWEEN light and darkness.....
Exos were built by Clovis Bray in the golden age. Forged in light means she was not created from the light the traveler put in ghosts at the collapse that now inhabits guardians. Your ghost says "are you a guardian?" And she says "no"
A docter called "Shim" also created something that was not invented with the use of light....there's a reason you envounter her at venus right before the library where the computer welcomes you as "dr shim".....