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Edited by A Rising Wind: 9/15/2016 1:08:23 AM

The identity of the Exo Stranger is......

Chioma Esi, Ishtar scientist. Her lover, Maya Sundaresh, is generally the most popular candidate but I believe is incorrect. And I’ll explain why. But for those not familiar with the concept of why Maya could be the exo stranger, I’ll show the logic on why both her and Chioma are the likely candidates, then explain why Chioma is the more likely of the two. “I was not forged in light”. Right from the in game cut scene. The exo stranger is not a guardian, so that eliminates the candidate pool pretty heavily. We also know that Exos were once humans, and it is reasonable to conclude that female exos were female humans, and male exos were male humans. Cayde was a human male before becoming an exo. So we are looking for human females, which narrows the list further. Next step, from Rasputin 4. Now I am 100% sure this card is a conversation between our friendly neighborhood warmind, Rasputin, and our topic of discussion, the Exo Stranger. From that card, a few key words: “…and you’re certainly not MINE, although once you must have been…” So what Rasputin is saying here, is that he did not play a role in the exo stranger’s creation as a time traveler. But the “once you must have been” statement indicates Rasputin’s role in the creation of the exos. So he is basically saying, I helped create the Exos, but you are something different that I wasn’t a part of. There is something else he means by “not MINE”. Rasputin assumed control of the Exo’s before the collapse, so in order for the Exo stranger to exist as an Exo, but not be Rasputin’s pin points a time frame in the Golden Age in which the exo stranger must have been created not only as an exo, but also have her time traveling abilities. The Exo Stranger existed before the collapse. So human female from the golden age is where we look. Maya and Chioma are among the few known characters that meet that requirement (General Chen Lanshu is another, Old Russia 3, but it can’t be her because Rasputin had already taken control of the Exos by that point). Both were heavily involved in the golden age Vex research on alternate timelines/realities, so that uniquely positions them as being intimately familiar with the very thing the Exo Stranger can do: time travel. They were the ones who uploaded 227 copies of themselves into the Vex network (along with two other scientists). And we know from Cayde’s journal, that in his early days as an Exo, he knew Maya, so she was aware of the Exos. Maya was doing research on the Device, which is the one that lets people view other timelines. So female, check. Golden age, check. Familiar with Exos, check. Timeline researcher, check. And at the end of the Vex 5 card, Maya personally enters the Device. She makes a lot of sense. Except she is not the Exo Stranger. She is not because: 1) She wasn’t an exo when she entered the device. 2) The device doesn’t allow time travel, just allows people to view other timelines. So why does Chioma make more sense? Read the first few lines of Vex 5, Maya was sending her log notes to Chioma. So reading those notes, Chioma would have known that Maya put herself in the machine and that it probably killed her. And that the reason Maya entered the device was she was looking for one of those 227 copies of Chioma in another timeline out of loneliness, since they had been apart so long. Also, Chioma is noted as working on another project, somewhere far away, called Hyperion. There is no discussion anywhere in grimoire about what the Hyperion project is. But we know Bungie likes easter eggs, and Hyperion is a popular sci fi novel about….. Time travel. Possibly? So Chioma, upon finding out that her lover, her wife actually, entered the device looking for her, would be uniquely positioned with the technology (Hyperion if my speculation is correct), the motivation (find her wife), and the equipment (Exo technology) to fix it. What I think happened is Chioma in finding out Maya was gone, took on an Exo form (recognizing from her previous Vex research and from Maya’s logs, that the human mind was too weak to survive the time travel) and used her Hyperion project to go find Maya in time. I made another post about the Exo Stranger 2 card. One thing that is interesting about that card that I didn’t touch on in that post, is that the tone of all the journal entries isn’t “I’m a badass, veteran, time traveling warrior here to push back the darkness”, which is the way she comes across in the in game cut scenes. The entries are like she is just coming to learn about the darkness, the Hive, the Vex, and how they all inter relate. As if that is not the reason why she was traveling through time, but more like something she started to discover [i] after[/i] she started traveling through time. I think it is because fighting the darkness is not the original purpose of the Exo Stranger. It was originally because she was looking for Maya. Now for some true speculation on my part. I think as Chioma sought out Maya, she started to experience what the people who entered the device saw: everything ending in darkness. In time, her purpose changed. I think it changed because she encountered someone else who was very interested in the Vex and the darkness, Osiris. I think they allied together and are still working on stopping the darkness. I do think Chioma found Maya by the way. Maybe one of the 227 Chioma’s had met one of the 227 Mayas, and the Exo Stranger Chioma let them be and answered the higher purpose (fighting the darkness). Or maybe since the darkness always won, Chioma realized she had to stop the darkness to save Maya. Regardless, this is why I believe Chioma is the exo stranger. She meets the grimoire requirements and has the motivation. And lastly, her personality seems to fit better too. Maya seemed too…timid. But as they say in Vex 4, as the escaped the Vex simulation, Chioma is the leader.
#Destiny #lore #ARW

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  • Edited by bobswerski: 9/15/2016 3:12:54 PM
    I'm not convinced that Maya was killed by the device, that's easily the biggest hole in this theory and requires a much larger leap than having the stranger be Maya. She obviously left the notes behind on purpose, they weren't just found, so you are making the assumption that she went on a suicide mission into the device instead of leaving the facility like she explicitly says she plans to do: [quote] I’m resigning... I can’t take this journal out with me, so I’ve left it for the others, and asked them to continue the log.[/quote] We already know that Maya experimented with/built time travel devices and would therefore be as knowledgeable as anyone (and hardly timid about doing so). No such evidence exists about Chioma doing that kind of independent research, though admittedly I don't know what was going on at Hyperion. Maya's questioning about the implications of time travel are also cited in the hunter cloak "The Ishtar Dilemma"(small aside, while not a guardian, the Stranger certainly has a hunter character model.), further cementing a picture of the type of person who would make herself into The Stranger to, in her own words, [quote]"....bring something back to now. Something you needed." "Or go forward and learn something vital. If you knew how to control it, how to navigate across space and time"[/quote]

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    6 Replies
    • Am I the only person that's never seen a Grimoire card or even knows absolutely nothing about the 'story' despite being a day 1 player ?? I just came for space magic and to shoot stuff[b][/b]

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      7 Replies
      • Nah. We all who the stranger actually is... [spoiler]JOOOOHHHHNNNN CEEEEENNAAAA!!!!!![/spoiler] [spoiler]Nahhh, nah-nah-naaaaaaah!!![/spoiler]

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        5 Replies
        • I find it amazing how some of you guys get so into the storyline. I read about half and then was thinking... I don't even know who or what a exo stranger is... So i stopped.

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          • This seems probable. Nice theory!

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          • Good read, thanks for taking the time.

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          • does this not also point that we are in a vex sim right now as indicated by the 'strangers' presence? Or is my conclusion lacking subjectivity? [spoiler]I can't be the only one here who thinks to themself "Come Alice, Let us see how deep the rabbit hole goes..." every time one delves into the Vex grimoire and speculation, Right???[/spoiler]

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          • Is it bad that I brought this game 3 months after release and I have no idea who Maya and Chioma are? Hmmmm I think maybe I should read the Grimoire a bit more 🤔

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            17 Replies
            • The exo stranger woke up rasputin right?

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            • I love this kind of stuff! Good idea =) Better than my idea that she was a toaster hit by the All Spark when someone was watching the ancient pre-Golden Age classic "Transformers" and the Holocast was too real...

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            • [b]Need your K/D boosting? Or want to get diamond ELO? Or just wanna get more wins in the crucible?[/b] If you're not the best a PvP go [url=]HERE[/url] it might help you out [spoiler]sorry for spam[/spoiler]

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            • Which card mentions they're lovers?

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              1 Reply
              • Interesting theory. I thought it was pretty heavily implied that the Stranger was older than the Golden Age? I thought she had seen the pattern of the Dark chasing the Traveler over and over and was trying to break the pattern by helping the Guardians. It's been a while since I've looked through the lore, so I could very easily be wrong. I love some of the connections and deductions you make though, so I hope your theory pans out!

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              • Exo Stranger is Princess Zelda

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              • Dang. You wrote all that. I didn't even read it because it doesn't matter. You could have done something more productive like make breakfast but whatever.

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                15 Replies
                • 1
                  Her identity is toaster

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                • She is Maggie Greene and what we are playing is what's left of the world after Rick kills all the Zombies.

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                • TL;DR and inaccurate at the same time. Everyone knows the Exo Stranger is the sentient entity that was once popularly known as Lindsay Lohan.

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                  3 Replies
                  • Post like these keep me interested in the game. Thank you !!!

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                  • no it's Maggie.

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                  • Some good thinking here, but some very broad assumptions and drawing a couple of long bows. Vex 5 also records all of Maya's experiences with the machine, which means we can assume it didn't kill her. Those events also take place years after the events on Venus, so very difficult to determine if she was human or Exo here without some more timeline detail, and more importantly, detail of how these human consciousnesses were built into Exo frames. Her attitude in cutscenes is subjective but she appears very critical and analytical. Happy to run in the face of danger rather than bad assing her way through a wave of enemies. It is clear that maya has a strong relationship with the FWC, it is probable that her work led to its foundation. The Exo stranger 2 card also takes the same format as the journal maya started in vex 5. Exo 2 seems to suggest she is searching for someone or something capable of taking the fight to the darkness, possibly why she engaged with us in the first place.

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                    2 Replies
                    • I love those posts, you lore guys are amazing. Keep it coming!

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                    • I know who the exo stranger really is. She is [spoiler]another universes Xylar[/spoiler] Duh,duh, duh!

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                    • Interesting theory except that, from the in game tone and the cards themselves the Exo stranger has already seen the outcome of the battle with the darkness countless times before. She's not looking for her wife or anything like that but, is instead looking for a timeline where the light wins so that she can presumably take the knowledge of how to win back to her own reality. She skips realities within the time stream but, always goes to the point in time (within those realities) where she has managed to ascertain a turning point in the war against the darkness occurs. One such point is when you "Go down into the pit" upon finding the dead guardian at the gates to Crota's temple. She likely plays a more important role in the story in Destiny 2 given that you have clearly gotten so much further than any of her previous observations. She is basically curious as to what is so different about you. In the other timelines, due to variations in such things as who the ghost revived, how you discovered the temple, your fuzzy logic in dealing with the same situations in a slightly different but, significant way. All of these things have meant that you have succeeded and become more powerful where the others she observed got cut down, went into the pit and didn't return etc. etc. As for her identity. That depends on who occupied which role in her reality. She could easily be Maya, she could have not chosen to marry in her reality etc. etc.

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                    • Interesting theory!!

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                    • No, it's SYLOK, THE DEFILED! [spoiler]Sorry, I had to do that. I just had to. [/spoiler]

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