But whining about someone whining about other people whining is, as you may have guessed, being a dumb little shit.
[quote]But whining about someone whining about other people whining is, as you may have guessed, being a dumb little shit.[/quote] But he wasnt...
Observing somebody for what they're doing, and calling them exactly what they are, isn't bitching. Go back to tumblr.
You must be one of the people who do it then because he was quite literally making an observation. If you're triggered by it he was probably talking about you.
"Making an observation" He outright calls OP a "whiny complaining bitch." Which, by extension, he is, I am, and you are currently.
>When you don't know what an observation is
So his "observation" is different from the original post in what way? He's whining about OP whining about people whining.
You're pretty inept if you couldn't see the anger seeping from the op when he made this post. Didn't detect a hint of it from this comment. It was quite literally describing the OP. Not sure why it made you so salty.