Just what the hell? Like seriously this is the shit I wake up to and see on Twitter. Not only is this ignorant as hell but it's completely disrespectful to all those that lost their lives that day. All the service men and woman who went in to the crumbling tower to save as many as they could.
Edited by Karma: 10/16/2016 7:04:18 AMI want to remind negroids(my race) that our ancestors kept slaves of caucasians, east asians and Arab-Semites since 5000 BC. Yet somehow this is worse
Goddamn... I hate the bitching and complaining of "racial oppression". Yes, I am white. And people might think I have no room to talk.... But seriously, the racial issue pretty much ended mostly around when the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was signed. [spoiler]i said mostly, not entirely.[/spoiler]
Don't open if easily triggered by an edgy meme. [spoiler]What's the difference between 9/11 and a cow?[/spoiler] [spoiler]You can't milk a cow after 15 years [/spoiler]
Another American being Anti-American, same cheese, new day.
Edited by Doctor Electric: 9/15/2016 12:52:54 PMA racist mind is a racist kind
We should raid twitter
You wake up with Twitter, you're gonna have a bad time...
It's sad that 18k people are just as stupid as her.
Does she like think that only white people died on 9/11?
Edited by uknownsoulja: 9/13/2016 7:30:40 AMWhen you get easily offended, the terrorists win. #PCmasterrace #playonwords
Imgur keeps crashing i cant use it ;-;
Edited by Kainz: 9/21/2016 8:25:14 PMWe have
Black racists don't like September 11th because it takes attention away from their "muh oppression" narrative.
Lmao cuz all the dumb asses who served satan after the 911 ritual don't deserve shit for being idiots who fell for a fake inside job satan ritual
That tweet got 17K likes and 17K retweets....
Hoes like this just disrespect us blacks by making everyone hate us
Yeah she's a -blam!-. I saw that too
Now what will people hate her for most? Being black, a woman, or having an opinion?
Edited by kerrick2: 9/13/2016 10:42:42 PMOn the next episode of the internet ruined my life "that 1 fu[b]c[/b]king tweet" Edit on side note can someone please teach her math USA hasn't been around 300 years and racial oppression has been going around for thousands of years
Karma will track her down one day.
Wtf? As if only white people died on 9/11. Islamic terrorists don't care what color you are. If you don't subscribe to their beliefs you're a target.
"People died in a tragic event and people are mourning over it? Let me just make this about racism."
[b][u]Obligatory Parody Disclaimer[/u][/b]
But bush......
Another fine example of how Black people are their own worst enemy.
Hey, let's all be honest, if 9/11 had been a cow, you would've stopped milking it by now. It's tragic, it really is, but that was 15 years ago people. Let it go. Let the people who died that day rest in peace, rather than have a constant mourning so long after their deaths.