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Dojo Bio Page

This is the dojo official bio page! Feel free to copy your stuff from the old group and post it here if you need to. If you are new, make your bio here! What is a bio?: You Bio describes who your character is and what they can do. Upon joining, please make a bio for your character. Before making your character, know that olden day characters(such as medieval characters) will likely be trumped by superior technology as well as future tech. The dojo is based in the present day. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO HAVE EACH CHARACTER TESTED. ONLY ONE. [spoiler]If you are bugged by the dojo posts. You have a mute button. Use it. It's much faster than you making a post showing a lack of intelligence to use a mute button![/spoiler]
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  • [b][i][u]FORTIS[/u][/i][/b] Name: Fortis Age: A few millennia Height: Ten feet tall Appearance: Race: Mechonus (Not actually a real thing) Weapons: Two pulse pistols with burst fire, a sniper, a rocket launcher, a flamethrower, a rifle that fires very powerful Lasers, a sword that is made of metal on the inside and laser on the outside, a shield made of an unknown alien metal, his wings (each feather is as sharp as a blade), and rocket launchers that come out of his shoulders. Armor: His armor is part of him. He can't take it off. Backstory: Fortis was, and arguably still is, a great tactician. He not only gathered an army of over one billion soldiers, he also conquered several galaxies. His military genius made him quite popular around the galaxy once, but he was defeated by an unknown force. The crushing defeat not only took Fortis's army and land, but his sanity and parts of his memory as well. The one thing that still drives him is rising up and defeating the unknown force that defeated him long ago, which he believes will restore his sanity and memory completely

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  • Edited by Weeaboo Of War: 9/3/2017 3:15:10 AM
    "[i]I didn't believe, at first. Until I saw that man come back to life like nothing.. forehead split into two, blood pouring out, his entire head like a shattered glass. Then it just.. mended, I guess?[/i] [i]Whatever it was.. it was real. And that's what turned me.[/i]" ----------------------------- [b]Name/Alias[/b]: Ardain Storm, bаstard of House Ebryn, "The Red Priest of Tatakai", "Ard" [b]Age[/b]: Probably in his early thirties or so, yet maintains a certain youthfulness. [b]Gender[/b]: Male, I'm sure. [b]General Appearance[/b]: To the ladies, well.. even though he's somewhat old, Ardain manages to keep his good looks, from whomever his father may have been. The bаstard stands at a remotely average height of five feet and eight inches tall, his bodily frame contrasting with previously mentioned handsomeness, as it it almost portly, in a way, though he is quite skinny too. His arms and legs, primarily his hands and feet, are pocketed with scars and bruises, with his right hand missing his middle and index finger. His skin is a lightly tanned color in truth, albeit scarred from laborious work and combat scenarios. When studying his face, one would notice first his beard - in contrast to his sandy blonde hair, his beard is a deep black color, almost a pitch black in a sense. His jawline underneath the shaggy mess is sharp, yet seemingly round, his cheekbones particularly high as well. His eyes remain a mixture between a stormy grey and a clear, watery blue color, practically mixed with each other to create a dim, light color. [b]Personality[/b]: Ardain.. maintains a good life, really, with the many adventures that he's had on his journeys through both Westeros and Tatakai. Always seeking some sort of adventure, the man could tell you any kind of story: duels and drinking, the men and women he's met, the rogues he's killed and the prоstitutes he's denied. You heard right, denied. He's a cheerful man, really. Yet with quite a few serious tidbits here and there. [b]Weapons[/b]: [url=]"Ordain"[/url]: Ironically named after a word that signifies the promotion of a regular person into a prophet, or to give holy orders to, "Ordain" is a weapon that Ardain took from a drunkard who attempted to decapitate him with it. The fuсker did nail him in the waist, before Ardain shoved a knife through his mouth. Ordain is a twenty-eight inch long sword in total, the blade being approximately twenty-two and a half inches long, with the handle being five and a half inches long. The blade is crafted of simplistic iron, standard for that period of time, albeit styled for a soldier, even a knight, due to it's double edges and fine mixture that allows for both slashes and stabs. The hilt of the weapon allows for parries, or leading another blade away from Ardain, allowing him to deliver a sudden blow. The handle itself is wrapped with smoothened leather, the pommel in a teardrop shape and spiked with a pyramid-like shape, intended specifically for bashing a foe's head in. [url=]Knife[/url]: A simple backup tool, if ever required, this knife has been at Ardain's side ever since he was a wee lad. The blade is shaped in a triangular manner and double-edged, albeit it is just as capable, if not more capable, of stabbing this way. [b]Armor[/b]: [url=]Ebryn Commander Armor[/url]: Promptly stolen from Radiem Ebryn, Ardain's older, and trueborn brother, this set of armor would be House Ebryn's prized possession. Upon the back, it bears the insignia of Ebryn: crest shield, the outlook yellow, with a gunmetal grey greathelm accompanied by two crossed battleaxes in the center. The armor is made primarily from steel plate, with the plating itself upon Ardain's body: a vest of steel plate is worn upon his chest, though it cannot defend wounds from the side, with pauldrons and forearm guards defending his arm, shin guards and kneecaps additionally added alongside the bright yellow cloth and insulating leather. The helmet is that of a knight's, accompanied by a functioning visor at what remains of what held a plume. You can still see the bright yellow hairs, really [b]Equipment[/b]: •Quite a bit of food, albeit mostly for carnivorous diets: fish, chicken, rabbit, and deer meat. •Two flasks: one with water, the other with wine. For "lifesaving" purposes, obviously. •A map of Westeros, accompanied with one of Tatakai. •A book, that Ardain appears to be writing, titled "[i]The Long Life And Terrific Travels Of A Drunk Priest - By Ardain Storm[/i]" •A tattered drawing, one that may have been drawn by a small child. The picture shows two stick figurines, one much shorter, with an arrow and a sentence monologuing the larger one - "[i]Big Brother Ard[/i]!" [b]Skills[/b]: [u]Swordplay[/u]: While he's far from the best swordsman that ever walked the earth, Ardain is a truly good swordsman, whilst he's been exposed to combat for most of his life while fighting Lannisters, rogue Starks, Boltons, Tyrells, bandits, Brotherhood deserters, and more. He can use his knife even better, though mostly anyone can. [u]Drinking[/u]: Truly, a fantastic drinker. No joke. [b]Abilities[/b]: Being a Red Priest.. has it's perks, really. With his worship and devotion to the Lord of Light, R'hllor has blessed him with capabilities that are.. unnatural, to some. He is immune to poison and cold weather, though effected by extremely cold weathers still, with an unknown source of intense body heat. He has the capability of igniting his sword with a flurry of burning flames by cutting his palm, spreading his blood over it's iron blade. He can foresee sights into the future, predicting events that can happen later on. The man even has the ability to return one to life. [b]Biography[/b]: Born as a bаstard son of House Ebryn, after an unknown man had a fine affair with the patroness of the House, Marith Tuliman, wife of Lord Mordain Ebryn. Marith would plead to keep the bаstard alive, and thus he merely accepted the terms, though he would note that Ardain would learn something upon his tenth birthday. As a young boy, Ardain was mistreated and hated by all whom claimed to be loyal to House Ebryn, albeit a smaller, yet influencing House at the time. With his bаstard existence, he would be mocked by his brothers and his caretakers, yet only two bothered to speak kindly with him: his mother, and little Adina, his younger sister. At ten, Ardain learned his lesson. His father would have his mother chained the walk of the great hall against her will, her screams and denials echoing through the castle as only Ardain came to watch. The lord Mordain would merely smirk, kneeling down and muttering "[i]Son? Never fuсk over your cause, nor family. For if you do.. it'll fuсk you over right back.[/i]" And with that, the men came. Mordain would force his young bаstard to watch as his mother was rаped before him, at least twenty knights and nobles using her before one began to literally torture her. The next few caught up on this: it took fifty men to leave her as a sobbing, murmuring mess, and Mordain's knife to slit her throat. With that, Ardain almost went mad, forcing himself to carry onwards through the years as an unloved bаstard. He would never tell little Adina, though his brothers certainly knew, beginning a mutiny against their father for such terribleness. They would even come for Ardain to help, yet he would deny. In the end.. three years later, and only Ardain, Adina, Radiem, and a handful of nobles would sit in the halls, their father's head mounted upon a pike, their brothers burnt after poison stopped their hearts. Soon, the War of the Five Kings would come, with House Ebryn doing whatever it could to support Renly Baratheon's cause. Yet Commander, and now King, Radiek could not find his prized armor.. nor could he find Ardain, whom was off to join Stannis Baratheon. Upon his journeys, he failed to reach Stannis before he assaulted King's Landing.. though Ardain did find the Brotherhood Without Banners, a group of unnamed vigilantes that fought the Lannisters through sabotage and hit-and-run. ...Thus, the Red Priest was created. And Ardain.. well, he certainly served the Brotherhood, until he was suddenly whisked away..

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    • [b]ERROR//: FILE CORRUPTED NOVE PRIME // THE PARALLEL SINGULARITY ERROR//: COMMAND OVERRIDE ERROR//: COMMAND RECEIVED ...//: ...//: ...//: SYSTEM REBOOT//: Successful AUTHORIZATION//: SHE WHO SEES ALL COMMAND INPUT//: System Override COMMUNE INPUT//: System Update UPDATING//: Status: In Progress ...//: ...//: UPDATING//: Status: Complete SYSTEM INFO//: System Operating - Singularity Access Override COMMAND INPUT//: Initiate GOD Matrix COMMAND INPUT//: Initiate MK-Infinite SYSTEM INFO//: Commands Received. Starting Up Watch Protocol. [/b]

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    • Edited by Cazberry Pie: 8/29/2017 11:46:38 AM
      [i][b]"Are you the prey?"[/b] "No, we are the hunters!"[/i] --------------------- [b][u]BASICS[/u][/b] [u]Name:[/u] Christina–known by friends as "Chris" or "Tina." [u]Age:[/u] 16 [u]Sex:[/u] Female(?) [u]Species/Race:[/u] [i]Homo sapiens[/i] [u]Status:[/u] Alive [b][u]PHYSIQUE[/u][/b] [u]Height:[/u] 5'6" [u]Weight:[/u] 130 [u]Hair:[/u] Snow white, with the center of it falling down to waist length, while the sides cut to jaw length. [u]Eyes:[/u] Usually a rich brown, although that's subject to change when she's using magic. [u]Body Type:[/u] Mesomorph [u]Detailed Desc:[/u] Christina has an unnatural beauty to her, which she likes to hide with a large hoodie. Her face has a balance of roundness and angularity, giving her a young appearance - which she is. Her skin is pale, almost worryingly pale, similar to her hair. As for her facial features themselves, her lips are thin and her nose small, its tip perky. [b][u]COMBAT[/u][/b] [u]Paraphernalia:[/u] [u]"Cold Illumination"[/u] [b]Specs–[/b] - 5 feet long rope. Handle on each end. - Rope is sharper than razors. - Handles are apx. 6 inches long each, 2 inches in diameter. - Actual rope is 4 feet. [b]Skills & Perks[/b] - [i]"The Cleaving Whip"[/i] Sharper-than-razor rope is extremely durable and can cut through flesh like paper; very, very ineffective against armored opponents. - [i]"The Freezing Whip"[/i] Wounds inflicted by the rope cause immediate frostbite. Would is also completely frozen, preventing both regeneration and blood loss. - [i]"Surprise Attack"[/i] At the pommels of each handle is a small barrel capable of firing .44 cal rounds. Each handle loads two bullets. [url=]"Moonlight Shadow"[/url] [b]Specs–[/b] - 4 feet in length - 8 inch grip - Carbon fiber blade - 2.45 lbs [b]Skills & Perks[/b] - [i]"The Moonlight Shadow"[/i] Works based on time of day/month, in relation to the moon. Essentially, when the moon shines light upon the weapon, and its properties change. On a full moon, the weapon becomes entirely invisible, and phases through all physical objects, be it armor or flesh. It causes no actual damage, but the victim feels the pain from if it were to have actually wounded them. This pain is amplified based on the shape and size of the moon, so pain is amplified greatly on full moons, whereas during crescent moons, the pain would be the same as it normally would. Regardless of the state of the moon (excluding new), the blade will always phase through physical objects at night. Only the amount of pain caused and the opacity of the blade are affected by amount of moonlight. During the new moon or daytime, the blade is a regular katana. [u]Abilities:[/u] [i]"Frozen Light"[/i] Terrifyingly potent ice manipulation. Capable of creating ice by freezing water molecules in the air and multiplying the resulting ice. Christina has an aura about her of such coldness that nearby liquids will automatically begin to freeze. This allows her to effectively walk on water due to it freezing wherever she walks. If an opponent is entirely still, the ability is also capable of completely freezing the opponent's blood. [b][u]BIOGRAPHY[/u][/b] [u]Relations:[/u] (???) [u]Personality/Quirks:[/u] [u]Backstory:[/u]

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    • Edited by Weeaboo Of War: 9/2/2017 9:08:12 PM
      "A heart as cold as ice. Eyes as deep as the ocean. A mind as bright as the sun." ~[i]Unknown[/i] ---------------------------------- [b]Name/Alias[/b]: Elizabeth is the only name that she's gone by, or at least revealed. She'll go by Liz, too. [b]Age[/b]: Roughly in her mid-twenties, maybe younger. [b]Gender[/b]: Decently sure that it's a girl. [url=][b]Description[/b][/url]: Though seemingly dwarfed by half of the Dojo, Elizabeth would stand at a particularly average height of five feet and seven inches tall, just an inch taller than her twin sister, Iris. At any rate.. she is athletically built, though in a quite slim manner. She isn’t overly muscular or anything of the sort, though she is working on more than a skinny frame. Her skin maintains a healthy light tan, though usually dirtied, or on the occasion, covered in tints of frost or snow, in some rarer events. To an onlooker, Elizabeth is pretty, beautiful even. Her face is built in an angular yet smooth manner, with long strands of platinum blonde hair falling from her head. Though, usually braided in some sort of manner. The most noticeable feature are her eyes - surprisingly cold and blue, as calm yet wild as a raging blizzard. When utilizing her.. abilities, Elizabeth changes. Her skin turns to a deathly pale color, almost blue in a sense. Her hair retreats to a silver, even a snowy white, as if she was much older than she regularly would be. The biggest changes are her eyes - they become flooded with a deep blue energy, as haunting and devastating as her own wrath. Truly a sight to behold. [b]Personality[/b]: As fitting for one such as herself.. Elizabeth is initially cold, no pun intended. She is rather blunt, even judging in some scenarios, though she.. always keeps her cool, funnily enough. In conflict, she seeks out a side quickly. When relaxing, she merely remains quiet unless spoken to, preferring that she is only seen, and not heard. Underneath that layer of ice- ugh, under that toughness though.. is a particularly kind woman. Elizabeth is less shy once she begins to know someone, and certainly more thoughtful and creative. She seems quite intelligent, though still distrusting of those who would attempt to gain her friendship. And yet, there are.. hardships, under her calm facade. You wouldn’t want to see her during a temper tantrum, really. [b]Armor[/b]: [url=]"Remnant"[/url] Liz’s standard armor, picked off from her victims and bought from merchants, the cloth even weaved by her own efforts. She’d call it a work of art, to be honest. The armor begins with split, flexible plates of an alloy between steel and carbon, resulting in a light ballistic-proof chestpiece and a durable plating against melee weaponry. If anything, it is made for melee gear: pauldrons protect her neck and shoulders from bladed swings, while plates upon her sides would stop blows to her ribs and vitals yet. Kneecaps protect her legs alongside a pair of shin armor, and strap-on forearm armor as well. The helmet that Elizabeth wears into combat is.. odd, in a sense. It is magical in origin, crafted from the foreign mineral Evrinin. This metal is a shining pale cyan in initial color, though it boasts a strong defense against ballistic and melee weaponry of all forms, whenever in larger quantities. Yet it has been utilized and experimented upon by mages and sorcerers, Elizabeth being one, while she would create a custom helm - a mask, capable of seeing “living” energies. Cyborgs, active spirits, souls, beating hearts, flows of magic - Elizabeth can see them. [url=]"Frostbitten"[/url] Armor that Elizabeth would encase herself within if she was ever faced with a dangerous situation that could not be solved with words, or a few seconds of actual concentration. The armor wraps around Elizabeth entirely, buffing her height to an astonishing six feet tall. The armoring itself is incredibly durable against physical harm and forms of ballistic weaponry - aside from high-caliber rounds, literal tank rounds, or a warhammer slamming into her head. She still feels the impact, although weakened, though pieces can break if she is hit too hard. The armor is weaker against other forms of magic, specifically fire. [b]Weapons[/b]: [url=]Standard Lumis Armed Personnel Khopesh "Icicle"[/url] A khopesh stolen from the Lumis armory, this weapon is a high-end class weapon, due to it's manufacturing. This foreign weapon's blade is primarily made of flexible Damascus steel, with an alloyed titanium edge that maintains a slant so that it is effective against sawing through foes. Additionally, being a khopesh, it is considerably useful against other swords, with it's own maneuverability. [url=]"Fate"[/url] Elizabeth's pride over all - Fate is her choice weapon in serious combat. The weapon's blade is created from Borealite - an extraordinarily strong stone, foreign to Tatakai, capable of enduring incredible blunt and direct force. Though it is extremely susceptible to fire, of course. Fate is a spear that is six feet long in total, with the Borealite spearhead being a foot in length, sharpened and crafted to a point where armor would not bend the whole thing. It's crafting allows for horizontal attacks as well as powerful thrusts, while in colder temperatures, it grows powerful enough to match heated weapons - cold enough, and it matches plasmatic weaponry, through whatever magical means of which it originated from. [b]Abilities and Spells[/b]: [b]Biography[/b]: Ask her, fuсkold.

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      • Edited by Warp Saber: 8/26/2017 4:20:02 AM
        [i]"Stop, time, for you are so beautiful!"[/i] Chrona Arcenwald Female human, age twenty four Appearance: Has closely cut light brown hair over intelligent green eyes. Typically dresses in a jacket over a white blouse. Fair of skin, but tanned from travel, often wearing heavy leather gloves. Generally wears a skirt or jeans, anything mobile, favoring mellow colors like tan, bronze and brown. Wherever she goes, she brings along a steam powered cart that carries all her equipment, bar her sword. Equipment: Steam Wagon mark 32 (250 days without blowing up!): a heavy cart that is essentially a clock making shop on wheels. Absurdly large, bulky, and not much faster than walking, but can haul a massive amount of weight. Saturn: Her clock greatsword. There is an excellent clock worked into the hilt, who's speed can be regulated by twisting the pommel. It only has a single hand, that moves at a steady pace round. The clock can move at a normal speed of one tick per second, as fast as 12 a second, or as slow as a single tick every minute. The tick is very loud and very noticeable, cutting through most noise. Depending on where the Hand is pointing, a different ability can be activated. While an ability is being used, the clock stops. [spoiler]1 o'clock: Short range teleport 2 o'clock: Ice enhancement, 30 second duration. 3 o'clock: Emits microwaves that can boil water after about twenty seconds. Useful at teatime 4 o'clock: Creates orbs of shadow that block all light 5 o'clock; Fire enhancement, 30 second duration. 6 o'clock: Provides healing to everyone around 7 o'clock: Emits a blinding light 8 o'clock: Spawns binding Chains 9 o'clock: Ties two targets together, forcing them to move at the slower ones speed 10 o'clock; Single target healing 11 o'clock: Temporary sleeping spell 12 o'clock: Starts a 12 second timer, after which a devastating wind attack is unleashed. [/spoiler] Abilities: An excellent clock maker. Moderately skilled with the blade. Her most notable power, however, is personal timespeed manipulation, or so it appears. In reality she is partly disconnected from time, sustained only by rhythmic sound. If listening to any rhythmic noise, such as the ticking of a clock sword, her time will move along with its beat. For example, if there is one tick per second, she will move through time at one second per real second. However, if it beat at one bear every two seconds, she perceive real time to be moving at half speed. In reality, she has doubled her personal timespeed, making her twice as fast, strong, etc. TLDR: At a slow beat, she perceives time as moving slower, while everyone else would see her moving significantly faster. The reverse is also true. Strengths: Can increase her speed and power, while being able to slow her perception of time. Chrona is disconnected from realtime, meaning any other time altering effects cannot effect her. Weaknesses: She requires two beats at minimum to establish a new timespeed, meaning however many times faster and stronger she wants to become, she must wait twice as many seconds. (x2 takes 4 seconds, x30 takes 60 seconds, etc.) Her normal speed and strength is that of a normal human. Another beat or rhythm can throw her off her perceived timespeed, even slowing her down drastically if there's more than one beat per second.

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      • Edited by Lordbakon: 8/26/2017 1:34:28 AM
        Name: Jessica Vakeem Alias: N/A Age: 26 Race/Ethnicity: Human Gender: Female Appearance: Stands at 5'10", she's built very masculine. Her features are more chiseled and less curvy than many a woman, and she has a very athletic build. She's muscular especially in her core, rocking a six pack, with her hair being cut almost masculinely short. Her hair is pitch black, her skin lightly tanned, a bronze colouration. She isn't overly busty at about a B cup, and not ridiculously curvy. On her body she has many tattoos, though they are all one chain. Tribal tattoos move from her left leg, up and around her waist and abdomen on both sided, and along her right arm, made of a very, very dark green ink. Her usual set of clothing is a pair of leather boots that go up to the knees, covered by black cargo pants. She wears an dark red top that reveals her midriff and in turn muscles and tattoos on her sides. It's short sleeved, and revealed the tattoo on her arm as well. Over this is usually a black leather jacket and biker gloves. Armor: when wearing armour, wears ballistic armour rated against high caliber rifles. It covers her arms, legs, chest and helmet. Weaponry: - Sword: (Hidden form:) (Active form:) Disguised as a simple billy club one would carry for self defence, this sword it a two handed chopping badass. Being nearly 4 ft long handle included, it's material helps it cleave through armour better. - M1 Garland modernized: A modernized M1 Garand rifle. It fires 7.62x39mm armour penetrating rounds, and is custom designed for Jess. She is very accurate with the weapon, and is her go to when fighting calls. It's rugged, durable, and deadly. - Vehicle: An old school American style chopper bike, with internal runes to make it as fast and durable as it can be, st about the levels of a racing bike. Biography: Born on a planet where a patriarchy was very strong, many just accepted it as the way of life and moved on. Jessica was not one of those people. When she was taught in school that men always filled the power positions, she spoke up and was punished for it. So when time came to advance, she did something to help improve her life: she bound her chest, cut her hair and made herself as masculine as she could look, many truly mistaking her for a boy. Though how she was treated because of gender was the chief reason she did this, it wasn't the only one, though she generally doesn't talk about others. After several years, she was set on her way to becoming successful until her secret was discovered. She was 14 at this time. For 2 years she ran, facing prosecution, she lived in the lower city doing the lowest work own could get. Until she ran into an Elven man named Tal at a club one day. He took her in, made her part of the clan, and gave her a life she could control the path to. Extra: - Hot headed. - Very proud of the tattoos. Don't insult them or you will end up in a "death by 1000 cuts" scenario. - Game of choice: Pool - Will alternate between male and female clothing and looks just because. Insult this and see Extra point 2 for results

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      • Edited by Obi-Emp Kenobi: 8/25/2017 9:35:11 PM
        Weiss, S. Facial identity unknown, male. Age unknown, presumed to be nearing his Middle Ages. [url=]MSES[/url] (Musculoskeletal Exosuit) Weiss' unique suit, it is made out of several components, one of the more unique things about it are the carbon nanotube synthetic muscles within that boosts his strength, and thus speed combined with the "Dragonskin" exosuit that has been refurbished to be accustomed to his needs. A somewhat bulky, gunmetal gray exosuit made of carbon fiber, Weiss in addition to the synthetic muscles, weaved in dragon scales, granting his outside protection from the elements. In addition to being lightweight and resistant to low to medium caliber rounds and quite a few melee weapons, it possesses a few abilities [u]Passives:[/u] It provides boosted overall physicality (strength, speed, durability, senses, reflexes, etc. to superhuman levels to stay on par with the rest of these "Anomalies") Helmet visor grants zoom, night vision, thermal vision, as well as the ability to monitor the vitals of self and others. [i]"The Winds"[/i] In this armor, Weiss has extreme mobility; could be compared to flight with how high he can jump, in addition to being able to jump off walls/wall run due to thrusters in the back and behind the legs. He renamed it because he isn't a dragon....and he killed a dragon lady for it. [u]Actives – 500 BP:[/u] Only one can be active at a time. [i]"Dragon Ice"[/i] A small device in the Dragonskin's right wrist allows the hand to be surrounded in sharp icicles. Drains 10 BP per post. [i]"Dragon Flame"[/i] The same device allows the right hand to ignite in flame. Drains 15 BP per post. [i]"Lightning Beast"[/i] The same device is able to charge the right hand with electricity. Drains 30 BP per post. [i]"Barrier"[/i] The same device is able to create an energy shield that stops magic, bullets, projectiles, whatever, however is easily bypassed by some sort of melee weapon. Drains 60 BP per post. It can take a decent amount of low caliber shots, medium caliber wouldn't take long, high calibers can usually shatter it in two shots. [i]Grapple[/i] In the right wrist is a new device, added on by Weiss himself. In short, it is a mere grappling device that launches a 3 pronged piece of metal that stabs itself on things. At a mere thought the device can lift up Weiss due to the carbon nanotubes. [spoiler]High Frequency Blade: This Blade is made of tempered high carbon spring steel reinforced by a powerful alternating current and resonated at extremely high frequencies, the blade length is 76cm, the handle length is 28cm and the blade weighs 3.75 pounds . This oscillation weakens the molecular bonds of anything it cut, thereby increasing its cutting ability. Striking, cutting, and thrusting attacks are performed with the blade, with the sharpened edge and point used for lethal attacks, and the blunt edge used as a clubbing weapon. Made to replicate a Katana's design. The resonation speed is 45Ghz.[/spoiler] [url=][i]"Dragonclaw"[/i][/url][spoiler]A black scimitar, its blade about 2'5" in length while the entire sword is about 3 feet. Made of carbon fiber, lightweight, and very durable; good for slashing, thrusting, parrying, whatever, however falls short against heavy armor. Its pommel is a barrel, and a trigger on the grip fires .44 caliber bullets from the pommel.[/spoiler] [url=][i]"The Beastcleaver"[/i][/url][spoiler]A 5'6" greatsword with a blade 4'6" in length and a 1' grip. It is not the best for thrust or stab attacks, however can be extremely deadly with slashing attacks. Also made of carbon fiber, the greatsword is actually lighter than it looks; despite still being heavy, Weiss can wield it with a single hand. Its pommel is a barrel, and with the pull of a trigger on the grip, the sword fires a .50 BMG bullet from inside the grip.[/spoiler] [url=][i]"Dragonspear"[/i][/url][spoiler]A six foot long spear, utilized in melee combat where more range is necessary. When necessary, it can also be thrown as a javelin. Additionally, the spearhead is able to transform into the barrel of a gun. The spear fires tank shells instead of normal bullets; [url=]30x173mm[/url], to be exact.[/spoiler] Beretta M92FS [spoiler]God forbid you get shot by a pistol.[/spoiler] Misc. Happens to carry a ragged journal

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        • Name: Tal'el Hovvel Race: High Elf Appearance: Looks young and handsome, about 23 with chestnut brown hair and fair skin. He had leaf green eyes, his hair cut short, fixed but always a tiny bit messy. He has no scars, or tattoos. Two ivory studs are one each ear. He is lean and muscular, a very athletic build. He is clean shaven, no stubble, and has a mesomorphic build. He stands at 6'4", his ears being pointed unless he uses magic to hide them. Otherwise he looks human. He's usually clothed in nicer apparel. A pair of looser dark blue jeans, a button up shirt withy he sleeves rolled up to the elbows, plaid of light blue, dark grey and light grey, and nicer shoes. Don't let his appearance fool you though, he's a very good fighter not to be trifled with. Gear: - Butterfly knife (Fighting Daggers) (Hidden form): (Active form): In normal form, a standard butterfly knife. It's still an ok weapon, but when it's form is changed from its hidden one they are two 2ft long fighting knifes, enchanted to help sunder armour. Very talented with the knifes in terms of tricks. - Compound bow: A high power compound bow, bits like a mid power sniper rifle at full draw. It is compact to be able to be shot better while driving, and he is deadly accurate with it, even without using its built in laser sight. Had a quiver on both legs when shooting it, 50 shots in total. Arrows are carbon fire bullet heads, so they can be retrieved easy. - Bike: Like many elves, Tal prefers the speed and sleek design of the more modern sports bikes. This one is reinforced via internal runes to be more durable and faster than racing bikes of it's design. He's very skilled at maneuvering it, and can shoot while riding with ease. - Armour: No pic When choosing to don armour, he wears ballistic gear capable of resisting high caliber rifles on his arms, legs, body and helmet. Bio: Not much to say about Tal. His forefathers started this nomadic clan nearly 3000 years ago, and since then his family has wandered. He is welcoming towards outcasts as many of his ancestors have not been, and for good reason. Of his brothers who have branched away to make new clans, he was the smallest and scrawniest. He's not a genius in book smarts, so he became good with people and learned the trait of tongues. Fluent in most languages, he sympathized with outcasts and welcomed them in. Now, his clan has ended up on the outskirts of Diez, a large camp of vehicles, his clan and family. Extras: - Card game of choice: Cribbage - Threaten his clan and he will show now mercy onto you. - Level headed... until after a good few drinks. - Minor magic abilities, like all elves. - Very athletic and acrobatic

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        • Edited by Cazberry Pie: 8/28/2017 2:07:46 AM
          [i]"No, I don't need your pity You couldn't begin to unravel the things in life I only wanted to carry out that promise And like a fool I truly believed it... Somewhere deep down."[/i] ---------------------- [b][u]BASICS[/u][/b] [u]Name:[/u] Iris; surname unknown. [u]Age:[/u] Early twenties. [u]Sex:[/u] Female [u]Species/Race:[/u] [i]Homo sapiens[/i] [u]Status:[/u] Alive, I think. [b][u]PHYSIQUE[/u][/b] [u]Height:[/u] 5'6" [u]Weight:[/u] 120 lbs [u]Hair:[/u] Ginger [u]Eyes:[/u] Olive green [u]Body Type:[/u] Mesomorph [u]Detailed Desc:[/u] Standing at about average female height, Iris is a moderately pretty ginger, with wavy hair falling at her shoulders. She's an angular and round face with a fair skin tone and smooth complexion. Her face itself is well proportioned, with thin lips and a perky nose. Her figure is mesomorphic and athletic while maintaining a curvy, hourglass appearance. [b][u]COMBAT[/u][/b] [u]Equipment:[/u] [url=]T-3 AntiM Revolver – "Hunter"[/url] [b]Specs–[/b] - Single action - 8x57mm bullets (explosive) - 7 round chamber - Short, 2½ inch bayonet - 14½ inches total - Low zoom [b]Skills & Perks[/b] - [i]"Loyalty"[/i] The moment the weapon leaves Iris' line of sight, it reappears within her holster; regardless of where it is. - [i]"Piercer"[/i] Explosive bullets are [u]coated[/u] with an anti-magic metal called "*Nyxite." Bullets pierce through most forms of magic shielding. - [i]"Grave Robber"[/i] Should a bullet penetrate a vital and kill an opponent, the Nyxite collapses and sucks all organs into seemingly nowhere, leaving the body empty. Consumption of the bullet grants consumer with any abilities the deceased person may've had. [url=]T-1 AntiM Sniper – "Predator"[/url] [b]Specs–[/b] - Semi-auto - .50 BMG bullets - 5 bullet mag - 4 feet in length - Capable of zooming in and out - Capable of switching between vision types - Scope highlights targets [b]Skills & Perks[/b] - [i]"Loyalty"[/i] The moment the weapon leaves Iris' line of sight, it reappears within her holster; regardless of where it is. - [i]"Piercer"[/i] Explosive bullets are [u]coated[/u] with an anti-magic metal called "Nyxite." Bullets pierce through most forms of magic shielding. - [i]"Grave Robber"[/i] Should a bullet penetrate a vital and kill an opponent, the Nyxite collapses and sucks all organs into seemingly nowhere, leaving the body empty. Consumption of the bullet grants consumer with any abilities the deceased person may've had. [url=]"Sinner" – Prototype G013[/url] [b]Specs–[/b] - 5.0 lbs - 6 feet in length - 1'9" blade - 4'3" pole - 2'3" in length if pole is shortened - Acts as a sword when pole is shortened [b]Skills & Perks[/b] - [i]"Loyalty"[/i] The moment the weapon leaves Iris' line of sight, it reappears strapped to her back; regardless of where it is. - [i]"Glaive + Sword"[/i] Pole can be shortened so the glaive becomes a short sword. Allows for great versatility in melee combat. - [i]"AntiM Disapproval"[/i] Blade is coated in Nyxite, allowing the weapon to slash through magical energies. Upon the press of a button, Nyxite powder can be sprinkled in the direction of a slash, dissipating any magic in that direction. [url=]"Sinless" – Prototype A002[/url] [b]Specs–[/b] - 5'8" in height - *Thyzium in material - Can be a hassle to equip or un-equip [b]Skills & Perks[/b] - [i]"*Rion Activator"[/i] A device located on the suit's left forearm. Sends an electric signal into a golf ball sized Rion gem, while also selecting an item whether within the Rion or in the operator's hands. Storage for weapons. - [i]"Force Field"[/i] A device located on the suit's right forearm. Forms a circular shield of energy about 2½ feet in diameter, which stops fast-moving projectiles. Easily bypassed by melee weaponry. Low caliber weaponry aren't very effective, medium cal can take the barrier out rather quickly, high cal can destroy it in two shots. Explosive rounds can greatly weaken it. - [i]"Thyzium Armor"[/i] While not being very effective against weapons like spears or guns, the suit is extraordinarily resistant to energy, be it magical or something like fire or electricity. It also allows the user to become completely immune to magical influences such as mind control or psychokinesis. - [i]"The Watcher"[/i] The suit's visor is great for observational purposes. It can highlight targets, examine own vitals, measure distances and estimate times. It can also switch between normal vision, thermal vision, x-ray vision and night vision. - [i]"Stay Standing"[/i] Tough rods aligned through the armor provide mechanical boosts to strength and agility, and also allow the operator to continue moving even with broken limbs. [u]Abilities:[/u] [i]"Absorption"[/i] While not being the most skilled at creating and utilizing magic herself, Iris possesses one ability–and that is to absorb the magic that might be used on her, and use it herself. However, it scales. If a very small amount of magic is absorbed, Iris has little control over it and its potency is greatly reduced. The more powerful the magic used on her is, the more control over it Iris gains and the more potency she has with it after its absorption. If somebody were to strike her with a would-be fatal magic attack, she absorbs all of it, gains full control over the ability and equal potency as the aggressor. [b][u]BIOGRAPHY[/u][/b] [u]Relations:[/u] Elizabeth is her sister. [u]Personality/Quirks:[/u] What many people say in words, Iris likes to say in thoughts. She expresses most of her emotions and perspectives within her mind instead of speaking aloud. When she does speak, it is generally because she is inquiring or informing somebody of something; she keeps opinions to herself. What's strange about her is her apparent bitterness towards mages–one of her few emotions that can be obviously seen. She doesn't downright hate them, but there's a certain dislike and coldness that might make a magic user rather uncomfortable. [u]Backstory:[/u] child prostitute --------------------- [b][u]KEY[/u][/b] *Nyxite: A black, gemstone-like metal. It has extreme anti-magic properties, being able to either pierce through or downright nullify depending on quantity or usage. However it is a rather fragile material, so creating weaponry out of it is rather impractical. *Thyzium: Another dark material, this one similar to leather. Also has anti-magic properties, however they are much more defensively oriented–good for armor. Against piercing weapons, perhaps a spear or a bullet, Thyzium is penetrated rather easily. It can defend well against slashes and energies. Another unique property is the fact that it completely negates the affects of magical influence, be it mind control, telekinesis, etc. *Rion: An extraordinarily rare gemstone. Acts as an extremely small suitcase. Stores based on weight and not size. A golf ball sized Rion can store up to 100 lbs. To deposit or withdraw items, one simply needs to send an electric charge through it with a device that pre-selects what is to be targeted.

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        • Edited by Weeaboo Of War: 8/22/2017 9:58:04 AM
          "[i]The insatiable hordes of Slaanesh have defiled and corrupted my Sisters. The hateful servants of Khorne have cut through our ranks and rendered my fellow saints into nothing but shattered bone and reeking flesh, with their tainting weapons..[/i] [i]Yet, I will not fall now. I will fight - and I shall die, yet the light of our God-Emperor will see that I cast the abominable creatures of Chaos down with me.[/i] [i]Prepare yourself, herald of Khorne - the end to your heretical existence has come[/i]!" -[u]Palatine Victoria, to Khornate Carthage, before she would be whisked away by unknown means[/u] --------------------------------- [b]Name:[/b] Victoria Irae, literally "Victory Wrath" in Latin, previously Palatine Victoria of the Order of Our Martyred Lady [b]Age:[/b] Looks to be within her mid-twenties Actually twenty-four [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Armor:[/b] [url=]Adepta Sororitas Power Armor, Order of Our Martyred Lady[/url] [spoiler]Power Armor worn by those whom proudly served the Order of Our Martyred Lady. The suit of armor utilizes excellent forms of strength-enhancing technologies, boosting Victoria's already above average strength by a noticeable amount while within the suit. The primary plating of the armor is ceramite, providing an amazing defense against ballistic and melee weaponry, though the armor remains somewhat lightweight thanks to the servos implemented into the armor, allowing Victoria's speed to remain the same, if not better. The helmet of the armor is a Sabbat Pattern Sororitas Helmet, providing a comm link for communication with allies, a rebreather against toxins and atmospheres with no oxygen, and filters and psycho-ocurel buffering to protect human minds and enhance them to be more resistant against the fatigues of battle. The armor is a deep black paint in color, weathered by battle yet repaired slightly by the blacksmiths of the Dojo's residency. Crimson red fabric lines the armor, tinted with a light golden fabric, though they have had all holy symbols removed. In fact, all of Victoria's symbols have been removed, in recognition of her disappearance from the Imperium and her acknowledgement that other Sororitas would not bother to search for whatever happened to her.[/spoiler] [b]Weapons:[/b] [u]Godwyn De-az Pattern Bolter[/u] [spoiler]A utilized pattern of the Adepta Sororitas, the Godwyn De-az Pattern Bolter is a weapon created for the usages of both Sisters of Battle upon the field and humanoid combatants that fight for the Imperium, for standard Astartes Patterns tend to be much too powerful for the regular usage from regular beings. As such, the Godwyn De-az Pattern was created. Still utilizing the same components as a Bolter of a Space Marine, this weapon fires .50 caliber rounds, holding thirty rounds in total. Each bullet is designed to penetrate and explode within their targets, exploding with a brutal tungsten core within each bullet. It also utilizes a vicious bayonet called a Sarissa, curved and intended for quick, savage close quarters if necessary.[/spoiler] [u]Godwyn De-az Pattern Bolt Pistol (x2)[/u] [spoiler]Two Bolt Pistols utilized by Adepta Sororitas, created in the Godwyn De-az Pattern. Both of these weapons are practically miniature Bolters, except smaller and built to be sidearms. Victoria rarely dares to dual-wield the Bolt Pistols, instead using them for close ranged combat or alongside her sword, Fury.[/spoiler] [url=]"Fury" Power Gladius[/url] ((Ignore that weird bone pommel.. odd.)) [spoiler]A Power Weapon, carved into the design of a gladius and primarily used in one hand by Victoria. The entire weapon is twenty-eight inches long in length, the blade being twenty-one inches in length and crafted from adamantium while the handle is seven inches long. Fury's blade, formed into the shape of a gladius, is double-edged for extra hack 'n slash potential, while it is pointed for stabs as well. The blade's width is about four inches, allowing for it to punch through armor with such a considerably large blade. Fury's hilt allows for the weapon to parry and deflect other attacks, while the pommel ends with a teardrop shape, allowing for bashing attacks that could dent and destroy armor. But alas, the weapon has one primary function that makes it a Power Weapon: with the simple press of a button, Victoria can allow an aura of vibrant blue light to surround Fury's blade, encasing it in bright energy. This energy has the capabilities to split and separate molecular bonds, practically cutting through.. well, everything, to be quite honest. Don't ask what happens if a Power Weapon meets another Power Weapon.[/spoiler] [u]Kalahan's Swordshield[/u] [spoiler]A weapon that was taken from the great cannibal Kalahan, a monstrous being whom nearly killed Victoria, had it not been for a friend that sacrificed his wellbeing for her safety. It is made out of near unbreakable adamantium, and can transform back and forth in a fraction of a second with a quick push against the handle of the active mode. [url=]Kalahan's Swordshield (Shield Formation)[/url] The shield form of the swordshield, this defensive formation becomes a large crest shield, finishes off with a skull within the center mass. A capable shield, to be used in defensive procedures and defending herself and her allies from harm. [url=]Kalahan's Swordshield (Sword Formation)[/url] If Victoria takes to the offensive, she can transform her adamantium shield into a forty-eight inch long, or four foot long, greatsword. The weapon is double-edged and intended for usage against larger enemies, while it's particularly large size allows it to cleave through an unfortunate target in a single blow. Victoria can practically one-hand this weapon efficiently, at least in her suit. Alongside this, the sword emits something of a crimson aura: when swung through an object of magical proportions, such as a rune or a spell, the sword quite literally disrupts the magical anomaly and destroys it. While it does not necessarily destroy runes, it manages to ignore their effects, example being shield runes.[/spoiler] [url=]"Darkslayer" Amberite Sword[/url] [spoiler]A longsword-like weapon utilized in the corruption-like threat by Victoria, the blade made of the otherworldly material Amberite. Amberite is a metal that is similar to copper in form, other than the factors that you can use it as an effective metal for weapons, and it's paranormal affinity with flame. It is as if a flame burns within the sword: as beasts (and likely whatever else) are struck by it's blade, a sudden golden flame burning through the beasts like paper, scorching their souls within. Not currently known if it works upon humans, or if it destroys one's soul. Victoria's sword is capable for one-handed and two-handed performance with the weapon being thirty inches long: the handle being six inches long, the actual blade being twenty-four. The grip of the weapon is wrapped with a soft leather so that one's grip isn't worn through the conditions that one is put through, while the pommel is shaped in a teardrop shape, for sudden bashes and punching through armor. The hilt of the weapon is curved to some degree, allowing for smooth parries and pulling a weapon away. The blade itself is double-edged and about two inches thick, allowing for capable slashes and stabs. A considerably effective weapon, in it's own uses.[/spoiler] [url=]Abilities[/url]

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          • Edited by Sanctus Caesar: 9/19/2017 12:54:22 AM
            [b]Name[/b]: [i]Tauren Grïstholm[/i] [b]Appearance[/b]: [i][spoiler][url=]Tauren Grïstholm[/url], Astartes of the Deathmarine Corp., of the Ursine Dragoon Chapter, bears [url=]Corvus-Pattern[/url] Space Marine Combat Armor, to be made adaptable to cavalry assaults. Painted black with silver designs laden upon it in honor of the Deathmarine Corp. from which the Chapter arose, the emblem of the Imperium, the dual-headed eagle, is emblazoned on his chest, the left shoulder pauldron emblazoned with the symbol of the [url=]Ursine Dragoons[/url] Chapter. Further, the right pauldron is shaped in the likeness of a bear's head, and the hands are modeled after bear paws, with claws at the tips of the fingers giving an advantage over unarmored opponents. The kneecaps, as well, bear the likeness of roaring Ursines, and the long, bedraggled and frayed shoulder cape bears the Ursine Dragoon's emblem.[/i][/spoiler] [b]Chapter[/b]: [i]Ursine Dragoons, Chapter of the Deathmarine Corp.[/i] [b]Specialization[/b]: [i]Heavy Gunner, Cavalry Assault[/i] [b]Rank[/b]: [i]Chapter Master of the Ursine Dragoons, Deathmarine Corp.[/i] [b]Equipment[/b]: [i][url=]-Astartes Mk. VIa Heavy Bolter[/url] [url=]-Astartes-Issue Combat Knife[/url] [url=]-Phobos Pattern Bolt Pistol[/url][/i] [b]Backstory[/b]: [spoiler] [i]Much like the rest of the Deathmarine Corp., Tauren Grïstholm originally hailed from one of the Traitor Legions of the Horus Heresy. And, again much like the rest of the Deathmarine Corp., Tauren does not converse or divulge on the subject of his first Legion, having abandoned them out of shame and becoming one of the Black Guard that would later form the Deathmarines. Seeking to forge a new legacy amidst his new brothers, Tauren took off to the edges of the Imperium alongside twelve other Deathmarines, each destined to be among the first of the Ursine Dragoons. For nearly three millennia, Tauren and his brothers fought tooth and nail for their very survival, often times escaping death by sheer luck and willpower. They did not spread the glory of their deeds, preferring to maintain a humble life in service to the Imperium and the Emperor, and always moving to avoid collecting fame or following in a singular place. Despite their attempts at anonymity, however, they soon rose to infamy amongst their brethren and were called back to the Sol System to receive what they believed to be commendations. Not to say there weren't commendations, there were, and they were only accepted because they were ordered to, refusing to make eye contact with any there for shame of their previous alignments and loyalties to their Legions. However, they were also given a task, a rather unusual one. Create a Chapter built upon complete annihilation of enemy conviction and bravery. In this, they were given absolute freedom of practice, barring Heresy and Chaos tampering. Immediately, Tauren was abashedly and overwhelmingly voted for Chapter Master, the only vote against being his own. Tauren spent the next three years poring over ancient battle tactics, guerrilla stratagems, and insurgent morale aggressors. In searching for military inspiration however, he'd missed the simplest solution, one which he only grasped after exasperatedly admitting defeat in inspiration and receiving aid from his second-in-command, Siegfried Vorusk. "[b]Why don't we just grab the biggest, scariest animal we can, subdue and tame it, and throw it at our enemies in heavy armor?[/b]" Eureka. Tauren knew then his plan. Grabbing the top genetics engineers and biological experts, he put them to work crafting the ultimate War Beast. The Death Bear. A combination of Old Earth's fiercest Ursine behemoths, the genetics of the Death Bear was comprised of DNA from the American Grizzly, the Arctic Polar Bear, the Kodiak Bear, and the ancient Cave Bear. This genetic structure, in combination with a somewhat controversial application and adaptation of the Astartes modification process, created a Beast of such fury and monstrosity as to shape a war front. Taming, raising, and fighting alongside the Bears, the Ursine Dragoons returned to the fringe of the the Imperium, annihilating the enemy forces, and scattering them with their mere arrival. Quickly rising in fame, the Ursine Dragoons expanded ranks in the following millennia, arriving at a sizable 743 pledges to their Chapter by the arrival of the Forty-First Millennium. Now, Tauren scouts for his Chapter, taking on himself the responsibility of recruit and direction from the very tip of the explorative spear. He is accompanied only by Ragnar, first and greatest of the Death Bears, immortal due to the Astartes modifications, and standing a Goliath figure of 26 feet tall, 1,896 lbs., and heavily armored at all times. If ye be Heretic, pray to your false gods that you do not meet the fury of the Chapter Master and his Death Bear.[/i][/spoiler]

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          • "I am the Dr. Frankenstein of these machines..." [u]Name:[/u] Peter Stormos [u]Age:[/u] 29 [u]Height:[/u] 6' 00" [u]Appearance/description:[/u] [spoiler]Peter is a tall muscular man with somewhat dark skin. His hair is long and slicked back and he has sharp defined facial features. His eyes are brown and sometimes have bags under them. His voice isn't very deep and is a bit crackly, causing him to sound a little bit odd to some people. [/spoiler] [u]Personality:[/u] [spoiler]Peter is usually pretty calm and doesn't talk too much, although if given something he enjoys talking about, he could go on about it. In combat, he follows behind a lot and sometimes is known to randomly go off on his own without warning. He is overall focused and determined though. [/spoiler] [u]Armor:[/u] [spoiler][b]GS6 Mk3 "The Astro-Gladiator"[/b] This armor piece is strong and advanced. It connects across Peter's body and head, giving him a range of protection with some of its own abilities. The armor is dark gray and covers almost all of his body with strong metal plates. The helmet is dark gray and red on the visor. The visor has built in night vision and scanning for different types of materials. The helmet and body armor also protect against hazardous materials. The helmet has a silver gas mask on the front too. [b]SA-10 "Discus" [/b] This set of armor for Peter's arms are intimidating and rightfully so. They have large sharp looking shoulder pads and gauntlets which match the main armor piece in color and design. On the left wrist is a small blaster that shoots out small bursts of lightning, capable of stunning enemies. On the right is a a power disc which, when fired, deals a fair amount of damage and ricochets quickly. [b]MS-5 "Mercury"[/b] Peter's boots and greaves are dark and softer than the rest of his armor making them lighter. This allows more free movement and speed. The boots are equipped to support hefty weight and can be useful in parkour situations. They give Peter an advantage in these areas.[/spoiler] [u]Weapons:[/u] [spoiler][b]Meteor Hybrid Rifle[/b] The Meteor can be switched between mid-long and short-mid range. Long range provides a small scope and more accuracy at the cost of slower firing. The shorter range is is faster, but less accurate and can lose ammo quickly if used recklessly. [b]The Torch- handgun[/b] The torch is a small handgun useful when Peter isn't able to use the Meteor. The torch fires strong .45s and has good control, all around a dependable weapon. [b]Striker blade[/b] A short, sharp blade used in melee encounters and useful in survival. [b]Barrier Grenades[/b] These grenades provide mediocre damage when hitting enemies, but shoots out a substance which begins hardening as it spreads. As a result, it creates small obstacles to disrupt enemies. [b]Hornet grenades[/b] These are smaller, yet more powerful grenades that shoot out blazing hot fire and shrapnel at high speeds. They make for intimidating weapons when used. [b]The Death Ray hand cannon[/b] This one is a favorite of Peter's. After spending quite a bit of time in building, he finally created a small hand held laser gun that is extremely powerful. The gun emits a red beam quickly which can significantly damage stronger enemies and and can usually kill lesser ones, however he only carries one or two batteries for it at a time as they hard hard to build. Each battery provides three shots. [/spoiler] [u]Backstory:[/u] [spoiler]Peter is from a different planet where life is rich and everywhere, but dangerous. As a result, he and his some of his people took to protecting themselves. He specialized in building robots and weapons capable of exceptional self defense. Later in life, he left the planet with a few others and traveled to tatakai. Now he lives in dojoville and is good friends with Osprey in the dojo. [/spoiler]

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          • Edited by Inflatablepants: 8/20/2017 1:04:53 AM
            [b][u]Lilly Coldbourne[/u][/b] "I-I can help! Probably!" Appearance [spoiler]Measuring out at 5'5, but still growing as the girl is only fourteen, Lilly shares the features of her brother Cain with high cheekbones, a pale face, brilliantly blue eyes and ashen hair. Her hair is long, and she likes to put it back into a pony tail when she strolls around. But, she'll let it down when it's time to relax. She commonly wears a white short skirted dress along with black leggings and wears white flats on her feet. During the cold weather she will put on her white puffy fur eskimo coat.[/spoiler] Personality: [spoiler]Lilly is kind, quiet, and selfless in her life. However, she still loves to talk to people despite her being rather shy. It's for this reason that She is a healer, not a fighter. She is incredibly well gifted in the medical field, whether this is with practical means or her magic. She is adept in both ways and is somewhat of a prodigy in that regard. She also is incredibly talented on any instrument she comes across, and loves to play music until the early hours of the morning. She is good with people, once she can overcome her fear of talking to them. She is also remarkably more clever then she lets on. [/spoiler] Abilities: [spoiler] Medical prodigy:Lilly is able to figure out how to cure most non fatal wounds, and even occasionally a fatal wound, with practical means and tools. (It takes her time to heal people however this way). All spells are instant: Minor heal: Lilly can cast a minor healing spell that will cure smaller wounds such as cuts and bruises. (Can cast 30 times a day) Medium heal: Lilly can heal those around her from serious harm or injuries such as broken bones or serious blood loss(10 times a day). Major heal: Lilly can bring someone back from the brink and any injuries they have been dealt. (1 time a day). Ultima: Lilly uses all of her magic power for the day to cast upon someone the ability to have their cells regenerate at %100 000 for thirty seconds. This makes the subject nearly impossible to kill unless they are completely blown to bits at the spell does not have enough time to recover the cells. Snowball: Lilly can shoot icy snowballs at an unlimited quantity. They called her the champ of snowballing back in the day. Instrumentally gifted: Lilly is able to play a vast variety of instruments and it is one of her favourite hobbies(please don't introduce her to social media. You'll ruin everything!)[/spoiler] Weaknesses: [spoiler]Frogs(or any animal that is slimy) Horror movies Bagged popcorn[/spoiler]

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            • [b][u]Cain Coldbourne[/u][/b] "I will redeem my brother, as well as myself. No matter the cost." Appearance: [spoiler]Cain is a tall man measuring out at 6'5. He has a large well shaped muscle mass with broad shoulders. He has a pale face that is high cheekboned but scarred from previous fights. He has bright blue eyes that are like the ice of a frozen lake and short shaggy ashen hair that he has to brush out of the way of his eyes. He casually wears a pair of baggy black pants tucked into brown high top boots. He wears a brown muscle shirt to cover his torso and a black hoody to keep himself warm(however he only really wears this in the winter. The man his more for the cold anyways). In combat, he only has a beaten set of old and ancient armour. While it protects him well, it's damaged state makes it ineffective in combat and it also takes time to get on. [/spoiler] Personality [spoiler]Born...different, then his other siblings. Cain is incredibly loyal to those he trusts. This is mainly because he struggles in making decisions for himself, so he relies on others to make his decisions for him. He is incredibly kind, but willing to do terrible things for the sake of his family or friends. He struggles learning new concepts and social standards, as well as ways of thinking. This makes him occasionally awkward to talk to or incredibly difficult too. That being said, he always strives to learn and discover new things, besides his problems. However, all of this is at odds with him being a master in the art of war. He learns incredibly fast in this area, and excels with god like results. Tactics, movement, reading his enemies, he is good at it all. Which makes him a brutal enemy to fight, or an amazing companion to fight with. [/spoiler] Weapons: [spoiler]The Dragon Spear: Cold steel shapes the shaft of this divine like weapon. A carved dragon wraps its tail around the top and towards the massive head of the spear. It's wings sprout out into blades at the top and it's head rests on the large head of the spear that his triangular in shape, and always razor sharp. This is Cain's go to weapon for all combat scenarios. He can throw it with precision and wield it like "an ancient monk made love to a legendary knight." -Alex Coldbourne. Year 4015 B.C Anyone who is caught in a duel with Cain while he wields the dragon spear is in for a bad time. Anjelica(Sword): A massive helix shaped blade that gives off the cold energies of the Ko-Rudo mountains, this is Cain's weapon for when things go truly wrong. He summons it from a rune hidden away in the Ko-Rudo mountains, where he also summons his steed. However, the steed and the sword share the same soul(more on this later). He can wield the massive 90 inch long blade with a single hand. It has no effective guard however. Double barrel shotgun: A shotgun Cain took from his "therapist." Nothing special here folks. Just uh...don't stand in front of it. Because he sure knows how to use it. [/spoiler] Abilities [spoiler]Archangel: Cain can use his magic to grow a pair of wings made of blue fire that carry him into the air. He aims with his dragon spear, then bullets towards his target. If he does not hit them, a blast of blue fire is sent out all around him that covers a five meter distance in normal circumstances. Cold resistance: Cain's heritage gives him a natural resistance to cold weather and attacks. Anjelica(horse): Cain can summon his blue fiery steed known as Anjelica so he can travel with incredible speed, as the horse can sprint across the world like a super car. That said, it is no longer fit for combat, and thus can be quickly dispatched if someone were to attack it. That said, he can summon the steed later if he needs to(not in a single fight). Ice spear: Cain can summon eight spears that float above his head. On command, he fires the spears at a target. The last spear always hones in on its foe. Ice shots: Ten smaller spikes form around Cain which hone in on their foe for a series of small cutting sounds and impalements. Flame portal: Cain can summon flame portals when he is upon Anjelica that allow him to cover distances faster then normal. That being said, they are very loud and there is a delay for whenever he exits one.[/spoiler] Weaknesses: [spoiler]Complicated social interactions.[/spoiler]

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            • ((Imagine a younger version of that.)) [i]"So you can fight for love or fight for vengeance, Fight for honor or redemption, Fight for what you will while you’re alive. You can fight to live or fight for power, Or never fight a single hour Fight for what you will but you can’t hide 'Cause all men must die."[/i] ------------------------------- [b]Name/Alias:[/b] Ike; no more, no less. No surnames, and as of yet, no edgy titles. [b]Age:[/b] 13. [b]Gender:[/b] Male. [b]Physical Description/Facial Description:[/b] Ike is decently tall for his age, standing at 5'5". When one looks at him, he looks not like a 13 year old, but more like a 14 or 15 year old. He's a decently handsome face, with angular features and pale skin, along with icy, blue eyes, and light blond hair generally in a crew cut style. His physique is athletic and surprisingly muscular for his age, although obviously not even close to matching that of one in their prime. His torso is slim, very, very lacking in body fat–in fact, he looks as though he very recently left the state of starvation. Greatly contrasting against his pale skin is an inky, black rune branded into his right forearm. It has a sinister and complicated look to it, its aura rather eerie. Upon activation, this rune would glow bright crimson. [b]Personality:[/b] If one were to describe Ike's personality in one word, it would probably be "uncaring." On the surface and at first glance or conversation, one would assume that Ike is the typical edgy teenager–emotionless, uncaring, and seemingly dead inside–one would normally see an analytic, logical individual, at first glance. One unaffected by emotion. But this is a façade, one that Ike never even realized he put up. Ike has strong ideals that he wishes to see through to their very end–protecting those he cares for being one, eliminating false kings and/or gods that oppose his King being another. There are very few people whom Ike has opened up to enough to tell them these ideals, however; very few people who have seen Ike's emotional, even influential side. TL;DR? He's edgy. [b]Biography:[/b] Meh. [b]Equipment:[/b] [b]WEAPONRY:[/b] [i]"The First Blade"[/i] An unbreakable blade of bone and leather, about two feet in length with a small skull for a pommel. Branded into its guard is the same rune on Ike's right forearm. The blade, in addition to being unbreakable, is always in pristine condition, needing no maintenance. It's not exactly his, though. The First Blade is owned by one named Cain, however Ike's rune gives him the ability to summon the sword when he needs it. When fighting, the sword constantly drains the opponent's life energy, feeding it to Ike to either heal his wounds or buff his overall capability. It does not need physical contact, but without it it drains rather slowly. When making cuts, Ike obviously receives more life energy, and with kills, Ike receives all of the enemy's life energy. [b]ARMOR:[/b] None. [b]Abilities:[/b] Ike possesses a couple abilities; the Mark of Cain, and the shadow magic Alonfé is teaching him currently. On one hand, he possesses the ability to summon the First Blade, drain life force, as well as summoning Cain himself. On the other, he can create and manipulate shadows; extremely edgy, but it is what Alonfé is teaching him. His fell magic is extremely weak, however, being a complete novice. [b]Additional Information:[/b] Nah. [b]Theme:[/b] [url=]"All Men Must Die" – Jonathon Young[/url]

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            • Name: Johnathan Sazial. Race: formerly human, now reincarnated angel (now fallen) Powers: flight, Light manifestation, Destruction Magic (Courtesy of the Gremory family even though mine sucks by comparison) elemental magic, supernatural charisma and charm. Equipment: Scared Gear: True Longinus. Powers Jonathan uses with it are mostly different from its canon form typically would since its powers change with wielder, except short range teleportation, True counter (only what Jonathan calls it. The official name is too hard to remember). Any other canon powers from the last canon wielder are yet to be unlocked if ever. New original powers include Bias Field, can drain life energy and overall power or change anything with life energy or power within the field. All beings in the AOE are affected based on Jonathan's will. Can't be sustained for long without putting him out of commission for weeks to months. And others that I haven't shown. He unlocked them in a time skip so I'll add them after I show them off. Extend and the energy blasts are the same but more effective from training with Leon and Royal in the use of spears. Taking place after the events of all of the Light Novels written by Ichiei Ishibumi, after the apocalypse was sealed by the leaders of the angels, sldemons, and fallen angels relictantly joinned forces and eventually gave themselves up for the sake of the world and its inhabitants that they were once at war over. However, the demon king's wife Greyfia became a stray demon and went on a rampage. This transformation was too much for anyone to handle. Jonathan's entire immediate family was tortured to death then violated in front of him one by one. When it was his turn, Johnathan felt an overwhelming strength rising within him. And at last manifested his sacred gear, True Longinus, the original and most powerful sacred gear. Not knowing he had no way to control it nor did he know how to use any abilities, she desperately tried to flee. Johnathan subconscious thrust the spear at her and was surprised at it extended. However she escaped to the space between dimensions. With no way to follow he sunk into despair. Until, an angel with black wings appeared to him and offered to reincarnate him as one of them, and immediately accepted. First thing he did after the painful and traumatic transformation, he started gather information on where Greyfia fled to. He got nothing to help for no her from anyone he asked. All he got was "you should master your sacred gear. You have no hope of beating her until you do. Even as a fallen angel, you aren't one naturally, making a pure blooded super class demon gone ssss+ tier stray is like comparing a single ant to the most fear monster from the most terrifying legend imaginable. So stop being a whining little bitch and get stronger!" And so he researched locations where he may receive training to exact his revenge. And thats how he gor here. Since arriving, Jonathan has become good friends with Royal, Leon and Quincy. A still at large assassin brainwashed a bystander into trying to poison him and Leon and He has received a Promotion to the Grigori, his faction of the "Alliance"'s ruling and leading class, and is now essentially a brigadier general. Interactions he has within my posts have a continuity and defined structure of progression. For the sake of consistency unless I say in parentheses that you can disregard this, if he comes to your posts asking for info, make sure you character does know much or anything about what he asked. Just so that these can stay like side stories in his progression and not majority impact his timeline. Thank you and I will continue updates until I retire this character.

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            • [quote]"Silence. Try again, Athena, speak. We know you are mute, but your voice is there, for as far as we know..." -Early Childhood Memory[/quote] ==========Athena Trey========= [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Height:[/b] 5"9 [b]Eye:[/b] Silver [b]Hair:[/b] Stark white [b]Physique:[/b] Hourglass [b]Bodily Info:[/b] [spoiler] Athena is more lean bodied, yet still hourglass, the result of years of muscle toning and exercising. More short kept hair and a sharp face. On her right shoulder is a tattoo of the goddess Athena's, whom she was named after. [/spoiler] [b]Occupation:[/b] Death's Head affiliate, assassin and messenger of the ruthless organization. ------------------------------------------------------ [b]Info:[/b] [spoiler]Due to being a mute, Athena speaks through sign language or text, although generally she remains silent, flirty, and ever ready to fight.[/spoiler] [b]Biography:[/b] [spoiler]Athena started life in New Haven, where she spent her childhood made fun of by classmates who found out she couldn't speak, slowly turning the woman cold at heart and indifferent to those around her. Her parents, being rich from investments in the stock markets of Amoridia, worried for the girl, tried any means possible to get her to speak, therapy, speech sessions, and more, but failed as she picked up sign language at an early age. Eventually when she was 15, she took up martial arts as a release for her frustrations, learning several forms and military hand to hand by 19, four years of practice made the mute woman a silent warrior. In those four years she gained renown as a master in her styles, Pressure point, military cqc, ju-jitsu and other forms. Feeling it was worth the try, she tried joining the military, but was dropped because of her speech impediment, unable to pass basic training because of it. With her basic understanding of rifles and weaponry however, she took up a new occupation, a gun fanatic. Using her family's wealth, she collected a multitude of rifles, sidearms, knives and more mundane weapons, hiring teachers willing to show her how to use them. Years of training lead her to become interested in the criminal underworld, where her silent demeanor was set aside, and her real skills set available.[/spoiler] [b]Weapons/Gear:[/b] [spoiler] Given her parent's decent amount of wealth, Athena has acquired or funded several forms of weaponry it ideas. Some of which are as follows: [b]Grenade Lighters:[/b] Smaller, more compact shrapnel grenades disguised as chrome plated flip lighters. [b]Hidden Blade:[/b] Funded by Athena, it started as the idea of a butterfly knife attached to the wrist, making it easier to work with. Now, it works as a weapon that is easily concealable under long sleeved clothing. This version is carbon tipped, making it exceptionally sharp. [b]Contact Lenses:[/b] Simply designed contact lenses, used in both eyes. They give Athena a thermal vision readout and a zoom option, similar to binoculars. [b]Glock 34[/b] A powerful yet simple pistol designed with an integrated silencer, making the weapon deadly by all means. Athena carries it under her coat, several spare magazines carried as well on her person. [b]"Bootleg" Knife[/b] A knife concealed in the toe of the right shoe, extended by clicking the heels of the shoes together. [/spoiler] [b]Armored Suit:[/b] [spoiler] A fashionable, sharply designed suit, complete with a jet black jacket and pants with a black button down shirt. The clothing is kevlar laced with a ballistic gel underlayer, making it mostly small arms to medium bullet resistant. The suit is fashionable, yet conceals what Athena carries, weapons and the means to kill as needed. The shoes conceal a knife and are equipped with wave technology, muffling her movement and allowing her to jump slightly higher than normal. The jacket has areas to conceal a pistol, several magazines, three knives and anything extra, generally buttoned down to keep it from getting in the way. [/spoiler]

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            • Edited by Crrowly: 8/11/2017 3:51:22 AM
              [url=]Theme[/url][quote][b][i]"Are you the prey?"[/i][/b] [i]"No, we are the hunters!"[/i][/quote][u][b]BASICS[/b][/u] [u]Name:[/u] Christina - surname unknown. Generally goes by "Chris" or "Tina." [u]Age:[/u] 16 [u]Sex:[/u] Female. [u]Species/Race:[/u] Human. [u]Status:[/u] Alive... for now. [u][b]PHYSIQUE[/b][/u] [u]Height:[/u] 5'6" [u]Weight:[/u] 130 [u]Hair:[/u] Snow white, with the center of it falling down to waist length, while the sides cut to jaw length. [u]Eyes:[/u] Usually a rich brown, although that's subject to change when she's using magic. [u]Body Type:[/u] Mesomorph [u]Detailed Desc:[/u] Christina has an unnatural beauty to her, which she likes to hide with a large hoodie. Her face has a balance of roundness and angularity, giving her a young appearance - which she is. Her skin is pale, almost worryingly pale, similar to her hair. As for her facial features themselves, her lips are thin and her nose small, its tip perky. The strangest thing about her face, even beyond the paleness of it is the fact that when she is in combat, her pupil colors change depending on which god she is praying to. [u][b]COMBAT[/b][/u] [u]Paraphernalia:[/u] Christina doesn't have very much equipment, in truth. For weapons, she has three daggers hidden in her clothing along with around twenty throwing knives on her at all times, all hidden. She considers her daggers special things. [url=]Falldor[/url] A dagger named after the Riastist god of medicine, healing, and light. Its curved blade is rather short, and doesn't really serve much use in combat. However, what the dagger CAN do is heal minor wounds instead of actually wounding. When used on a wounded entity, the dagger's blade phases through their flesh completely and heals nearby minor wounds on said entity's body. [url=]Cryzisis[/url] A dagger named after the Riastist god of sadness, pity, and ice. The blade of the dagger is about seven inches in length, the dagger about a foot long. The shape of the blade combined with the shape of the guard make it a good tool for parrying, but not only that, the blade is capable of inflicting frostbite upon those it cuts. It also can temporarily cause damage to emotions; each cut makes the dagger's victim a little sadder. [url=]Frilli[/url] A dagger named after the Riastist god of hunting, war, fire, and darkness. This dagger is a lot larger than must, with its curved blade measuring in at 13 inches, its total length about a foot and a half. When the dagger's namesake is spoken, the blade can become engulfed in a twirling inferno of flames–pretty 'lit'. Huehuehue. Another important aspect of her paraphernalia is her jewelry. An person who is none the wiser might believe them to be nothing but jewelry, but in truth they're talismans that Christina uses to pray to her gods, granting her strength. The talismans she has includes a [url=$_35.JPG?set_id=2]bracelet[/url], a [url=]ring with a sapphire,[/url] a [url=]ring with a ruby,[/url] and finally a [url=]necklace[/url]. Each one doesn't grant much magical enhancement themselves, but altogether they can be quite potent. [u]Abilities:[/u] There are four gods that Christina prays to; Falldor, Frilli, Ress, and Cryzisis. When praying to Falldor, Christina is granted the ability to heal others. The longer she prays, the more potent the heal is–often it can take up to hours to heal somebody with grave wounds. Alternatively she could pray to Falldor for the creation and manipulation of light–from blinding enemies, to firing off concentrated beams. This prayer, however, is extraordinarily taxing and takes a long time to say. When praying to Frilli, Christina either gains the ability to create and manipulate fire or darkness, sometimes both via black flames. The fire or darkness can only be formed on Christina's left hand, where she wears her talismans. When praying to Ress, Christina gains the ability of stealth. This might entail becoming completely soundless, or invisible, or hiding her body temperature or smell. Sometimes it might be all of that. When praying to Cryzisis, Christina gains the ability to create and manipulate ice. She could create objects of ice, or freeze things with this prayer. Ice can only be formed on her left hand, similar to fire and darkness. [u][b]BIOGRAPHY[/b][/u] [u]Personality/Quirks:[/u] The best words to use when describing Christina are self-reliant. Sure, she depends on praying to her gods to use her magic, but in the end it's her skill with the magic and with her daggers that allow her to continue living. Christina is patient and cool-headed, but in a way, also selfish. If something doesn't help aid her own goals, Christina probably wouldn't do it. Yada yada yada. [u]Biography:[/u] Learn it!

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              • [b][u]BASICS[/u][/b] [u]Name:[/u] He's forgotten it. He's gone by Victor, Dean, Vance, and various other names with various different people, but in the end, he is nameless. [u]Age:[/u] Somewhere in his early or mid twenties. [u]Sex:[/u] Male [u]Species/Race:[/u] As far as he knows, human. [u]Status:[/u] Alive. [b][u]PHYSIQUE[/u][/b] [u]Height:[/u] 5'11" [u]Weight:[/u] 180 lbs [u]Hair:[/u] Black, crew cut [u]Eyes:[/u] Subject to change. Normally emerald green. [u]Body Type:[/u] Mesomorph [b][u]COMBAT[/u][/b] [u]Equipment:[/u] [b][u]Bionic Left Arm[/u][/b] After burning down a wasp nest with JT, he received a bionic left arm to replace the flesh one he doesn't remember ever having. The arm itself is gunmetal gray in color, and when activated, the joints and lines that travel from the shoulder to the hand light up electric orange. The wrist is capable of dispensing napalm and igniting the liquid in midair, causing a massive explosion of flame and smoke. Mainly for aesthetic purposes, a constant plume of smoke rises from the arm whenever said arm is active. If in a confined location it also provides the man with an advantage, as he performs perfectly fine in smoke. [u]Abilities:[/u] [i]"Flame Beast"[/i] The man is highly resistant to fire, and is actually capable of sucking the fire into his stomach and literally consume it. The more fire he consumes, the stronger he gets. Additionally, if the fire is a kind that he doesn't already use, even if the difference is only color, he gains that ability. [i]"Flame Ensemble"[/i] Allows utilization of multiple different kinds of flame. Ruby flames heal. Orange (regular) flames are regular flames. Yellow flames provide a comfortable amount of warmth and light, but do not burn anything and cannot be put out. Green flames tear through structures like crazy, but do not harm flesh. Blue flames burn through flesh like crazy, but do not harm structures. Purple flames are used purely to protect, and can burn through projectiles or weapons with easy. [b][u]BIOGRAPHY[/u][/b] Whatever

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              • Name: Johnathan Sazial. Race: formerly human, now reincarnated fallen angel Powers: flight, advanced offensive magic, supernatural charisma and charm. Equipment: Scared Gear: True Longinus. Powers included are yet to be discovered since this fan character's weapon's abilities tend to change with the wielder. He can use only its most basic functions like extending energy projection. Taking place after the events of all of the Light Novels written by Ichiei Ishibumi, after the apocalypse was sealed by the leaders of the angels, sldemons, and fallen angels relictantly joinned forces and eventually gave themselves up for the sake of the world and its inhabitants that they were once at war over. However, the demon king's wife Greyfia became a stray demon and went on a rampage. This transformation was too much for anyone to handle. Jonathan's entire immediate family was tortured to death then violated in front of him one by one. When it was his turn, Johnathan felt an overwhelming strength rising within him. And at last manifested his sacred gear, True Longinus, the original and most powerful sacred gear. Not knowing he had no way to control it nor did he know how to use any abilities, she desperately tried to flee. Johnathan subconscious thrust the spear at her and was surprised at it extended. However she escaped to the space between dimensions. With no way to follow he sunk into despair. Until, an angel with black wings appeared to him and offered to reincarnate him as one of them, and immediately accepted. First thing he did after the painful and traumatic transformation, he started gather information on where Greyfia fled to. He got nothing to help for no her from anyone he asked. All he got was "you should master your sacred gear. You have no hope of beating her until you do. Even as a fallen angel, you aren't one naturally, making a pure blooded super class demon gone ssss+ tier stray is like comparing a single ant to the most fear monster from the most terrifying legend imaginable. So stop being a whining little bitch and get stronger!" And so he researched locations where he may receive training to exact his revenge. And thats how he gor here. This is one my first role play characters so if its cliche and shitty as a concept then lay off, I'm new to this.

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                • Edited by GingerlyWalnut3: 8/8/2017 2:57:44 AM
                  [Tested in Old Dojo] [b]Name/Alias:[/b] Eric Cooper [b]Age:[/b] 23 GSY [b]Race/Species:[/b] Human Male [b]Job:[/b] Mercenary [b]Appearance:[/b] [spoiler][i]6'3/243 lbs. Young, with black hair, white skin bordering on a tanned bronze, and pale blue irises. Muscular and lean--built lithe and defined like a boxer. With the shield, however, Eric's features are constantly muffled, as if distorted by intense heat. His orange-crimson hologram swirls around him constantly, giving the impression that he lies in the center of a blistering inferno.[/i] [/spoiler] [b]Gear/Equipment:[/b] [spoiler] [url=]>>Boots:[/url] [i]Rocket boots with gyro-stabilizers for short bursts of flight.[/i] [url=]>>Exoskeleton:[/url] [i]Light exoskeleton mount that increase the amount Cooper can carry, and serves as a bandoleer for his expansive armament. Powered by a hydrogen-helium fusion reactor that can reroute power throughout hardpoints. [/i] [url=]>>Shield Generator:[/url] [i]Projects a proton-shield confined to a 3-foot radius by electromagnetic forces. [/i] [url=]>>Chest-piece:[/url] [i]An industrial, military-grade field computer covered in carbon-nanotube ablative armor. [/i] [url=]>>Amp Gauntlet:[/url] [i]An enigmatic multitool with strange properties...[/i] [url=]>>Prosthetic Arm:[/url] [i]A skeletal, metal prosthetic arm with force-drivers built into the servos in the shoulder and elbow, with a coilgun embedded into his forearm. [/i] [url=]>>Helmet:[/url] [i]EMP-hardened helm constructed from carbon-nanotubes and ceramic composite. Connects to a [url=]HUD[/url] projected onto his visor, which is made of Perspex.[/i] [/spoiler] [b]Weapons:[/b] [spoiler][url=]>>Gauntlet Blades[/url]: [i]Twin blades constructed with high carbon steel, an anti-flash non-reflective titanium carbide coating, and an edge-coat for corrosion and rust resistance. The superalloy has high thermal conductivity, allowing the blades to be superheated by channeling excess heat from the suit's helium-3 batteries into the blades. [/i] [url=]>>Throwing Star:[/url] [i]A Thermite-Carbon Cord initiated by the press of a button, which utilizes Aluminum and Iron (III) Oxide to detonate the explosive in a small radius. The blades, at high velocity, can cling to armor, and is easily anti-materiel.[/i] [url=]>>Handheld Turret:[/url] [i]A tri-barreled machine gun with a chainsaw grip and an underhanded grip that fires 12.7x99mm Uranium Needle rounds, stored in a high-capacity box magazine. Barrels rotate and alternate. [/i] [url=]>>Shoulder-Mounted Shotguns: (2x)[/url] [i]Fires electronically-detonated, explosive caseless buckshot (12 gauge, 00-aight). Designed to penetrate targets, and inflict catastrophic internal damage. [/i] [url=]>>Coilgun:[/url] [i]Electromagnetically-induced coilgun that fires 4x30mm slugs at 13,974 ft/s. Located inside of prosthetic arm. [/i] [url=]>>Arrowhead TK Missile:[/url] [i]A 3-inch long "arrowhead" wedge propelled by electromagnetic repulsor thrusters. Projects rapidly-shifting telekinetic force fields in front of the target, which are used to cut apart and penetrate enemies. Fast enough to block bullets, and controlled by Cooper's neural uplink. [/i] [/spoiler]

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                • Edited by TheChemist: 8/17/2017 12:50:59 PM
                  Name: Quentyn Maximilian Locksley Alias/titles: Locke, The Wizard Sex: Male Age: 23 Race: Human Appearance: 6'4" with a lithe build. Hair is a very light blonde, and eyes are deep green. Wears a leather-padded, blue shirt and similar jeans. Over his shirt is a simple grey jacket. He also carries a satchel over his shoulder. Abilities/Weapons: - The Arcanum: the encyclopedia of all things magic. Contains a wealth of information on everything from dragons to the circles of Hell. Includes a list of all known magical spells. Can be difficult to read at times due to age. - Arcane Force: Quentyn's own brand of magic, allows him to cast a variety of spells on the fly. - Ogvel: An ornate knife used in rituals requiring blood. Can be imbued with magic. -Falldor: A knife that heals wounds (See Christina's bio by Caz) Weaknesses: Quentyn cannot sustain his magic indefinitely, there is a limit and reaching can have debilitating effects. He is not very skilled at hand to hand combat. Bio: [i]Excerpt from an unknown man's journal[/i]: He came like a thief, one moment he was there and he was gone the next. They call him [b]The Wizard[/b]. A few years ago, Mt Haven was a proud and thriving society with the Academy of Albion, a wizard school named after its founder. Now, it's a smoking shell of what it was. It all started one month ago. Mr. Locke was out of town for his show, being the most famous wizard on the planet took alot of time. It was late at night. Suddenly a loud bang echoed through the streets. A terrible beast appeared and rained down fire on our city. Just when all seemed lost, Locke returned and rallied the militia to chase the beast away. When the dust settled, 378 people were dead. In the following days, it was found that Locke's home is where the beast had first emerged. This quickly turned public opinion against him and exile was his fate. Before he left, he addressed the town. He apologized of course, but he also vowed to slay the beast that had killed so many. I know not where his journey will take him.

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                • Edited by ALIAS-F4LS: 8/4/2017 1:59:31 PM
                  Name: Alexis Rouge Nicknames: Red Hood, The Hooded Huntress, Red Personality: Carefree with a sort of roughneck personality. Very rugged for her appearance. Gear: [spoiler]Silver plated broad sword A hunting pistol housing six 45 hollow points dipped in silver A dagger made of werewolf bone Throwing knives An war axe specially made to feel equal in balance to a wood cutting axe and yep, silver on the edge. Drugs that provide a temporary boost to physical capabilities. Tranquilizer darts Pain killers Cloth bandages[/spoiler] Armor: [spoiler]Hardened leather tunic and gloves along with a softer more flexible material for leggings and around the fingers. Metal shoulder guards and a chainmail layer weaved into the fabric of her coat[/spoiler]. Abilities: [spoiler]Highly athletic and agile in combat due to being used to fighting in situations where she would regularly be at a disadvantage. Her skill as a hunter has made her a genius in the field of tracking and stalking silently. A special drug that she can use as a last ditch effort to temporarily boost her physical capabilities well beyond their normal parameters though the strain it causes on her body tends to leave her weak and exhausted the next day. An immunity to lycanthrophy[/spoiler] Bio: [spoiler]As a young child, little red riding hood was merely a girl who enjoyed walking through the woods and visiting her grandmother from time to time. At the time she lived carefree and never thought her life would change so drastically over a simple meeting with a talking wolf who seemed at the moment, fairly polite and curious. Not knowing any better she answered where she was going and even mentioned her family as she made a trip to her grandmother's house. That information, as innocent as it may have seemed, may have already orphaned her before she even knew what she had done. Her grandmother was devoured and the wolf twisted and contorted in an attempt to match her form to some success. When she walked in she saw a few subtle differences between her gramotjer and the imposter that eventually alarmed her to run. The beast caught up with ease and she closed her eyes expecting the end but instead an axe came flying through the air landing in the monsters skull. A gruff looking man had ended the monsters life and helped Red to her feet and asked where her parents were. She was reluctant at first but had him follow her home to a grotesque scene of body parts strewn across the property and blood splattered all throughout the house. She was an orphan and in her mind, she was the only one to blame. The lumberjack took her in as his own, teaching her to hunt, fish and log from his old cabin just outside of town. In her teenage years she had grown into a very strong young woman from years of hard labor. She adopted a very roughneck attitude similar to her foster father who had been having her help with keeping the mill fields up and running all the while teaching her how to fight with a pair of wooden swords and defend herself from animals. He was a skilled for an old lumberjack, knowing a number of European martial arts that she had quickly grasped and became fairly proficient in sword play and using a wood cutting axe to fight. As she grew into a woman the lumberjack only grew older and older until it was her taking care of him. He told her of his wife and how they used to hunt beasts who hid in human form and how she died to protect him. He gave her the key to the armor his wife once wore as a parting gift. A very well preserved set of leather and a cloak with chain that only needed a few repairs. She promised to take good care of it and only days later found him dead in his sleep. After that, she carried on his wife's tradition of fighting these monsters in hopes to save others from the fate she was delt with that day so long ago. A red wearing huntress claiming bounties on the monsters of the world.[/spoiler] Extra: whether she encountered a shape shifting werewolf, a kitsune, or even a body snatcher is really up for interpretation. Even she can't be entirely sure.

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                • Edited by NightBloomsFell: 11/21/2017 9:14:29 PM
                  [b]Name:[/b] Xexa Hewx [i]Aliases:[/i] "stardust" "nightshade" [b]Race:[/b] Unknown Alien [b]Age:[/b] 27 [b]Gender:[/b] female [b]Height:[/b] 6'5" [b]Weight:[/b] 200 pounds [b]Appearance:[/b] [spoiler]thin athletic build, purplish grey skin, electric blue hair thats pulled into a braid she has fushica colored eyes.[/spoiler] [b]Bio:[/b] [spoiler]from the same planetary system as Sylvie but has never met her. Having undergone several augmentations on her body. She has experience dealing with other aliens. A lot of her augs are highly advanced by tatakai standards. What they do she wont say at the moment. But she is very skilled with CQC. She very skilled with various weaponry as well.[/spoiler] [b]Weapons:[/b] Unknown in their make but effective as hell but most times she choose to leave most of them in her ship so little is known as well. [b]Equipment/Belongings:[/b] [spoiler] Universal translator-makes it easier to communicate in other languages and her speak to them. It constantly updates whenever it encounters a new race. She got a A.I. unit that goes by Mida she is the size of a small toy car and has the ability to move around on her own. Has a durable body so it can't be smashed, shot and blown up by regular means. Mida can fly to some extent. But sticks close by to xexa. [/spoiler] [b]Personality:[/b] serious but outgoing, but most of the time she rarely speaks if she has too.

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                • [b]Name[/b] Einculgyi Sraphiminy [b]Age[/b] 22 [b]Gender[/b] Female [b]Physique[/b] [i]Height[/i] 5' 9" [i]Weight[/i] 147 Lbs. [i]Build[/i] Skinny [b]Appearance[/b] Einculgyi wears simple coarse clothes as shown in the above picture, with many pouches of various things, designed to defend against the elements, rather than a blade. Her face is nothing to write home about, slightly angular with black hair, cut short with a knife. [b]Equipment[/b] Einculgyi is no savage, and actually has modern day things like normal people. They need no naming. The more exotic things do, however. [i]Axe[/i] A relatively large single-bladed axe, pretty sturdy. [i]Throwing Knives[/i] A set of five throwing knifes. [i]Powders[/i] The pouches she carries hold assorted powders of varying effect. From explosive powder to a painkiller, she has quite a few things. [b]Abilities[/b] [i]Pyromancy[/i] Einculgyi is a capable Pyromancer, with many tricks and feats up her sleeves. [i]Fistfighting[/i] Einculgyi is a decent fighter with her hands, who can actually throw a punch or a kick. [b]Bio[/b] No.

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