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Edited by Inflatablepants: 9/12/2016 12:48:36 PM

Dojo Bio Page

This is the dojo official bio page! Feel free to copy your stuff from the old group and post it here if you need to. If you are new, make your bio here! What is a bio?: You Bio describes who your character is and what they can do. Upon joining, please make a bio for your character. Before making your character, know that olden day characters(such as medieval characters) will likely be trumped by superior technology as well as future tech. The dojo is based in the present day. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO HAVE EACH CHARACTER TESTED. ONLY ONE. [spoiler]If you are bugged by the dojo posts. You have a mute button. Use it. It's much faster than you making a post showing a lack of intelligence to use a mute button![/spoiler]
#Offtopic #DOJO

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  • Edited by Devious_Melons: 9/28/2016 4:24:53 PM
    Name: Lego Age: 39 / 300 Sex: Male Race: human / symbiote Abilities/skillset: use of wrestling moves along with mixed martial arts. Standard heightened speed and strength from his suit. Poise- can boost his stability against attacks at the cost of agility. Gear (weapons and armour): cosmic iron armour- cosmic iron is a tough material, its atoms are bound by the power of the cosmos so weapons that can cut though it can literally sever the fabric of reality. Though its as soft as iron. When using a lighter fighting style, he sheds his uncutable plates. M4FH- a custom made M4 which uses 50. Cal slim rounds. Its made to be 100% customisable, but bullets these days are reliable but against most fighters they are as effective as peas. The inventors hammers- 2 cosmic iron hammers which are infused with flame, the metal is soft but its in such a solid chunk that it hardly matters. Gravibat- a baseball bat made from sponge steel (nerfed Vibranium) which end manipulates the gravity around it. 1&2- his signature akimbo 10mm handguns. Appearance (optional): inside he's just a blue putty. Outside he has brown hair. His armour looks brass colored. Backstory/bio: he's CEO of ForgeHand and his brain came from a part of space called the symbiote realm. Weaknesses: his host body is human so if you pry his armour off he's pretty much screwed. An embarrassingly long loss record Blue symbiotes are pretty much living putty. He's weak to blunt attacks and axes, cosmic iron can be bent like iron and swords hefty enough can also bend it.

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  • Edited by Cazberry Pie: 10/1/2016 3:39:49 AM
    [b]Name:[/b] Alyssa Orime Melningsburrow [b]Nickname:[/b] Ao, Lys, Lisa. [b]Height:[/b] 5'3" [b]Weight:[/b] 110 [b]Physical Description:[/b] Freckles all over face. Thick, round glasses. Bright green eyes, shoulder length brown hair. Small, perky nose, round ears. Beautiful smile, only thing beautiful about her. [b]Personality:[/b] Kind and quiet. When she speaks, she's nearly inaudible. She'd rather talk about others than herself, not because of an edgy past, but because she finds herself extraordinarily bland. Likes to think of herself as an intelligent, yet quiet person, which for the most part she is. [b]Weaponry:[/b] A four foot bo staff with a two foot titanium spike, total of six feet. An old, dusty spell book she keeps on her at all times. It's nothing special. Thin paint brush for runes. [b]Abilities:[/b] First and foremost, stats. HP- Hard to calculate this. Moderate health, not able to tank much. MP- 750. Current abilities consist of: -Alchemy: The ability to change chemical elements to something else, I.E. iron to gold. In this case, she a) cannot use alchemy for anything living, b) things that are transmuted will turn back to normal in five posts, c) requires a large amount of energy for a single transmutation. 100 MP per transmutation. -Rune Drawing: The creation of a rune to do magical things. Current runes consist of: -Rune of Mana Regeneration, or [i]malleran[/i]. 0 MP. Restores 50 MP per post, unable to attack until full MP. -Rune of Unlocking, or [i]hallora[/i]. 25 MP. Unlocks basic locks. -Healing rune, or [i]iratze[/i]. 50 MP. Speeds up healing process. -Incendiary rune, or [i]incendio[/i]. 50 MP. Ignites on fire. -Flood rune, or [i]mentagua[/i]. 50 MP. Summons water. -Rune of Strengthening, or [i]allinto[/i]. 75 MP. Strengthens allies. -Rune of Quickening, or [i]sugaro[/i]. 75 MP. Quickens allies. -Rune of Self-Sacrifice, or [i]swisido[/i]. 750 MP. Requires 2 different runes; rune A and rune B. Rune A goes on the one being saved, rune B goes on Alyssa. When activated, transfers all wounds on person A to Alyssa, person A's wounds disappearing. Rejuvenates person A. Can also be used to save person A from fatal wound, yet killing Alyssa. [b]Backstory:[/b] Born in a large metropolis. Graduated mage school, John West Academy, with 5.0 GPA. Nothing interesting. [b]Additional:[/b] None.

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    • Edited by IcecreamWizz: 9/24/2016 3:19:35 PM
      Name:Derek Zhanghou Aliases:"The Cold Detective" Age:25 Appearance:5'10', Handsome, Black coat,White vest, Black Shoes, Chick magnet Sex: Male Sexuality: Heterosexual Weapons: Pocket knife, .44 Magnum, Notebook, Pen, Attributes/Skills: Fast reactions, quick to trigger, cold heart Backstory: Derek was a young boy at the age of 12 when a horrible tragedy happened. His father Mr. Zhanghou was experimenting with nuclear energy. Derek lived in a small village when his dad accidentally leaked the nuclear energy and it spread towards the rivers where people drink out of. Mr. Zhanghou immediately rushed to the lake where a speedboat is waiting. "Son, come quick we have to leave, if you stay the you will die," Mr. Zhanghou exclaimed. "Dad, what happened here why are we leaving?" "That's not important we have to leave lets get going." "NO, I'm not gonna leave everyone here to die!" "This is not the time for that, its going to spread and infect everyone, we have to go!" "Dad, I'm not gonna go, if this is your mistake your not gonna fix then I will." "Fine, you can die with the rest!" Mr. Zhanghou got on the speedboat, but stopped by Derek with a gun in his hands. "What are you doing son, don't point that gun at me. "Dad, I know that you have the cure and its too late to use it now, but, what you just committed is worse than a crime, ITS GENOCIDE! I will end your miserable life so this will never happen again." "Son, this was an accident it wont happen again!" "Lies, all your saying is LIES! You never intended for me to live, did you! "Son, why don't you beliee........*cough up blood* why son.......*cough*" From that day forward Derek had a cold heart that never recovered, and eyes darker than a black hole.

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      • Name: Garon Hall Age: 21 Height: 6'2" Weight: 189 Appearance: A broad shouldered man, with a mess of brown hair and yellow eyes. White skin. He is somewhat muscular, and usually wears a simple white t-shirt and jeans. Weapons: Mountain Slayer: Designed to literally do its job, it was once a Giant king's prized sword. He skated armies of men with it, and only fell by a sickness. Year later, it was rediscovered by Garon, the only one who could lift it. He has slain dragons, men, Giants, even a plague itself. Nothing is safe from this sword, with its ability to harm all, no matter the situation. It's very metal weighs a ridiculous amount, the Giant King simply letting it fall to kill others. Garon uses it, with all his strength. The sword can also absorb magic, and tank bullets alike. Garon is said to be the spirit of the sword itself, separated when it was lost to time. Abilities: Strength higher than the giant King, nothing can stop a full swing.

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        • Edited by Atom: 9/28/2016 12:09:04 AM
          Gonna try something else

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          • Edited by UNUSED ACCOUNT: 9/27/2016 5:11:56 AM
            [url=]The Crazy Hoe.[/url]

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          • [b]Name:[/b] Theta Brown [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Height:[/b] 5'4" [b]Weight:[/b] 110 lbs [b]Appearance:[/b] Short, boyish brown hair. Cybernetic, green eyes, and prosthetic right arm. [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Affiliation:[/b] The Bloodsuckers [b]Occupation:[/b] Godfather [b]Home Location (Planet, City, Universe, etc):[/b] New Intro City [b]Supernatural:[/b] Nope [b]Species:[/b] Human [b]Theme:[/b] [b][url=] [/url][/b] [b]Notable Accomplishment:[/b][spoiler]Successfully spray painting "Chicken" on the side of a warehouse without being caught.[/spoiler] [b]Other Details:[/b][spoiler]Cows.[/spoiler] [b]Background:[/b][spoiler]Theta was born into a poor family in New Intro City, completely blind. Her parents couldn't waste their extremely thin supply of money on a blind child, and, making sure nobody knew of her existence, they dumped Theta into the streets when she was only a month old. The blind infant was soon found by a Bloodsucker Grunt, who took pity on her, and brought her to the Bloodsucker headquarters, begging for somebody to take care of her. One of the three current Higher Bloodsuckers agreed to take Theta in, then proceeded to shoot the Grunt in the head. The infant was indeed cared for, given extremely little food and left to sleep in a dark corner of the warehouse. She grew up like this, and when she was old enough to walk around, the Higher Bloodsucker that agreed to "take care" of Theta gave her to a Doctor in the Bloodsuckers. From there, her blind, disfigured eyes were taken out of her head and replaced with mechanical, bright green ones. There wasn't really anything special about the fake eyes, besides the fact that they allowed Theta to see. And the moment she could see, she was forced into a life of crime as a grunt in the Bloodsuckers, and if she ever tried to leave she would be shot up just like the rest of the Bloodsuckers. She made sure not to fail, and the Grunts around her protected her, for even criminals did not want to see such a young child die. She grew up as a Bloodsucker, and her reputation slowly improved. Her mechanical eyes allowed her to spot details quicker than the normal, naked eye, and that allowed for a little quicker reflexes that saved lives and crime missions. Because of this, she became a Wolf at age 12, and became a little more respected by the Grunts. Her crimes became a little more sophisticated, graduating from simple candy shoplifting to pickpocketing anybody and everybody on the streets of New Intro City. She killed for the first time at age 15, still as a Wolf. It was a man who had figured out the identity of a Godfather, and, in order to save the godfather from being shot to death by a Higher Bloodsucker, Theta cornered the man before he could tell anybody, and shot him in the head with a 9mm pistol she had borrowed from a Grunt. The Godfather's identity as a Bloodsucker remained unknown to everybody besides Theta. Then, one fateful day, when Theta was 20, the Primal Bloodsucker was found out by a small group of four detectives. He was put on trial and sentenced to death by firing squad, however no other Bloodsuckers were found. The Higher Bloodsuckers did not want to risk being the Primal, and so they promoted the unknown Godfather that Theta had saved to Primal. The new Primal, in order to make sure Theta would not be found out, promoted Theta to Godfather. To add to that, he ordered the same Doctor that had given her mechanical eyes to replace her right arm with a prosthetic that could turn into a tesla cannon, so she could carry out crimes with more ease. The Doctor did so, and the now 20 year old Theta got a prosthetic arm fitted with a tesla cannon. To this day, she is the only one to know the Primal Bloodsucker's identity, and they maintain a somewhat strained relationship; Theta was too scared to ever contact him for fear that she would be followed or overheard, and the Primal had the same concerns. She continues to be a Godfather in the Bloodsuckers, and her identity as a criminal has not been found out as of yet.[/spoiler] [b]Weaponry / Abilities:[/b][spoiler]A prosthetic right arm that can rebuild itself into a tesla cannon that discharges a lethal amount of electricity. A two foot long katar that, when activated, becomes infused with plasma.[/spoiler] [b]Companions:[/b][spoiler]Theta be lonely.[/spoiler] [b]Vehicles:[/b][spoiler]Nothing.[/spoiler]

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          • Stian MacLeod. Aged 32 5' 10' Lithe build. Short goatee. Hair is trimmed but poorly maintained. Dark green eyes with flakes of gold. Little to no information is available of anyone recorded as Stain MacLeod. Only a preschool records him as a student. No parents or guardians except an individual called Richard. No date of birth exists for him and when asked for a bio he explained a simple life in first Virginia. When questioned again he said Alaska. When questioned a third time, Germany. No consistency is held. He is equipped with a short sword engraved with Nordic Runes and powerful magic. He has two firearms endowed with magic of their own as well as metal punches, each engraved with an individual rune. 26 total. He has a very old and barely running jumpship and no land vehicles. He stays on the same planet for years at a time.

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          • Edited by Obi-Emp Kenobi: 9/26/2016 10:39:56 AM
            Name: Sakuret Ceiko Alias: Sauerkraut Age: 37 Appearance: Snow White hair slicked back, bushy white beard that stops around his Adams Apple, Stark Blue Eyes, rather muscly, crooked nose and some needle scars on his biceps. Weapons: A Rail Gun, once used by him at a past point of his it is kept as a reminder of his past, one of which he regrets and loathes every day. Lightning Claws, Don't let these blades fool you. Sitting at around 1.5 feet long and made from hard adamantium they produce a electrical charge through their claws. However this isn't a ordinary electrical charge, it acts like a power sword in the sense it can cut through most things, these gauntlets also have detachable chains on them for swinging them around wildly) Abilities: Super Strength (Due to taking an experimental drug which had been tested before, he had gained Strength and Speed. He can lift up a single dreadnought easily and can punch a hole through a human body.) Sakuret is surprisingly fast for his body, but not super fast. He can out run normal humans. Explosion Manipulation (Low Level explosions, they'll do some damage but they can't outright kill you unless severely hurt beforehand. He can do higher level explosions but that requires focus and concentration.) Bio:Now not much is truly known about him, except some well hidden rumors he once knew Cobalt. He once served the Chaos God, Khorne but mysteriously escaped. It all but lost in the sands of time....

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            • Edited by Pofeh: 9/25/2016 11:11:46 PM
              "[i]The night is young and the hunt is on, but beware... Not all hunters share our goal. Best keep your hands clean, if you catch my drift... There's no honor in what I do.[/i]" [b]Name:[/b] Lothran the Crow [b]Age:[/b] 27 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Height:[/b] 5'11 [b]Full title:[/b] [i]Lothran the Crow, Hunter of Hunters, scourge of the Hunter's nightmare.[/i] [b]Appearance[/b]: As shown in the photo above. Underneath the mask and clothes is a rather pale and skinny man. His face is quite gaunt, and his eyes portray nothing but a cold look of disdain. He has raggedy dirty blond hair that he usually keeps covered along with his mask. [b]Personality:[/b] Cold and unforgiving, Lothran makes full use of any mistakes or follies made by his opponents. Relentless with his attacks, his fighting style switches between dashing in and taking light hits before dashing out unscathed, or becoming a ferocious being, attacking with the violence of a murder of crows. [b]Backstory:[/b] Born during the eternal night of Yharnam, Lothran was raised to fear the outside and to avoid becoming a part of "The Hunt". Abused and mistreated by his parents out of their frustration with the current state of the world, he suffered immeasurable trauma throughout his childhood. Without an escape from the torment, he fell into a state of depression. Losing all will to live, he opened the doors of his family home and welcomed the beasts and fellow townsfolk in. His parents were slaughtered as they slept, Lothran shortly realizing what he had done afterwards. Panicking, he ran for safety before running into an impending figured dressed as a crow, falling onto he ground out of fear. As he pled for his life, the mob of angry beasts grew near. As they approached, the figure unsheathed two blades, slicing through the beasts with ease. Standing in a pool of blood, the figure turned their head to him and asked "[i]Do you wish to live or not?[/i]". Shaking his head as he was at a loss for words, the figured pulled him up, introducing themselves as "Eileen the Crow". Take him under her wing, he was taught the art of The Hunt, learning techniques made specifically for killing other hunters. Eventually, he was deemed worthy by Eileen and released with the title of The Crow. He wandered for ages, murdering the wretched Beast plague victims and other hunters alike, his curved blades tearing through flesh with ease. When in danger, he would call upon his strength and wield the Beast Cutter, a heavy bladed whip that tore through bone and flesh like paper. Eventually he set his sights on the Dojo, seeking to find a cure for the Beast Plague... Or maybe someone to destroy it. (Background revealed through RP) Though not an executioner, Lothran has an unreasonable amount of hatred directed towards the Vilebloods. Revealed through conversation, it was discovered that he had fallen in love with Eileen the Crow through his tutelage. A year after being released, he had decided to confront her and confess his love when he came upon the most accursed of scenes: in her own home, Eileen had been murdered by a rouge Hunter who had pledged themselves to the Vileblood queen. In a fit of rage, Lothran searched for ages, murdering every Vileblood he could find. Eventually he made his way too the Cainhurst manner where he confronted the queen, taking a list of the current Vileblood hunters. Vowing to destroy her empire in front of her eyes, Lothran left her alive so she could watch as he tore down everything she had worked hard to create. [b]Arsenal:[/b] [i]Blades of Mercy:[/i] This large dagger can split in two, become an elegant weapon used to destroy Hunters and Beast alike. [i]Beast Cutter:[/i] This odd weapon starts off as a serrated machete, but with a strong whip of the arm it becomes an elongated serrated whip that crashes and tears through all it comes into contact with. [i]Whirligig Saw:[/i] Another one of Lothran's strange weapons, he uses this weapon in place of the Beast Cutter when he needs a bit more power behind his attacks. In it's normal form, it acts like a large mace, the handle being nothing more that a heavy chunk of iron. When transformed, he attaches the head of the mace to a port in the saw on his back, creating a massively devastating weapon that can tear through most materials with ease. [i]Hunter's pistol:[/i] A standard of Hunters, this is a single-shot pistol that fires quicksilver bullets. These do little to no damage, but strike with such an impact that if timed correctly can disrupt a foe's attack. It looks like that of a blunderbuss, able to be used in both long and short range fights. [i]Church cannon:[/i] A massive cannon used by the Blood healing church in the days of old, this massive arm-mounted cannon can fire a massive ball of steel coated in flames up too three-hundred yards away. What it lacks in high range for most technology is it's power. Able to tear through most armor, this ball explodes in a roar of destructive power on contact. [b]Abilities:[/b] Hunter's resilience: Due to being a hunter, Lothran's body has the strange ability to hold up against physical trauma better then most humans. This mostly pertains to things that would normally destroy a human, such as having a baseball bat slammed into his leg. Instead of shattering the bone, it would cause a large bruise and large amounts of pain, allowing him to continue to fight. Blood Vials: After battle, Lothran can absorb vials of blood to heal his wounds. He carries up to twenty of these at a time. Visceral attack: If given the chance (By that I mean an opponent 1) giving me permission and 2) the opponent getting stunned, Lothran will plunge his hand into the opponents back or chest and absorb a large portion of their blood. This move is ridiculously Op, so it will not be used frequently and for the most part only in finishers when an opponent has given permission. I repeat, this move requires an opponents [i][b][u]Permission.[/u][/b][/i] Old Hunter's bone: A bone used by the Old Hunters, Lothran can spend a small portion of his blood to allow himself to "dash" instantaneously in short distances in a small explosion of sulfurous smoke. When used, he can do very short range teleports for three turns, but it takes 8 turns to recharge before he can buff himself again. Blood of The Orphan of Kos: A rare vial of blood worth more than the life of all in Yharnam itself, this vial of precious blood is filled with the crimson nectar of the child of a celestial being. Used as a last-ditch effort, Lothran will absorb this to temporarily boost his strength massively and give short immunity to being stunned, but at the cost of his humanity. He becomes a mindless beast, attacking all in an endless quest for blood to satiate it's bottomless appetite.

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              • Use this template for new characters entering the fray: [b]Name:[/b] The Slasher, should a bounty be placed. [b]Appearance:[/b] A small girl, her hair black, eyes red. Her skin is mostly white, covered in scars. Her left arm is limp, and clutches a knife. Her clothes are ripped and tattered, a loose fitting shirt and tight jeans. Her mouth is stitched together, only allowing basic sounds. [b]Age:[/b] ? [b]Height:[/b] 5'7 [b]Weight:[/b] 127 [b]Gender:[/b] Female, considered. [b]Affiliation:[/b] none [b]Occupation:[/b] none [b]Home Location (Planet, City, Universe, etc):[/b] unknown [b]Supernatural:[/b] Yes, and no. The person controlling her can animate dead bodies/parts. This is effective around her. [b]Species:[/b] human? [b]Theme:[/b] [b][url=] no >:)[/url][/b] [b]Notable Accomplishment:[/b][spoiler] nope! [/spoiler] [b]Other Details:[/b][spoiler]Her left arm is limp [/spoiler] [b]Background:[/b][spoiler]Eh... [/spoiler] [b]Weaponry / Abilities:[/b][spoiler]A curved sword in her right hand, perfect for impaling and slating un armored targets. Her limp arm holds a knife. [/spoiler] [b]Companions:[/b][spoiler][b]Hollow, (making him next) [/b] [/spoiler] [b]Vehicles:[/b][spoiler]none [/spoiler]

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              • Edited by Atom: 9/25/2016 7:04:07 PM
                Name: Atom Holiday Age: 23 Profession: Doctor-ish Appearance: Powers: X-Ray vision, and can move INCREDIBLY fast. (For no armor and only a handgun and knife. More to run away than fight, lol) Dale loved it. He was paid more, had interesting patients and best of all? When things went south, he always had a bit of fun. Working in the black market as a doctor was the best job he's had. Most if not all the local gangs respected and protected him, and those who didn't usually didn't mess with him. This was the life, eh? He loved the rush, but alas, there are no good ladies! Either way, he only has one goal to figure out, what's behind the powers of the dojo?

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              • Why don't you people put these stupid threads in a group?

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                • Edited by A Stormy Dio: 11/10/2016 9:26:16 PM
                  Name: Kara Venices Age: 23 Alias: Kamen Rider Diend Allegiance: None Appearance: [spoiler]She's a blonde 6 ft woman with blue eyes and pale skin. (She usually puts her hair in a ponytail.) She's usually going to be seen wearing any type of black clothing.[/spoiler] Bio: [spoiler]Being raised on Earth, she eventually ended up meeting heroes nicknamed "Kamen Riders". Eventually, getting all their trust allowed her to use them as cards, being able to summon specters of them, though she could only summon three at a time maximum. Eventually, she also got a hold of the Dienddriver, allowing her to summon such Riders as well as double as a gun. Eventually, she was involved in an space expedition to Tatakai, where she now resides. Now, she stays in the dark side of things, often being paid in return to work for them, bringing the spirits of the Riders with her.[/spoiler] Weapons: [spoiler]DiendDriver- Perhaps her only weapon, this weapon can do a couple things; shoot, summon specters, and other things. Various Rider Cards: Considering she had gained the specters of all the Riders on Earth, she can summon them at will, though she could only summon three at a time. She can also summon their weapons for herself if need be. Cards from other worlds- By traveling to other worlds, she had gained the power to summon anyone from the worlds of RWBY, Overwatch, Ex-Aid (Another Rider), and some Marvel characters. (The MCU ones up to Civil War.)[/spoiler] Advantages:[spoiler]-She can summon other Riders with her. -Basically, she can be able to use any of their weapons. -She has contacts in the Black Market that can dig up any info necessary. -Go after her younger sister, and she'll immediately hunt you down. Same with those she could see were abused.[/spoiler] Disadvantages- [spoiler]-Take away the Dienddriver, and she's open season. -Her specters, though conveying emotion, aren't the real deal. Some can be hard, but most are easy. -She can only summon three at a time, meaning an army could easily wipe her out. -Anyone with control over the Driver can summon Riders as well.[/spoiler]

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                  • Edited by Zany Zoe: 9/24/2016 11:46:17 PM
                    [b][u]Name[/b]: Brickler[/u] [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Age[/b]: Not Important [i]Based off of my DOOM Multiplayer Character.[/i] [u]Background[/u][spoiler]Brickler was assigned to the Argent facility on Mars, as a guard at the research facilities. Before Olivia Pierce releassd hell on mars, Brickler was assigned to the Dojo's planet by the UAC. He knows about what happened on Mars and all the things that Samuel Hayden did to recover the Argent energy, although he is stranded because his ship ran out of Energy. He is determined to work with Hayden to rebuild, but is living in the Dojo until he can return to Mars.[/spoiler] [u]Abilities[/u][spoiler]Rocket boots allow for quick movement in the air. In addition, strength enhancers provided by the suit give Brickler the ability to run fast, jump high, and do many difficult things.[/spoiler] [u]Weapons[/u][spoiler]Vortex Rifle - Long range, charged energy weapon which is useful for eliminating enemies at great distances. Uses argent energy rather than traditional bullets. Super Shotgun - Brickler's main weapon, a standard double-barrel shotgun. It has the capability of quite literally tearing anyone apart if they're unfortunate enough to get close. Chainsaw - The most brutal weapon in brickler's arsenal, this requires fuel to start up. It tears through [i]absolutely anything[/i], mostly any[i]one[/i].[/spoiler] [u]Unique Traits/Quirks[/u][spoiler]Brickler used to be a bounty hunter that was hired by the UAC for his combat skills. He is obsessed with killing, and was revered as a great soldier in the UAC on several expeditions in hell. Generally, he treats his peers with respect but takes the missions given by the UAC top priority over anything else.[/spoiler]

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                    • Edited by Chesh I Guess: 9/24/2016 5:33:58 AM
                      Name: Chloephina Fayruna Age: 21 Gender: Female Description: [spoiler] Chloe is a strikingly beautiful woman, with strange pale blue and black skin. She has nice curves but isn't anything obnoxious like the nineteenth letter of the alphabet. She stands at 5'8 and weighs 145 pounds. Her eyes are a deep orange and yellow like autumn, and her hair his orange like the sun. She tends to wear long dresses and robes, and a long religious cloak. A gold band sits atop her forehead keeping her hair in its place. Her species has strange black skin that covers and parts that remain undesirable for the public eye. Along her hands and legs and even her back are strange glowing lines in pattern form. She tends to go barefoot and wears long black gloves.[/spoiler] Gear: [spoiler] Andromeda's Pride: Chloe's melee weapon is a large sword that glows with strange light, meant as a last means of defense. While she can wield it with ease, she barely uses it. Dusk's Kiss: Chloe's main 'weapon' is a massive shield made of some kind of black stone with glowing engravings. It is bigger than her, but she wields it with surprising ease. It has the ability to suck in any attack through a temporal tear and reflect it. It can also someone to spirits, one of fire and ice. It's capable to firing a large beam of light, and many other projectiles. Solithus 'The Inferno Hymn' Solithus is the spirit of fire and metal hidden away in Dusk's kiss, taking the form of a metallic saber tooth tiger with eyes of fire and a lateen hanging from his neck. His aggressive, reckless, and extremely hostile. Venitra 'The Blizzard Lamentation': Venitra is the spirit of ice and wind hidden away inside Dusk's kiss, taking the form of a dire wolf made of dark wind and ice. She's a calm minded, cool tempered, beast. The Rook: This strange device serves multiple functions. It's technically an umbrella, large in size, that is black with strange green lines running along it, with a veil to hide anyone covered by it. It's quite large so it is able to cover someone from head to toe, Chloe using it to hide herself. The veil can also fold back and the umbrella can shorten to make itself more compact, and easier to carry, becoming s simple parasol. It's veil is able to keep out UV rays.[/spoiler] Abilities: [spoiler]Sanctum Healing: Using the glowing green lines on her arms and body, she can transfer her power to others to heal them. This will cause their body to form the same line structure, and heal from their affliction, be it a wound or illness. This also allows her to create gateways to other places or even entire realms. These lines can change to a blue color to create barriers or to give enhancements to allies. Crypt Destruction: Chloe can use a powerful ability, generally opposite of her healing, the lines on her body taking a red color, forming weapons or causing damage by breaking away an enemy. It can change to a light red hue for ranged attacks. It can also change to a yellow color to drain enemies of energy or weaken them.[/spoiler] Bio: [spoiler]Chloe has always lived a pampered and sheltered life, her parents doing everything they could to protect their gifted child... Guards watched her every move and she was constantly followed by guardians. However, as Chloe grew, she became tired of the rich and royal life. The final straw was her parents attempt to put her into an arranged marriage, which she quickly declined. In a rage, her father locked her away for months without contact to the outside world. While imprisoned in her own room, Chloe managed to escape with the help of a royal guard, and fled her home. Now, she lives where she pleases, enjoying the freedom of exploration and adventure... But her turmoil isn't over... As her parents have set a high price for her capture and return... However, because of a rare skin condition in her species, she can only be in sunlight for a few seconds, anything more causing intense headaches and burns. In daylight, she often uses her umbrella to block out UV rays.[/spoiler] Personality: [spoiler]Because of her sheltered past, Chloe is a quiet and meek person. She's incredibly soft-spoken and reclusive, struggling to be socially open. Yet, under the insecurity is an intelligent and kind woman who is incredibly caring and gentle. However, there are times she can be very cold and commanding.[/spoiler]

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                      • W.I.P [i]"Just trying to leave, don't mind me." [/i] Name: Jerven Trexi. Nickname: None. Species: Remyre. Gender: Male. Age: 37. Appearance: Blue skin, green glowing eyes, balder than Heisenberg, 6'4, thin. Gear: [spoiler]-M4A1 carbine rifle w/red dot sight, foregrip, extended mag, and suppressor. -Twin M45A1 pistols w/red dot sights and suppressors. -Combat knife. [/spoiler] Armour: [spoiler]-Leather armour. -Iron cuirass. [/spoiler]

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                      • Edited by Skatch142: 9/24/2016 2:29:18 AM
                        "He talks like this." Name: Sketch Fluffy Wheatley (Do [u]not[/u] mention his middle name. His parents' sense of humor is the one thing about them that he doesn't miss.) [u]Sphirinian name:[/u] Dren'Sphurin Roram Watul'Sphurin Race: Sphirinian- Cat/wolf hybrid (Specifically, one half wolf, one quarter leopard and one quarter bobcat.) Age: 15 (He ages faster than humans so he is basically an adult.) Sex: male Height: 5 feet He is married to Leyla and they live together in the box. [u]The collar:[/u] At the moment, Sketch has a collar made out of black fog around his neck. The collar shrinks and starts choking him when he does anything aggressive, wether it's attacking someone or or cursing. It was put on him by William and will only disappear when William is dead, although Vorim'Tairn can use his abilities to temporarily disable the collar so Sketch can fight. Personality: [spoiler]Despite his background he is actually very happy, at least when he isn't thinking about his past. It is hard to make him mad but if you do manage to anger him he goes from neutral to pissed in the blink of an eye. Nothing gets between him and his friends and he always wants to help people with whatever issues they have. In a lot of ways, there are two sides to Sketch... He loves being out in the open and interacting with people but he also loves sitting in a small, dark space and just thinking... There are lots of things he just can't make up his mind about...[/spoiler] Appearance: [spoiler]Basically a bipedal wolf, cat thingy... He is about 5 feet tall if you count his ears although he is stronger than you would expect. He has bright green cat eyes and a blue stripe on his back. He has no armor whatsoever. He wears a t-shirt and cargo shorts most of the time but he wears a fire-proof duster when he's fighting, although he cut a hole in it for his tail so it sort of defeats the purpose. He has a unique accent that only one other person in this dimension has.[/spoiler] Weapons: [spoiler]Generally he uses his enhanced claws which are razor sharp and can cut armor. He also punches and kicks and whatnot. He has two main weapons: a flamethrower and a katana that controls air when he swings it. -He also has a sword with a blade made out of blue steel. It is incredibly light, sharp and can freeze things upon coming to to contact with them. Leyla made it for him as a special gift. -When dealing with godmoders or if he is really desperate, he will dual wield two katanas that control air. -Both his katanas have neural links which allow him to control how they manipulate the surrounding air. -His katanas are solar powered but it takes a long time for them to run out of energy.[/spoiler] Abilities: [spoiler]-He can blend in with shadows. -He has much higher energy and pain tolerance than a normal person. -90% of the time he lands on his feet. -He just has stuff... One second he won't be holding anything and the next he has an ice cream cone in his hand. He has determined that the stuff comes from his home planet (Sphirinia,) in his home dimension, although the reason for having this stuff is unknown. -He was just walking around and suddenly his hand was on top of a massive crate of smoke bombs. He carries three with him at all times. -He can actually live forever although he is not aware of this. -It is very hard to lie to Sketch without him knowing.[/spoiler] Other stuff: [spoiler]-He thinks of every member of the Dojo as family, and so he is very attached to almost all members. He would do almost anything to protect them. -He can speak English fluently but he can't read it. -He likes fire. (Unless he is the one on fire.) -Generally he is unpredictable and destructive. (Catnip makes that much, much worse. He carries a single leaf in a vacuum sealed bag in case of emergencies.) -He never takes an opponent seriously. -He will never kill an animal unless it is absolutely a threat. -He likes trees. -His eyes turn grey when he is focused and they turn blue when he is building or fixing something. They turn orange when he is scared, purple when upset and blank, glowing red when he is angry. His eyes also turn blank white when there is a shadow being cast onto him although his eyes aren't affected by the shadow. His eyes turn pink if he is near someone he is in love with. -He may purr when he feels happy, relaxed or safe but he cannot control it. -He doesn't miss a single detail when he is examining something. -He has occasional animal urges such as having the strangest urge to howl at a full moon. -Sometimes he will actually start acting like an animal, walking on all fours and barking etc. The reason for this is because his instincts are usually suppressed but sometimes they will randomly overwhelm him. It's temporary but someone may need to take care of him. He may also start acting like this if he gets really scared or really angry. -He likes it when people pet him but refuses to admit it.[/spoiler] Weaknesses: [spoiler]General bad music, the color yellow, flashlights (shadow ability won't work), Wednesdays, Lennys, alcohol, he is very afraid of teleporting. He is extremely flammable without his duster. He is extremely afraid of insects and arachnids.[/spoiler] Backstory: [spoiler]Sketch actually came from a different dimension. His parents were scientists and they worked in a lab. When he was a baby they took him to the lab and since babies try to eat everything, he ended up drinking about 12 test tubes full of chemicals while his parents weren't looking. Oddly enough, he didn't die. Instead, a stripe of fur on his back, hands, and feet turned blue and he got the ability to blend in with shadows. He started helping in the lab when he was 11. (He ages faster than humans.) And when he was 13, he had been running tests on a wormhole generator when there was a flash and he woke up in the woods. Since it was a wormhole generator, he should have been transported somewhere else in space, but he thinks he is in another dimension because he actually recognized some places during his time wandering around before he found the dojo.[/spoiler] Pets: [spoiler]-He has a bobcat sized, telepathic, two headed bird named Malik. -He has a husky named David. -He has small wolf named Stalker. -He has a robotic endoskeleton that has a toaster for a head. His name is Garry and he is an @$$hole.[/spoiler] Vehicles: [spoiler] -He has an attack VTOL that he built, it's name is The Solution but he hardly ever uses it.[/spoiler]

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                        • Name: Stratos Stuff: Pretty much like a spirit living in a hunk of human shaped metal living inside a mechanical Asian man. He's pretty much a particle collider that can change molecules and atoms and stuff. He owns like two universes.

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                        • Mortal enemy of the Dojo Has multiple rings Lead multiple Lenny attacks

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                          • Where's the character layout link?

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                            • [url=]Lucas Fandango.[/url]

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                              • [url=]Aaron Sawyer[/url]

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                              • Edited by Obi-Emp Kenobi: 9/23/2016 9:06:57 AM
                                Name: Chloanne Defaln Race: Human Age: 29 Gender: Female Appearance: Oriental, Curvy, Hazel Eyes, Long jet black hair with a red dyed streak usually tied in a ponytail, Her height is around 5,7. Personality: Generally nice, sometimes sarcastic at times, thinks of her brother as overprotective and annoying. Its kind of hard to make her mad but when she does she usually forgives one after throwing a fit. Weapons: Rail Pistol, It is a single-shot weapon designed for medium-to-close range encounters; the weapon fires an electromagnetic slug at high velocity speeds, puncturing targets. Karambit Knife, double edged in a fixed spot instead of folding. Grappling Gun, Simple really its just a cable that attaches to things and pulls the person up. I mean that's literally it. Armor: Made from ceramic and titanium plating it covers Chloannes vital parts like her chest, back, legs and forearms. However it leaves her joints exposed like her elbows. It is usually covered up by her clothing. Helmet, made from an advanced technology this helmet covers her entire head, made from Steel and Titanium it slides off her face and slides down the back of her head. More or less its designed to prevent low and medium caliber rounds and melee weapons from killing her instantly. It is equipped with Night vision and Infrared vision as well as normal.

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                                • Edited by Xeno: 12/25/2017 6:37:57 PM
                                  [b] [/b]

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                                • Name: Kaden Benton Aliases: The Duskwalker, Chaosbringer, Alagaesian Murderer Age: 354 Height: 6'3" Weight: 214 Lbs. Eye Color: Red Hair Color: Black Physique: Somewhat slim with muscle showing, large amounts of scar tissue over his body. Looks like he is in his Late 20s Bio: [spoiler]Kaden was born in the island nation of Alagaesia, to two farmers who worked the land. Until he was 13, he never knew of his destiny, when the Dragon riders came. He triggered an egg, and was immediately taken for training. Over the next 200 years, give or take, Kaden would grow in reputation, known for his expert knife use and marksmanship with a bow. He also showed great aptitude for magic, handling the ancient language with ease. Things took a turn for the worse when he encountered a Rogue dragon, one that was Red. He slew it, casting it's physical form down a mountain. But its spirit remained. It harassed a local village for 10 years before Kaden caught wind of it, and intervened. He attempted to assimilate with the deity, to host it the attempt shattered his mind, the creature abandoning the attempt halfway through. Kaden became a psychotic serial killer. From here on, his trial along the world would be a bloody one. He left Alagaesia, traveling to faraway places. He came across the dojo, and met his childhood friend and fellow Dragon Rider Kaleb, who had lost his steed many years back. They began to converse until they were separated, Kaden going on his murderous spree again. He disappeared, reappearing after the death of Kyle Berrigan. He began to use Firearms, letting his spree take on a Whole new approach in the Golden City. He was eventually cured of his psychotic tendencies, and lived a normal life, until he encountered the demon once more. Known as Apophis, the ancient Egyptian God possessed Kaden, taking complete control of his body, and began to Amass an army to invade the world. But Then, Kaleb returned, ending it all when he transferred hosts, and forcing Kaden to kill his friend. Kaden disappeared, only now resurfacing. [/spoiler] Clothing: [spoiler]Dark Grey clothing of an unknown substance and a brown cloak[/spoiler] Skills: [spoiler]Kaden is an extremely gifted stealth artist and marksman, as well as a knivesman. He seemingly had an endless supply of knives. He also has the ability to manipulate Light energy and Dark energy, a skill he learned from Kaleb, who had learned it from Ragnell, the Archsage. He has the ability to use the Ancient Language to income magic. [/spoiler] Weaponry: [spoiler]-Duskwalker's Pain: The Revolver that belonged to Missouri, or Kaleb, it is black with a gold trim, and a wooden grip. Chambered in the brutal .44 Magnum, it packs a punch. Kaden can imbue the rounds with Magic. -Dual Beretta M9A3's -A Remington MSR Sniper Rifle chambered in .338 Lapua Magnum -Knight's Armament Co. SR-25 SASS -Heckler and Koch G36C w/ EOtech 553 Holographic Sight and Underbarrel M203 Grenade Launcher -A Shortsword with a golden tint to it as well as a golden gem in the hilt. -A seemingly endless supply of varying knives, from basic Bowie knives to Explosive ones. [/spoiler] Weaknesses: [spoiler]-He is heavily damaged emotionally, making him a cold fighter, if he is fighting someone he does not know, he will disregard their well being. -Use of his Magic will tire him after extended use [/spoiler]

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