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Edited by Inflatablepants: 9/12/2016 12:48:36 PM

Dojo Bio Page

This is the dojo official bio page! Feel free to copy your stuff from the old group and post it here if you need to. If you are new, make your bio here! What is a bio?: You Bio describes who your character is and what they can do. Upon joining, please make a bio for your character. Before making your character, know that olden day characters(such as medieval characters) will likely be trumped by superior technology as well as future tech. The dojo is based in the present day. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO HAVE EACH CHARACTER TESTED. ONLY ONE. [spoiler]If you are bugged by the dojo posts. You have a mute button. Use it. It's much faster than you making a post showing a lack of intelligence to use a mute button![/spoiler]
#Offtopic #DOJO

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  • Edited by Sanctus Caesar: 11/22/2017 12:07:43 AM
    "[i]Many are given the phrase, 'the world is your oyster,' as an assurance to them that their future is bright. But, that is not true. It is mine.[/i]" [b]Name:[/b] [i]Gilgalad[/i] [b]Guild:[/b] [i]Legio Domini Regis[/i] [spoiler]This is an actual group I've made that spans through multiple RP's and other groups, and is open, though you must be sworn in by Gilgalad.[/spoiler] [b]Description:[/b] [spoiler] [i]Standing at 6'5, Gilgalad is a tall, broad-shouldered man. His armor elevates him to 6'7, and his eyes are a startlingly brilliant shade of ruby red. His is well-built in terms of muscular development, but he is not a bodybuilder.[/i][/spoiler] [b]Equipment:[/b] [spoiler] [i]Armor of the King -A set of Knight's Armor, forged of a Golden-Graphene hybrid metal, forged millennia ago, by ancient blacksmiths using forgotten techniques to create a singular set of armor millennia beyond what should have been possible for them. (Without The Helmet) Armory of the King -A collection of weapons and treasures belonging to Gilgalad in the past. A vast Armory, it holds an Infinitum of swords, axes, spears, and other weaponry fitting to those times. It also contains vast arrays of wine, gold, and other such treasures.[/i][/spoiler] [b]Abilities:[/b] [spoiler] [i]Gate of Malaz -Gilgalad has an ability that allows him to do a number of things, listed as such: >He has an Armory which contains essentially an infinite number of melee weapons (swords, spears, axes, knives, etc.), as well as weapons which are attached to chains and such for variable usage >He can open an essentially infinite number of portals into this Armory through which he can draw weapons >He can take the weapons from the portals in his own hands to be wielded as any other blade >He can alternatively fire the weapon from the portal as a projectile at a set speed >When using the portals offensively, not in equipping or bringing food and drink or such, the closer the enemy is to Gilgalad, the closer his portals can open to his challenger. At the start of a fight, they start behind Gilgalad's back, and progress from there. >He can summon other items, treasures, food, or drinks from this Armory and Vault as well.[/i][/spoiler] [b]Bio:[/b] [spoiler] [i]It started out as whispers, echoes rippling throughout Tatakai. There walked a man throughout the the country. His path was wide, erratic, and took him through much of the world. However, within the seemingly mindless meandering was, for those intelligent enough to perceive it, a pattern, a course. It was a slight one to be sure, but a course nonetheless, and one that had its sights on the establishment known as the Dojo. There came to that place of conflict and war one who walked in the guise of a man, but was something...more. There came to the Dojo the Lord King, Gilgalad.[/i][/spoiler]

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    • Edited by A Stormy Dio: 1/23/2017 11:40:47 PM
      [spoiler]Because I haven't been on here for what, 3 months nearly, and I'd want to restart everything. Like, my only character I'll probably use. At least until someone, somehow kills him. (Orn, if you're still there, keep the Darksaber. ;)[/spoiler] Name: ??????? Nickname: Merrick Age: ????? Nationality: Sounds British; most you'll get out of him. (Sounds like Zaeed from Mass Effect 2) Homeworld: ???? Occupation: Vigilante Bio: [spoiler]Nothing much is known about him, except that he was from a human colony called Marel Prime, deep within the Milky Way Galaxy. He seems to help any type of person in trouble, and seems to escape just as quickly. Whoever was messing with people seemed dead in a clever variety of ways, although it is unknown what the true motive, or location of "Merrick" could be.[/spoiler] Appearance: Face is blocked by unknown "smiling" mask, with the addition of a Victorian-styled long coat, with black combat pants, and boots. Can sometimes be seen with a paperboy hat. Weapons: [spoiler]MR-210 Bastion: Heavily militarized laser rifle contained with three modes: Pistol, Whip, and Sniper Modes. Each runs on heat, and overheats after 20 rapid shots of pistol mode, or 5 shots of Sniper Mode. Kalishaka Dagger: Although unknown in origin, this specific Dagger contains a nearby grappling hook that can act as quick transportation, should he need it. Strangely, a purple glow can be seen around it. Silenced M9- A simple, American-made (from Earth) pistol that carries 9 rounds. Can be used to silence enemies without even knowing it. [/spoiler] Gear: [spoiler]Smoke Grenades: Basically self-explanatory. His main means of escape and disappearance. Throwing Daggers- A more simple concept, using poison to kill targets with time and distance. Proximity Mines: These are quite useful when getting chased by people. Sticks to walls and explodes when an enemy is in quick proximity to them. Wrist Scanner: Special scanner on his wrist that can track any DNA sample of any person, allowing him to easily track down his target. [/spoiler]

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      • ((because I'm going to use him more often, and He's got some shit needing clarification, I'm re-uploading his bio)) Name: Jared Grant Alias: none Age: (before Blacklight innoculation) 23 (actual age) 46 Gender: male Appearence: 5'7, actual weight is rather large, but this is due to the Mercer virus in his blood stream only. Blondish hair (starting to grey), blue eyes. Wears a leather jacket, a T-shirt of sorts, blue jeans, and combat boots. Weapons (boy does he have weapons): [i]Counterpoint[/i] [spoiler]his personal keyblade, offers a magic-over-attack approach, and his physical attacks with the weapon are often based on a magical attack[/spoiler] [i]Solar Claw[/i] [spoiler]Forged by the Cobalt Phoenix himself, this blade gains cutting ability and fire damage based on time. Midnight being unable to cut through armor, and noon being able to slice up a tank, and more[/spoiler] [i]Klink[/i] [spoiler]Jared's most (in)famous weapon. a revolver chambering 6-fragmentation casing-adamantium core rounds. using electrical and magnetic modification, this revolver fires at full auto with an RPM of 400.[/spoiler] [i]Klank[/i] [spoiler]not-so-famous sister revolver, fires slugs superheated to 500K, and has super-cooling heat sinks attached to the barrel. Incinerates organics and blasts through armor. Stopped by shields easily. Clip of 12, semi automatic double action[/spoiler] Armor: [i]ODST-ICARUS MK.II[/i] [spoiler]Made with carbon-fibre, kevlar, and steel plating, this armor easily stops small caliber and some heavier weaponry. VISR HUD included, but.....its most powerful aspect is it has anti-grav cores linked to an energy shield emitter, allowing it to project a low-grav field that increases the strength of its user by default[/spoiler] [i]Nightingale Armor[/i] [spoiler]blessed and made by Lady Nocturnal herself, this armor is made with "Liquid Midnight" renders the user silent in all but voice, and can stop blades and slow handgun-caliber bullets [/spoiler] Abilites: -Keyblade magics (Firaga, balloonra, Sonic Blade, Ars Arcanum etc.) -if killed, memory will be wiped and he can return as a nobody -Bio-regeneration (limited following treatment, cant regenerate limbs without access to a signifigant amount of biomass and a large amount of time) -disguise and consuming (Can consume a person's biomass to gain their abilites, face, form, and memories) -Agent of Shadow (once per interaction, can turn invisible and silent. last three replies) ((Wip))

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      • Edited by Orn: 1/22/2017 4:18:31 AM
        [i]"And in that moment, I swore we were infinite." [/i] [i]~The Perks Of Being A Wallflower, by Stephen Chbosky[/i] Name/Alias: [i]Maria Rose Raidriar, "Rosegold"[/i] Age: [i]16[/i] Gender: [i]Female[/i] Description: [spoiler][i]Young and to some - attractive - Maria stands at a height of five feet and nine inches tall. She isn't thin, nor fat - but in between, while her body remains hourglass-like. While she manages to have an ample chest and some other curves, they aren't obnoxious enough to interfere during combat and such. Due to her athleticism, she has a slight six-pack.[/i] [i]Her facial appearance is sharp yet smooth, with an angular facial structure. Maria's eyes are a beautiful, vibrant blue eyes, while her skin is olive-colored and tanned. Her hair is a light brunette color - usually tied into a ponytail. [/i][/spoiler] Clothing/Armor: [spoiler][url=]Armor[/url] [i]Maria typically wears a garb that consists of a combination between a deep black coat and a chestplate.[/i] [i]The longcoat drapes over her body, ballistic weave running through the fibers of the cloth - thin layers of kevlar and carbon. Not enough to block anything lethal, but enough to protect against some things.[/i] [i]The chestplate covers her upper half, while the first layer is an extremely thin layer of gold - for decoration reasons, of course. Under that is a plate of ceramic, protecting her from ballistic damage. [/i][/spoiler] Weaponry: [spoiler][url=]Rosegold Gladius[/url] [i]34' inch long gladius sword, the blade of the weapon being 28' inches long and made of Damascus steel. The hilt's metal is originally golden, while dark leather is strapped around it in order to comfort one's grasp. The pommel is made of iron and ball-shaped, for pummeling.[/i] [url=]Raidriar Greatsword[/url] [i]Replicated after the massive sword that Maria's father, Andrew Raidriar, used. A 275' inch long - or 7'8 foot long, 14' inch wide blade, the sword is heaved around rather easily by Maria, due to a nice lil' thing called genetics. Thanks, Raid! The blade of the weapon itself is crafted out of iron and Damascus steel, while the edge of the weapon becomes less thicker, allowing it to be more capable for slicing through flesh.[/i][/spoiler] Abilities: [u]Mana: 7500 in Total[/u] [spoiler][url=]Destructive Energy Manipulation[/url] [i]Maria is capable of casting several spells that rely on a destructive form of energy, which take the form of deep blue light - more powerful versions are colored a bright gold. The spells that she casts are highly destructive, as they shred through molecules and atoms like nothing. Energy shields are useful, but will be destroyed against the golden variants.[/i] [i]Maria draws her mana from two sources, both she has named herself - the "Kyaneos" and "Aurum".[/i] [u]BLUE - Weak/Normal Spells[/u] [u]GOLD - Powerful Spells[/u] [u]BLUE - Kyaneos Darts (x6) [/u] -100 MP per Dart- [u]BLUE - Kyaneos Orbs (x4)[/u] -200 MP per Orb- [u]BLUE - Kyaneos Shower[/u] -250 MP, lasts for 2 turns- [u]BLUE - Kyaneos Serpent [/u] -350 MP- [u]BLUE - Kyaneos Enchantment [/u] -400 MP, lasts for 5 turns- [u]BLUE - Kyaneos Flight[/u] -400 MP, lasts for 10 turns- [u]BLUE - Kyaneos Propelling [/u] -450 MP- [u]BLUE - Kyaneos Blade[/u] -550 MP- [u]GOLD - Aurum Serpent[/u] -700 MP- [u]GOLD - Aurum Enchantment [/u] -800 MP, lasts for 10 turns- [u]GOLD - Aurum Flight [/u] -800 MP, lasts for 20 turns- [u]GOLD - Aurum Propelling [/u] -900 MP- [u]GOLD - Aurum Blade [/u] -1050 MP- [u]GOLD - Aurum Storm [/u] -1500 MP- [u]GOLD - Aurum Stream [/u] -2000 MP- [url=]Time Stopping[/url] [i]Maria can currently stop time for exactly 1 second, allowing herself to freely move within it. With every 4 time stops, she gains a second. Maria can only stop time every five turns.[/i] [url=]Ice Manipulation[/url] Kinetic Mage Abilities: ((WIP))[/spoiler] Skills: [spoiler][i]Maria is an expert swordswoman due to the training provided by her father, Raid, and yet she is also a very intellectual and thoughtful person thanks to her mother, Adeline. As such, she is calculating and precise, identifying and targeting the weakest points of those she fights against.[/i] [i]Alongside this, she is an adept mage, and fairly experienced with all of her abilities.[/i][/spoiler] Biography: ...Learn it.

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        • Edited by Splashback77: 9/30/2018 2:53:28 AM
          [b]Name[/b] Sarah McKenzie Grey [b]Aliases[/b] Lady Warlock; Lady Sarah; Warlock Grey; The Rampant Warlock; Sugar-Coated Insanity; The Traumatized Warlock; The One Who Endures. M'lady. My Lady. [b]Age[/b] [u]Looks[/u]: 24 [u]Guardian Years[/u]: 38 [u]Actual Age[/u]: 62 [u]Birthday[/u] October 2nd, 2679 [u]Date of Revival[/u] October 2nd, 2703 [b]Description[/b] Dirty blonde hair that is straight and flows down her back. Hazel eyes that you can get lost in. Light skin. Never wears makeup. Slim body. About 5' 10". [b]Gear[/b] (Most of the time, no helmet) Eon Tracer Hood Iron Saga Gloves Iron Breed Vestements Iron Saga Steps Eon Tracer Bond [b]Other Armor Owned[/b] [spoiler][u]Full Sets[/u] Cyan Rouge Armor (Like from Halo) Spektar Haelitus Eon Tracer Iron Saga Iron Breed Iron Companion Trials of Osiris Gear [u]Exotics[/u] Impossible Machines Sunbracers Heart of the Praxic Fire Ophidian Aspect The Ram The Stag Claws of Ahamkara Skull of Dire Ahamkara[/spoiler] [b]Weapons[/b] She has a wide arsenal of weapons, however, her favorites are as follows: [url=]Right Here[/url] [url=]Other Weapons[/url] [b]Other Equipment[/b] [spoiler][armory]Memory of Skorri[/armory] [armory]Memory of Radegast[/armory] "Your sword becomes a lightsaber." -MyNameisByf [armory]Memory of Gheleon[/armory] [armory]Memory of Jolder[/armory] [armory]Memory of Perun[/armory] [armory]Memory of Felwinter[/armory] [armory]Memory of Timur[/armory] [armory]Memory of Silimar[/armory][/spoiler] [url=]AI-Run Equipment[/url] [b]Background[/b] I will give you a damn link. Here it is. [b]Personality[/b] In all honesty, to definitively state personality traits for her is very, bery, incorrect. To claim she's a wild card is an understatement. Let's compare personalities to a card game. A card game where the amount of decks the draw pile is endless. Each card is a trait. Each person starts with a certain hand. As they play on, they gain and discard cards. Cards can be pulled in and out of a play as one please as long as its from the player's own hand. Players deploy different cards in different situations. Only those paying enough attention or those trusted know's another player's entire hand. It is tradition, but not rule, that of a player were to leave the table, they discard their hand. When they return, are dealt a new hand. Imagine that there was one player that took advantage of the fact that it was not required to discard your hand when you leave the table. This player has the entire deck with each card different than the last. They've played this game enough times to adapt to any situation presented. Sarah Grey is this player. The sheer extent of her memories and the variability of her mind allows for variability in her personality. While she has some scale of morality and other personality-defining concepts, she does not obey by single sections of these concepts. She shifts through the spectrums in each concept. Nothing is specifically concrete. [b][u]All Abilities[/u][/b] [b]Guardian Abilities (General)[/b] [u]Subclasses Mastered[/u] Voidwalker-Complete Sunsinger-Complete Stormcaller-Complete Dawnblade-Complete Gunslinger-Complete Bladedancer-Complete Nightstalker-Complete [url=]Warlock Subclasses Detailed[/url] [url=]Cool Shit About her Light and Mastery of it[/url] [url=][b]Other Abilities[/b][/url] [u][b]Skills[/b][/u] [url=]Detailed Combat[/url] [url=][b]Companions[/b][/url] [b][u]The Family of Sarah Grey[/u][/b] Jacob Laney (Grandfather)- Vanguard Jade Laney (Aunt, as in Jacob's twin)- Alive Mason Grey (Father)- Alive Jean Laney Grey (Mother)- Deceased Mia Grey (Twin Sister)- Alive Oliver Grey (Husband?)- Alive Alistair Grey (Son)- Alive Sophia Grey (Daughter)- Alive

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          • Edited by ALIAS-F4LS: 2/4/2017 1:33:19 AM
            "Have I got a riddle for you" Name: Chesh (Cheshire) Title: The King of Hearts. (Took over the cards when the queen died) Age: unknown as he says something different every time he's asked. Weapon: Massive claws. Seem unusually hard and surprisingly sharp. Gear: A compass that the just keeps spinning which apparently he can read. A key to the Vorpal sword's chambers. An alarming amount of chains made from a strange yet sturdy material. Abilities: Teleportation (I'll try to avoid overusing) Can seemingly float through the air Riddles (get it right you gain an advantage get it wrong and you may find yourself in trouble) Shape-shifting (he can mimic other people's apearence) Impressive reflexes Ace up the sleeve (a swarm of razor sharp cards) Madness infused claws (the more swipes he manages to get with his claws the more delirious you become) Bio: With the queen of hearts defeated and the jabberwocky slain, Chesh had taken advantage of the lack of power over the cards to crown himself the new King of hearts. Despite this he constantly found himself still enjoying the days of wandering aimlessly and meeting newcomers. One day after eventually succumbing to his own boredom he decided he himself wanted to take on the title of newcomer. Since he was so well known though Wonderland he ventured off, visiting places that would know very little of him allowing him to experience that feeling he had been curious about. Extra: a primary effect of failing a riddle will cause both Chesh and his opponent to enter the Abyss of Wonderland where he will take on the form of a massive phantasm smile. In this form he becomes terrifyingly strong and gains an incredible amount of detection going as far as to see through perfect invisibility. In the abyss Chesh is both everywhere an nowhere at all. This can however, be broken by successfully answering his riddle. [spoiler]yeah... I'm just surprised I didn't create an Alice in Wonderland themed character earlier O_o[/spoiler]

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            • [b]Base Personality [/b] Name: Victor Alias: The Stranger Age: 29 Gender: Male Physical Appearance: Normal Human Equipment: Hi-tech experimental rifle H7-V4. Hi-tech armor. Resistant to many forms of damage. Abilities: Elemental Abilities (i.e. Manipulation of Fire, Water, Air, etc) Ability to unwilling become alternative personality for a time span of 2-3 actions. Weaknesses: General inexperience Personality: Shy, intelligent, not confident, odd. [b]Alternative Personality [/b] [spoiler]Name: Unknown Age: 3452 earth years Gender: Male? Physical Features: Pale, human-like creature infused with Shadow Magic. Very evil looking eyes (think Sauron from lotr). Equipment: Ancient Shadow Infused Sword/Mace. Can kill even some of the most powerful opponents. Ancient Shadow Infused Armor. Can only be pierced by a sword destroyed long ago. Limitations: Can only remain in control of a possessed host for 2-3 actions Personality: A narcissistic psychopath that plays mind games with his opponents. Loves to taunt...[/spoiler]

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              • Edited by Big Cash Moneys: 1/21/2017 4:08:43 PM
                Name: Dalkroth Eversbane Gender: Male Race: Unknown Physique: Around 2 Earth meters tall, quite muscular, but in a lean sense. Face: Nothing really note special, rogue handsome type deal, except… the scar. He does appear somewhat noble almost in an elf-like way, but no pointy ears. Armor: A nearly impenetrable suit of armor made from a metallic white substance, it grants him enhanced movement and a plethora of abilities. It was his father's, or at least that's what he assumes. Weapons: A long sword made of pure light energy except for the hilt, which is made from the same material as his armor and the grip is made of a leather from unknown space creature. It is worth noting that energy blasts can be flung from his sword. (In the same manor as the bloodskal blade from skyrim.) Abilities: Besides his unnatural agility and deftness with his blade despite no training, his suit can grant temporary active camo, short range teleportation, the ability to fly, project images of himself, and telekinesis. [spoiler]I don't know what else I should add and what do I do now?[/spoiler]

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                • Edited by AlexanderSolomon: 1/21/2017 4:08:09 AM
                  Name: Vechi Oak, aka the eternal archer Male Vampire Age: unknown, suspected to be several millennia old. Physical Description: Vechi appears to be an older man with long white hair, extremely pale skin, and grey eyes. This is in fact simply his "second skin" and his true form is unknown. He is typically clothed in fine black hunter's garb, but with a bulky bronze and iron gauntlet in the shape of a bell over his left arm and hand. Abilities and weapons Standard Vampire abilities (super strength, speed, blood drinking, kill by destroying the brain and heart, etc.) Aeromancy Master archer Master tactician Duelist Second skin: Can gain immunity to sunlight by hiding in someone else's skin, which he has been doing for several centuries. Weapons: Titanium bowblafe with wind arrows

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                  • Edited by Sardonyx: 1/19/2017 6:01:24 AM
                    -------------------Amanda "Frye" Drake----------------- [b]Basic Info:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] (Estimated) 19 [b]Height:[/b] 6"10 [b]Hair:[/b] Ginger [b]Eye:[/b] Green [b]Physique:[/b] Hourglass [b]Alias:[/b] None so far [b]Biography[/b] [spoiler] Amanda was born on Odin, home planet and birth place of the first known Dax Soldier, Lydia Frye. Amanda, being born under the infamous giantess, was taught everything she knew by her mother and sent anything she needed by her distant father, whom Amanda has a well known relationship with. Her father is unknown, no records or files can be found directly tied to the man. Amanda, from an early age, was skilled naturally in precision and other fields, taking up a sniper at roughly 15, when her own body was nearly done growing. Her own body is the result of top of the line genetic engineering and cybernetics, thus making her a Dax soldier. She takes after her mother, Dax genes being dominant in all but facial appearance, meaning she is, a naturally born Dax soldier. As given with any name, she adopted her father's last name, using her mother's as a middle name. Amanda is one of the best shots from where she comes from, Odin, a planet from an unknown location. Its military there is lead by her mother and several others, whom she trained under. Amanda, being the top shot in her area of experience, is used a lot in battle or in operations to take out the enemy. As well, she is described as incredibly lucky, for unknown reasons. ========================== As it turns out, Amanda wasn't originally a ginger, she was actually blonde haired and blue eyed. However, due to a past incident in her late childhood, she [i]became[/i] a ginger, the effects are abnormally natural. The effects are due to WRATH, a heavily mutated version of HGH, which resulted in; Amanda's own change from blonde haired and blue eyed, to ginger haired and green eyed, complexion changing to match. Her eyesight is abnormally accurate, making her a profound marksman, and her own ability to calculate, predict, and anticipate movements and actions. The results where remarkable, despite the pain and misery that caused it all. [/spoiler] [b]Personality[/b] [spoiler] Amanda has been known to be awkwardly silent sometimes, usually described as a watchful person and normally it is true. Having excessive amounts of patience and coupled with her training, her obsession with large caliber weapons, and said keen eye, she was trained to be a hyper lethal marksman. Amanda adopts her mother's personality, being sarcastic and overly friendly once it is a conversation is started, and normally is considered childish as a result. The immature personality she has usually deceives people at a first glance, since the giant warrior is usually seen as a deadly person. [/spoiler] [b]Weapons[/b] [spoiler] [b](ACR) "Dying Sun" Mk. VI Coil Rifle [/b] [b]"LF-1" Magnum Sidearm[/b] [b]"Ember Scar" Transforming Weapon[/b] [/spoiler] [b]Armor[/b] [spoiler] [b]"TALOS" VAS[/b] [/spoiler] [b]Dax Warrior Info:[/b] [spoiler] [/spoiler]

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                  • Edited by TheFaxMan: 2/7/2017 8:34:36 PM
                    Name: Virion Age: 19 Gender: Male Weapons: A steel longsword Abilities: Adept in many forms of magic, but excels in fire magic. Appearance: A bipedal fox about 5'6" wearing a fireproof duster. [WIP]

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                    • Name: Mercedes Thompson Alias: Altar Sex: Female Age: ? Abilities/ Weapons: - Magic manipulation: She is able to manipulate magic. This allows here to do a range of things from shooting magic bursts to supercharging her own body to increase her on physical abilities. - Justice: A large, white broadsword infused with magic. Attuned with fire. - Loyalty: A large, black broadsword infused with magic. Attuned with water. - Transform: She can change into a small key. This speeds up her body's ability to heal and rest.

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                      • Name: Demmu Age: presumably in his mid 20s Gender: Male Gear: Knights of Eldrich sword (a fairly large blade designed specially made to combat against large beasts. It's edge retains its sharpness against most impacts) Midnight stick (a weapon unique to Demmu. Seemingly a long rifle of a fairly high caliber and an unique enchantment to enhance the weapons ability to cause optimal damage.) A flask containing a unique liquid that seems to allow Demmu to heal quickly yet it seems to cause others to suffer from horrific visions. Under his clothing is a sturdy set of armor seeming to be built to protect against bashing and clawing. Abilities: Eldrich magic (an unusual type of magic seeming based on the creatures of his homeland. It seems to be heavily based on dream magic, black tentacles and chothulu themed abilities [spoiler]basically think HP Lovecraft based abilities[/spoiler] ) Intense training (as a Knight of the Eldrich, Demmu had gone through extreme physical and mental training allowing him to perform at superhuman levels.) Strange mutations (While not immediately noticeable, his environments have changed him on a anatomic level. His blood seems to have turned into a black substance from constant use of what he carries in his flask. There are also black markings across his arms almost seeming like odd tattoos that are actually mutations that can spring out acting as a extra set of limbs to subdue targets.) Bio: Demmu hails from a town seemingly plagued with strange creatures leading to the place earning the name Eldrich. In his early years he had become adopted by an older knight and quickly climbed the ranks within his town earning the matching title of knight at the age of sixteen. After learning of where his adopted father's travels to a currently run down dojo, Demmu decided to follow in his footsteps and venture the world in search of a place simmilar to the place he's spoke of eventually leading him to the new dojo. After all, the town of Eldrich had seemed to finally be turning the tide and reclaiming their town. The amount of knights required seemed less nessisarily needed at the time.

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                      • Bump cause I may make a char.

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                        Name : Bendak Starkiller Height : 6.2 Appearance : Enocompassed fully in a Jet Black Battle Armor. Also has a visor. Wears a short cape down the length of one arm. Weapons : ORDO Ordo is a Western Styled, Hand Cannon that fires .50 cal bullets. 6 Bullets until it needs to be reoloaded. In addition to the weapons having Piercing Damage. Bullets travel at 300mph and release a Flash Of Light effect which blinds enemies that's eyes are not converted by a standard visor. They are also colour coded Black: These Bullets are coated in Plasma. Red : These Bullets explode upon impact, releasing Nano Bots that eat away at Armor & Flesh and seep their way into the Body of the enemy and multiply, upon which they cause the body to stop functioning over a short amount of times. Blue : These fire as a standard bullet. Upon impact freeze the air around them. RHINE Rhine is a blade around 10" long and 3" wide. It is naturally resilient to being Melted. Rhine can be thrown and Teleported to at will. The Blade is a living entity, as a result it will summon itself to protect its owner upon the first attack sent towards Bendak during a battle. MINI GUN Bendak's arm has a Mini-Gun attached to it. These rounds, track, ignite and also (in the instance of missing their target), release a drone every once in a while. DRONES Drones: Drones are released by Bendak during battle through his various abilities. Total 6 carried with him. Each droid upon deployment produces a shield around Bendak which absorbs Bullets (upto 20 bullets per shield) Drones also fire standard kinetic bullets. Bendak also has short distance teleport. He can teleport to the location of any of his droids. (Useful for evading melee attacks.) Doing so destroys the droid. Armor: Bendak wears a Suit of Armor which is incapable of being pierced open. Cannot be damaged by your normal Swords, Axes etc. Has a strength of 150 Giga-Pascals. Is made of Titanium, which has a melting point of around 3000 degrees. Bullets would still dent the Armor (mildly) His Helmets technology allows him to map his enemies movements an instant before they have physically been performed. (Allowing for quick and decisive counter-attacks.) Short distance Thrust packs have been attached to his Boots. In addition to the natural mobility these offer, they also deploy a drone(which can be controlled by Bendak) upon activation.

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                      • Edited by TheChemist: 2/25/2017 8:49:22 PM
                        Name: Vince Price Age: 35 Sex: Male Appearance: Vince is around 5'5". His eyes are an emerald green and his hair a slick black. He is rarely see not wearing his signature black fedora and matching suit. Think classic mob boss from the 1920's or 1930's. He also carries a cane with a lion pommel. Abilities/Weapons: - Under the cloth of his suit there are plates of a reinforced alloy, making them highly protective. This can be switched on and off, when off it weighs nothing but provides no protection. - His cane is able to be used as both a club and can transform into a powerful energy repeater. - He can move at subsonic speeds when his suit is in light mode. -He has superhuman strength, capable of lifting up to 4 tons. - Sibling Bond- When he dies his sister takes his place. Personality: Vince is stubborn, cold and cynical. His cold exterior keeps most away but those he counts as friends know he is fiercely loyal, that is, unless he is betrayed. Then he will not rest until his revenge is satisfied. He also has a soft spot for animals.

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                      • [u][b]Tesuto[/b][/u] "Hello. I am Tesuto, gatekeeper of the dojo." Armour: [spoiler]See picture for reference. The armour protects Tesuto well from most attacks. Though it can be penetrated by normal means. [/spoiler] Weapons: [spoiler]Dojo Katanas: two, massive 72" katanas that are sheathed on Tesuto's hips. The blades are tough, and Tesuto can use both of them at once. They can absorb energy from magic and other forms, but are limited to electricity, fire, ice and plasma. Plasma lines shurikens: shurikens that eject from the Samurai left vambrace, these shurikens can soar through the air silently and eliminate their foes. They are plasma lined, meaning they can penetrate most armours. But the armour will decide how deep. Mongol Bow: a collapsible recurve bow that ejects from tesuto's right vambrace, the bow is designed for fast suppression and damage. Arrows Eject from the same vambrace, resulting in a very fast rate of fire.[/spoiler]

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                        • I've always wanted to make an OC, but whenever I'd start typing it up, I'd just go back to SRing half-life...

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                        • Edited by New Years HK: 12/10/2016 11:03:16 PM
                          Name: Lyra Alias: Black Widow Personality: Insane, Sadistic Appearance: 5'10", hourglass build, crimson eyes, long flowing crimson hair, large scar on her left cheek, bullet-wound scar on her left thigh, three-pronged scar on stomach, lash scars on her back, missing right pinky and middle fingers and left ring finger. Morality: Chaotic/Neutral Evil Origin: You want a life story? Ask her. No guaranteeing she'll say anything though. Powers: Gift: Electrokenisis Mutation: Super Speed (Maximum Speed is around Mach 10, though anything over Mach 6 starts putting strain on her) Talents: Inability to feel pain Equipment: Weapons- [spoiler].150 cal bolt-action sniper rifle with a 2x-25x zoom scope. Dual Desert Eagles (mainly still around for sentimental value) Futuristic PPSh-41 that fires depleted uranium-tipped bullets. Railgun that fires a 5"x2" cylinder made of a material with a density of 40g/cm^3 at 950 m/s.[/spoiler] Armor- [spoiler]Her armor is 1.5 inches thick and made of a hybrid material of Graphene and a synthetic material. It keeps 75% of Graphene's strength and flexibility. The synthetic nearly negates the immense thermal conductivity of Graphene. It also has a .5 inch thick insulator to prevent her from being electrocuted.[/spoiler] Occupation: None at the moment Affiliation: Herself

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                          • Edited by Orn: 12/23/2016 7:52:47 PM
                            [i][u]"My blade has been sharpened, my pistol has been polished. My stance remains strong, my will unbroken. For the enemies of the Dojo, for the ones that do evil...[/u][/i] [i][u]...Be afraid, for a Vileblood knows no mercy.."[/u][/i] [u]Name/Alias:[/u] [i]Irina S. Elizia[/i] [u]Age:[/u] [i]29[/i] [u]Gender:[/u] [i]Female[/i] [u]Description:[/u] [spoiler][i]Irina stands at an impressive height of 6'3, with a thin yet straight, hourglass posture and athletic body. There is a small tattoo on the back of her right hand, depicting the symbol of the rune "Corruption" and more importantly, the symbol of the Vilebloods.[/i] [url=]Link to Tattoo.[/url] [i]With a sharp, angular facial structure, high, shallow cheekbones, and smooth, vampiric white skin, Irina could be considered attractive by some. Her pupils are a crystalline light blue, as cold as the land of Cainhurst itself. Her platinum blonde hair is usually always tied back in a long ponytail, to ensure that it doesn't get in the way during combat. Irina's tongue, funny enough, is not flesh, but instead a prosthetic, which is covered with synthetic skin.[/i][/spoiler] [u]Link To Biography:[/u] [url=][b][i][u]BOOM![/u][/i][/b][/url] [u]Weaponry:[/u] [spoiler][i][u][url=]Rakuyo[/url][/u][/i] [i]A cross between a dagger and a straight katana, the Rakuyo is host to two blades; the first, being a three foot eleven inch long straight blade, sharpened for maximum slashing and stabbing capabilities, and the second, a sixteen inch long serrated steel dagger, which protrudes from the end of the brass handle, and is commonly used in stabbing attacks. Both the dagger and sword can be broken away from each other, to create two separate weapons. [/i] [i][u][url=]Evelyn 2.0[/url][/u][/i] [i]Flintlock-styled, long barreled pistol that was originally created within the country of Cainhurst, the Evelyn 2.0 holds a single round ball that fires that is the size of a .44 Magnum round, while the pistol itself can fire with the strength of a Smith and Weston 500 Magnum revolver. Even with only one shot in the magazine, this weapon is not one to be trifled with.[/i] [url=][i][u]Darksaber[/u][/i][/url] [i]A weapon that Irina obtained after murdering a clone by the name of Bliss, the Vileblood was awarded with this sword by the leader of the Immortals, a group that seeks to annihilate the Dojo. The Darksaber's plasma blade sucks in light that surrounds its blade, similar to a black hole.[/i] [/spoiler] [u]Equipment:[/u] [spoiler][i][u]Fire Paper[/u][/i] [i]A paper imbued with the power of flame, Irina can shred the paper over the blade of a chosen weapon (a solid weapon, not plasma or hardlight), covering it in red hot fire. Lasts for 5 turns in total, while Irina has 5. This amount does not refill in a continued post or plot, unless there is a good reason behind it.[/i] [i][u]Bolt Paper[/u][/i] [i]Follows the same rules as Fire Paper, except it covers the blade of a solid weapon in the brilliant blue electricity of the darkbeasts.[/i] [i][u]Choir Bell[/u][/i] [i]Taken off the body of a member of the Choir, who was promptly decapitated. This bell removes status effects upon ringing it, although Irina can only use it twice in a post. These effects include burns, frostbite, freezing, poison, and etc.[/i] [i][u]Caryll Runes[/u][/i] [i]Runes written by a man known as Caryll, Irina has collected three of these runes:[/i] [i]Blood Rupture - Visceral attacks will heal Irina, depending on her wounds and how fatal the visceral is for the target.[/i] [i]Clawmark - Visceral attacks have increased damage, being capable of punching through most metals with terrifying ease. [/i] [i]Oedon Writhe - Visceral attacks will either reload or return Quicksilver Bullets and item uses (Choir Bell) to Irina. 2 Bullets are received, while 1 Bell Ring is received as well.[/i][/spoiler] [u]Abilities:[/u] [spoiler][i][u]Outlier Ability (Gift): Blood Manipulation[/u][/i] (THERE ARE MASSIVE LIMITS PLACED UPON THIS ABILITY. YES, THIS HAS THE CAPACITY OF INSTA-KILLS.) [i]Irina can freely manipulate and control blood that has been spilt or is in a general close range, usually about a foot and a half, that is within a target's body. By taking two turns in close proximity, she gains control of a singular target's blood and is capable of freezing it in place, busting blood vessels, or if the target is wounded, slowly drain them of their blood. Irina can also manipulate her own blood.[/i] [i][u]Outlier Ability (Mutation): Super Speed[/u][/i] [i]Irina can move at speeds unnatural to humans, while her maximum speed in her first stage can go up to 125 MPH. As for second stage, she can move up to 200 MPH if she is able to charge up for a bit. The use of super speed will tire her out immensely, and unless she regains her energy, she will not be able to run, or even walk, until 12 hours has passed in real time.[/i] [i][u]Second Phase[/u][/i] [i]This phase has yet to be seen in combat. However, according to Irina herself, it bears similarities to Lady Maria, in a way..[/i][/spoiler] [u]Skills:[/u] [spoiler][i][u]Masterful Swordsmanship[/u][/i] [i]Irina is a master with bladed melee weaponry, particularly swords. She can usually use any sort of sword proficiently, although it will take practice.[/i] (In short, she cannot master just any sword that she comes across.) [i][u]Skilled Shot[/u][/i] [i]Alongside a high amount or experience with swords and blades, Irina is also a proficient user of close ranged - medium ranged firearms, particularly pistols. This follows the same principles as "Masterful Swordsmanship", so she cannot instantly become skilled with just any sort of close - medium ranged firearm.[/i] [i][u]Persuasive Presence[/u][/i] [i]Irina is, to say the least, a very persuasive person. Although she would not resort to sex or romance, due to a devotion to Athena (another character), Irina is willing to utilize persuasion or intimidation tactics to her own benefit, and is much more capable of interrogating or convincing NPCs and characters. [/i] [/spoiler] [u]Strengths:[/u] [spoiler][i]•Close - medium ranged combat.[/i] [i]•CQC.[/i] [i]•Close-ranged firearms (pistols).[/i] [i]•Persuasion/Intimidation.[/i] [i]•Inhuman speed.[/i] [i]•Almost immune to pain/psychological attacks.[/i] [i]•Hides emotions surprisingly well.[/i] [i]•Suited for stealth.[/i][/spoiler] [u]Weaknesses:[/u] [spoiler][i]•Socially awkward.[/i] [i]•Known to be a traitor and backstabber.[/i] [i]•Has a soft spot for children and couples.[/i] [i]•Fearful for the lives of those she considers allies.[/i] [i]•Gets surprisingly furious about negative comments or actions directed towards her previous muteness, Athena, Alpha, and Lady Maria.[/i] [i]•Has a terrible reputation.[/i][/spoiler] [u]Additional Information:[/u] [spoiler][i]•Has an odd admiration of Lady Maria.[/i] [i]•In a relationship with Athena, after multiple beers and several letters sent through a Post-It note.[/i] [i]•Once a hated Vileblood, then an ally of the Immortals, now a member of the Dojo, and a Ranger in the NCR. This could change.[/i] [i]•Has been identified as an Outlier.[/i][/spoiler]

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                            • Edited by The WORLD1897: 12/24/2016 6:30:54 PM
                              [b][i]Name: [u]Donald Trump[/u][/i][/b] [b][i]Gender: [u]Male[/u][/i][/b] [b][i]Age: [u]Still young enough to fucc your bîtch.[/u][/i][/b] [b][i]Abilities: •Make it Rain: Donald can call in orbital bombardment from 'Trump, Inc. Orbital Cannon' •Money is power: Donald can douse his weaponry in liquid gold to get a damage buff. •Super Business Man: Donald takes on the form of a two story tall being of pure money and gold.[/i][/b] [b][i]Arsenal: •Colt M1911 with a 7 inch silencer. •Vector with a small stock, a reflex sight, and a 7 inch silencer. •MP5 with a silencer, extended magazine, and a 7 inch silencer.[/b][/i] [b][i]Quotes:[/b][/i] [i]"Bigly."[/i]

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                              • Edited by Viper: 1/4/2017 1:23:01 AM
                                Name- Ru Firehart Age- 5 (in dragon years, they're much longer than human years) Gender- Female Height- 2'9" Bio- Ru started off life as a pretty normal kid. Through life, she decided to keep her childish ways, which is why she looks and acts the way she does. After graduating college, Ru trained herself in combat and became very very good in battle. The military of Falei's home city eventually got wind of her and talked to her about catching rogue recruits. She accepted their offer and went after and caught all but one recruit who managed to set a price on her head. The military did and still does their best to keep the bounty from getting around, but many bounties eventually slipped through their fingers as the recruit kept going around the world in an effort to stop her and keep on living. Ru gave up on him after a long while, taking a break from capturing these recruits, but when she heard Falei and Lucas got out during battle...she went for it. Weapons- Ru's tail has a green spiked star on the end of it, this can be used by her in almost any way. Whether she wants to spin it or change its size, she can do it. In addition to her tail star, she can breathe napalm-like fire which sticks to surfaces and can be put out by her at will. She can choose not to light the fire, or to light it when she breathes the substance. When she does not choose to light it, it can be lit by her at will but cannot be put out by her. Armor- None except her own scales (which are quite tough). Ru rarely wears clothes anyway, she sees no need for them, as a dragon. Personality- Ru is actually quite friendly most of the time, and really only attacks people if they do something she doesn't like to her, or if they're being hunted. Overall, childish. [b][i]More Pics[/i][/b] [spoiler] [/spoiler]

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                                • [i]"High score? Well...I just beat it."[/i] Name- Lucas Age- 24 Gender- Male Height- 5'9" Appearance- (Grey) Bio- Lucas has been Valrn's best friend since kindergarden, and they have only grown closer since. When the terrorists bombed Valrn's and Lucas's city, Valrn vanished. Lucas had been injured in the bombing, loosing a part of his chest. The military took Lucas and enhanced him, like they did with Falei. Lucas broke away from the army just after Falei, and immediately began to follow her to the Dojo. Weapons- "Eel" Semi-automatic pistol firing .308 AP metallic glass rifle rounds. It is a breech loading pistol, meaning it needs to be reloaded before another shot can be fired. It is equipped with a modified ACOG scope, a laser sight under the barrel, a small barrel extension, silencer, and foldable stock. Cat claws Armor- Light body armor, only meant to stop pistol rounds. His robotic parts of his chest could be considered armor as well.

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                                  • Edited by New Years HK: 1/2/2017 3:40:23 AM
                                    [b][i][u]Personnel File[/u][/i][/b] [u][b]Subject D3LT4-05[/b][/u] [b]Name:[/b] [Redacted], referred to as Scarlet by most [b]Alias(s):[/b] The Reaper, The Red Reaper, 05 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] [Redacted], appears to be in her early 20s [b]Appearance:[/b] 6'4", semi-long scarlet hair, sky blue eyes, hourglass physique [b]Fighting Style(s):[/b] [spoiler]05 is a master of most mainstream hand to hand styles. She is also a great acrobat. In cases where her current fighting style isn't working, she can change and adapt easily. She can also learn the fighting style her opponent is using very quickly and come up with a good counter to it[/spoiler] [b]Weapons:[/b] [spoiler]05 has been given access to some of the most high-tech weapons in current existence. Though she commonly switches, she has shown an affinity for a certain few which include:[/spoiler] DMPR-Z1 "Dark Plasma Rifle" [spoiler]A semi-automatic rifle with a 2x zoom sight. Fires plasma infused with dark matter. The splash damage of each shot is ~1m. The Dark Matter - once it has left the gun with the plasma - will, over time with continual hits in a certain area, accelerate gravitational expansion of the distance between atoms of whatever it landed on, eventually atomizing the target. The weapon's muzzle velocity is slower than the average rifle due to its ammo type[/spoiler] GA-LSr 21 "Longshot" [spoiler]A sniper rifle with a 2x-25x zoom scope. Rounds are gravitationally accelerated to around 2000 m/s. The rounds themselves are made of an alloy with about 2x the hardness of steel. Thus, the rifle is able to pierce armor with ease. The dimensions of the bullet are 200mm x 25 mm. This leads to the impact being somewhere around 3 GJ[/spoiler] RFS-21a "Suppressor" [spoiler]The RFS is an SMG. The clip holds 50 rounds. The caliber is relatively low, but the fire rate and ammo capacity make this a good weapon to deal with unarmored enemies, put down suppressive fire, or for crowd control purposes[/spoiler] FDE-2163aZ "Paladin" (x2) [spoiler]These pistols resemble a Desert Eagle in appearance. The rounds are extremely high caliber. The force from one shot would most likely break a normal person's arm. The impact force is about 150 MPa (the average human bone in the limbs being about 130 MPa). The sights are typical iron sights[/spoiler] HPRG-J6d "RailJack" [spoiler]The HPRG is a railgun with a 2x zoom sight. It uses small but extremely high powered electromagnets to propel a 25cm long by 5cm wide cylinder of an ultra-dense (around 40g/cm^3) at 1000 m/s. This leads to energy of the impact being 9.8 GJ[/spoiler] MGY-G/PS "Slicer" [spoiler]A slightly curved 4 foot blade with a plasma edge. It also has gauss energy flowing around it.[/spoiler] [b]Armor[/b] [spoiler]05 has been given access to one of the most advanced armor suits in current existence. It is around 5cm thick. The material it is made out of is quite the interesting specimen. Through years of scientific research, a certain type of metalloid was perfected. The material is extremely flexible, and thus easy to move in. Kinetic energy exerted upon it causes the material to visibly ripple to negate the force. Once the material has 50% of the force needed to break it exerted upon it, kinetic energy is stored between atomic bonds so that it can be released in a way much less taxing on the armor and wearer of said armor. Finally, once all the force that can be absorbed is absorbed, the remaining 50% of its strength can be dealt with. The strength of 5cm of it all culminates to around 150 GPa. 2.5 GPa worth of force is negated from the bonds per second. At this rate, it would take about 10 minutes for all the force to dissipate. The armor conforms to the shape of the wearer, making it impossible for any kinetic energy to reach the wearer before it breaks. Underneath the armor, there is also an exosuit to enable quicker movements. Thermal conductivity is nearly non-existent, as is electrical conductivity. The suit also uses a kinetic barrier with a strength of around 25 GPa[/spoiler] Bodily Enhancements: Bones [spoiler]Cells within them have been enhanced along with most major bones being coated in an experimental substance. Most bones in 05's body are now 75x-100x stronger than the average person's[/spoiler] Muscles [spoiler]Muscle cells have been enhanced and so have the muscles themselves. She can easily lift 100x more than the average human and even more with assistance from items like exosuits. Her muscles will never 'burn' when put under too much stress.[/spoiler] Nerves [spoiler]Nerve cells will not transmit signals relating to pain. They've also been enhanced to make any sensation (excluding pain, as already mentioned) much more apparent[/spoiler] Sight [spoiler]05's sight has been enhanced to a level slightly exceeding a hawk's or an eagle's[/spoiler] Hearing [spoiler] Audible frequencies have been expanded from the average 20Hz-20,000Hz to 2Hz-200,000Hz. She is also able to pinpoint the location of sounds much more accurately and nearly inaudible sounds to any normal human are audible to her[/spoiler] Cranium [spoiler]She is much more aware of her surrounding than a normal person and her reaction speed is .014 seconds compared to the average .201 seconds[/spoiler] Powers [spoiler]Via genetic mutation and some other more 'questionable sciences', abilities resembling 'super powers' have been uncovered. While 01-04 were proficient in almost all, 05 has only shown affinity for one - telekinesis. 01-04, as previously mentioned, were proficient in most, but masters of none. However, while 05 can perform others, the feats are subpar compared to previous subjects. But, she has shown herself to be a master of her only power[/spoiler] [b][i][u]End of file [/u][/i][/b] [spoiler]For those of you who are about to go apeshit and call her OP, please note one thing; I [i]will[/i] dumb her down if I'm fighting characters way below her in terms of weapons and abilities and the like. However, I will not hesitate to use her to her full extent when battling people that are also OP[/spoiler]

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                                    • Edited by Viper: 12/31/2016 12:40:21 AM
                                      [i]"Run rabbit, run, go hide in the blades of that grass. Run, rabbit, run...."[/i] Name- Falei Rells Age- 26 Gender- Female Species- I honestly don't know. [spoiler]If you can't see them, she has wings.[/spoiler] Height- 5'10" Bio- Falei's childhood was pretty average, her family was richer than most though. Nothing crazily eventful...until terrorists struck her city during her college years. In an explosion caused by the terrorists, part of her head was damaged, a large section of her torso was lost and her entire right arm. The military took her and any other survivors, and in an effort to fight against the terrorists, replaced the lost parts with mechanical ones and trained them in anything they wanted. 3 years later, the terrorists bombed her home city, killing her parents. Falei's brother, Valrn, survived the bombing but vanished. Falei illegally broke away from the army once hearing this and has since been searching for him. Weapons- "Paenitere" A large triple barreled rifle that fires APE(armor piercing explosive) .308 Rounds. The rifle is fully automatic, all three firing chambers being fed by three magazines at once. "Pentir" A modified revolver rifle, firing bullets designed to over-penetrate targets, meaning it is a high velocity, medium sized bullet. "Repent" An 8 inch blade combat knife, with a blade that has a steel base and a "metallic glass" edge, easily making it one of the sharpest blades possible, but a pain in the ass to sharpen. Armor- (Shown in photo) Mechanical performance-enhancing armor, designed to stop any bullet bellow a fifty caliber bullet. Made of "metallic glass" with steel plating. Heat resistant up to an excess of 400+ Degrees Fahrenheit.

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                                      • Edited by NightBloomsFell: 3/23/2017 12:02:22 AM
                                        [b]Name:[/b] avirva [b]Age:[/b]unknown [b]Race:[/b]demon [b]Gender:[/b]female [b]Appearance:[/b] very short look about six but actaully a lot older. Has blonde hair, bright green eyes [b]Background:[/b] [spoiler]is a byproduct of very dark ancient black magic ritual where they sacrificed her but instead of dying the demons that were summoned took hold of her very body and soul. As result she stopped aging and growing old. But as result of such a ritual it has twisted and corrupted her very mind. She a was once known as a mass murder in several countries. A very dark and saddastic child that has the ability to make grown man cower when she unleashes the demons that dwell within her. she is normally very complacent. But if she is attacked...[/spoiler] [b]Weapon:[/b] [spoiler]a giant pair scissors that can cut through limbs easily. They can separated to be used as daggers as well. The box a dimensional portal that house a separate realm entirely. Everytime its opened something entirely different is seen eveytime. It can't be destroyed.[/spoiler] [b]Abilities:[/b] Demons will take over if she is too injured protecting her. Her body houses three of them. They will also appear at random without talking her over the body sometimes The demons: [u]Caleigh[/u] [spoiler]weakest of the three but still a force to be reckoned with. She is seen the most out of the three. How she fights is a mystery. But she is a teleporter.[/spoiler] [u]appearance[/u] [spoiler]long red hair ,pale blue eyes, dark skin, pointy ears and short horns. [/spoiler] [u]Azusa[/u] [spoiler]second strongest demon and the most unpredictable out the three. Isn't seen as much but when revealed it never ends well. Its more crazed than the others. Its unknown what gender this demon is cause most dont live long after seeing it. [/spoiler] [u]appearance[/u] [spoiler]unknown [/spoiler] [u]Divinity[/u] [spoiler]strongest of three comes out only when she is asleep likes reading doesn't say very much. She is a much higher rank than the other two. And is the one with the most control. Likes using the box to attack. Has the ability to petrify she very hard to get rid of.[/spoiler] [u]appearance[/u] [spoiler]very tall with very dark skin , long white hair violet eyes, short horns, long tail and wings.[/spoiler]

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