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9/10/2016 2:44:57 PM

A practical solution to Ghost Bullets

Okay so I'm sure I'm not the only one who has thought of this or other solutions, and would love to hear people's thoughts. First my understanding of the cause of ghost bullets, as explained by others on these forums as well, is that accuracy is simply an rng "cone of accuracy" that grows in width as you get farther from the gun barrel. So in videos like tripleWreck's the last word bullet has a random chance to travel anywhere within in that cone even if the gun barrel doesn't move. This creates ghost bullets. The solutions are fairly simple in my mind and can still stay true to the feel and pace of destiny. First a suggested replacement: BULLET DROP: I know not everyone will be a fan of this, but it would be a similar solution to the cone of accuracy except with more predictability. This would not apply to snipers (because none wants snipers in destiny to feel like Battlefield) This must be paired with reworked damaged falloff. If you don't want hand cannons hitting at sniper range, don't let them. It's not a matter of rng, it's a matter of, will this bullet do any damage at longer ranges. If a system like this were implemented in place of rng accuracy cones, it would be predictable but still keep the weapons in line with their intended purpose. What do you think?

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