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originally posted in: Prison of Exiles (RP - RoB)
Edited by Robot745: 9/10/2016 2:52:44 PM
The Eightfold Path Azoth Brund stalked down the hallways of the accursed ship he now considered a prison. His mission was simple, find the tome of the sorcerer. He, despite his hatred of sorcery, needed to work with his fellow Astartes. His pay, the chance to test his might against anything this ship could muster. [i]Kill........kill[/i] Brund grunted and bashed his fist against his crested helm. [i]NO[/i] He couldn't lose it here, too many mortals around, he would draw too much attention to himself. [i]Kill...Maim...[/i] [i]NO...N-NO[/i] As the centuries passed the World Eaters came to understand when one warrior's nails began to sing, all would join the chorus. Brund, like any other Astartes was trained not to fear, but the being that was nearing sent a very human chill down his neck. [i]Kill...Maim...Burn[/i] His mind was aflame with the need to kill, and a chant he had heard once long ago. [i]KILL...Maim...Burn[/i] Brund slumped against a bulkhead wall trembling, his breathing was quickening and the white knuckle grip on his axe evident by its own shaking. He heard screaming from down the hallway, and the roar of a chainaxe. [i]KILL...MAIM...Burn[/i] A few humans were observing him, his green eyed glare landed on them. Instead of faces he saw only skulls on all of them. Good. [i]KILL...MAIM...BURN[/i] HE RUSHED FORWARD AND SMASHED HIS FIST INTO THE CHEST OF ONE OF THE HUMANS. HE FELT THE SHATTERING OF THE RIBS, GOOD. THE REST TRIED TO FLEE BUT HE SWUNG HIS AXE WIDE DECAPITATING 3. His mind was flooded with an inhuman ringing, and the sound of a chainaxe getting closer. [i]KILLMAIMBURNKILLMAIMBURNKILLMAIMBURNKILLMAIMBURNKILLMAIMBURNKILLMAIMBURN[/i] This chant was heard so long ago, the day his legion shattered, the day he entered the eye. Amidst his skulltaking and the cacophony in his brain he looked down the hallway. One lone figure stalked towards him. His armor the deepest shade of Crimson. Brass adorned every detail of his plate and skulls dangled from his waist on rattling chains. Brund's senses were beyond hyper focused. The figure's left arm was bare, to the skin. In his right hand he gripped a smoking plasma pistol, the left, a massive gore soaked chainaxe. His helm was menacing, his eyes glowing green, power emanated from his gaze like that of a predator ready to strike. It was then that the figure turned his gaze to Brund. He spoke with an accent that identified him as belonging to the ancient Terran Jermanic tribes. "Rise brother, I have need of you yet to escape this place." Azoth Brund rose and slammed his fist against his breastplate, a salute to his former captain, and new lord...Kharn the Betrayer. They both turned as they heard heavy footsteps moving towards them. Open, [b]you cannot be killed by Kharn do not worry, he is simply a plot device for my 3 characters interacting[/b] Scratch that if you antagonize him don't expect me to hold back on his factual power

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  • [spoiler]knock knock[/spoiler]

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  • [b]The insane cackle of an age-old power echoes from the shadows. The lights flicker far down the corridor, the shadows leaving behind a solitary figure, walking slowly towards the warriors.[/b]

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  • Edited by Immørtal Fulgrim: 9/12/2016 2:49:04 AM
    [i]Tick... Tick... Tick... You hear the sound of a pocket watch ticking on the rusty deck plates directly in front of you as the temperature in the air drops sharply - the lights begin flickering, drawing your attention to your breath vapor in the frozen air as it halos an imposing figure standing in the shadows... A figure who's been watching you all along. The watch begins ticking slower and slower, getting louder and louder. Time has seemed to stop for everyone else around you while low bass notes emanate from his direction. [b]Thick black chains shackle a massive book, covered in glowing runes of sacred geometry, to the heavily armored hips of the hulking Primarch before you. His glowing, chaotic eyes flare with etheric power as he regards you coldly. Tep-Pharon says nothing. The ticking drowns out all other sounds but the freezing deck. Hoarfrost reaches your feet and begins creeping up your armor as the cold sinks it's daggers into your armor and flesh... You begin to shiver despite your superhuman physique. Tep-Pharon opens the book, glowing runes illuminate his sinister face as he makes eye contact with you. The ticking stops, your consciousness connects with his towering psychic presence - he's inside your head. [/b][/i] [i]Your body locks up and falls flat on it's back with a resounding thud that echoes through the halls for hundreds of meters, spooking the dead souls lurking about in madness. You look down at your body on the floor, catching a glimpse of your bare, semitransparent foot on the dark metal of the deck. Your soul is bare before Tep-Pharon, Primarch of the Death Wardens. Your vulnerability becomes blatantly obvious to the ravenous denizens of the warp, they go into a frenzy but remain in check for now. "Now that I have your full attention, it's time that we speak." Says Tep-Pharon in an inhuman voice. You notice that none of your allies are moving, they're just staring at you with empty eyes. [/i]

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  • Kharn was painfully aware that he was outmatched in every aspect of this encounter, his favor of khorne could not save him from a primarch for long. He spoke to this Demi God. "I thought you and your legion were destroyed by Russ and his mongrels, what would you have of me lord?" Despite Kharn's legendary status of a blood crazed lunatic, he was just as renowned for his tact and intelligence. Durning the heresy he was rumored by many of the legions as being one of the only beings able to reason with his primarch Angron.

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  • [spoiler]That will work on Brund, but Kharn not only has a brass collar, but also the favor of the blood God. I can provide you examples of times when this has protected him from even the strongest of grey Knights and even A daemon of slaneesh when it comes to psychic abilities. He's not here to kill any characters, but part of my glorious subplot I have planned[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]aha, I'm quite familiar with him and his Primarch. I never bring in characters from actual warhammer because I prefer to make up my Lore as I go... You never know what happened to the other two Primarchs after all, maybe they'll make a book after one of mine or yours if the right people see this shiz. I was going to have your character fill in my character about the things I should know relating to your plot. Sometimes I make a rather dramatic entrance for fun since I'm not able to get on as often lol. I just miss writing. I'll edit the post now. [/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]No worries, I love people's lost legion fluff. The only reason I brought Kharn in was to try and inject some life into people's posts. I reasoned the presence of an actual character would try to spark people's responses. Didn't really work haha, plus I needed a buffer from a lot of people as I'm one of a few chaos people in this, thus heavily outmatched. I'm not going to have him slaying everyone though do not worry.[/spoiler]

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  • The Champion of Nurgle stopped once the two laid eyes on him. Morbus was rather surprised they heard him before they smelled him, but it was now obvious he was emitting an odor that could kill a regiment of Guardsmen if breathed in. His armor was cracked and rusted, with holes seeping puss and a black liquid. His Grey-Green Mark VIII Armor was lined with rusted gold, littered with writings and scratches, and bearing the Mark of Nurgle at the center. His helmet resembled a Gas Mask, as it seemed to shift when the Champion breathed. Flies began to investigate the two heralds of the Blood God with alien curiosity from Morbus' armor. The living hive before the two had his Corrupted Power Sword cleaved into a man's skull half-way, an expression of terror stuck on the victims face. The entry point of the blade sprouted black veins through the man's head, as parasites crawled into and throughout his face. The Plague Marine held his Power Sword in a backwards grip, nonchalantly dragging the corpse behind him. A Bolter, rotting and infested with flies, was seen held in his right hand as well. Finally, he reacted to the two. He was pretty relaxed, as most are who are infected by the Plague Father's gifts. "'Ello." The Plague Marine lifted two fingers with his right hand, a lazy wave of sorts.

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  • Brund sneered at the stench beneath his helm, Kharn showed no emotion beneath his. The Plague marines were either valued allies that were relentless in fulfilling their objective, or merciless enemies. Brund hoped against the latter. Kharn spoke first. "What is your business here scion of nurgle, choose your words carefully." Brund naturally stiffened in the presence of a threat, they would not act though unless acted upon. This was the way of an uneasy alliance between traitors. Kharn on the other hand sat unmoving, waiting on the warrior's response.

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  • "Ah, ya know, the usual. Just spreading Papa's love and what not." He chuckled, his gas mask bobbing up and down. It almost sounded like a gurgling, as if liquid was built up in his throat. He examined the Berzerker next to Brund, noticing the bare right arm. "Oi, you're that Betrayer fellow, aren't ya? Khârn, right?" Morbus holstered his Bolter at his side, as he looked over to the corpse his Power Sword was carrying. He gripped its neck with a powerful, armored hand and ripped it off. The body fell to the ground, and the head was still stuck on the blade. Morbus ripped it off, presented it to the two, and dropped it to their feet. "Khorne likes skulls, don't he? Consider it a peace offering. I'm sure where you Berzerkers go, death'll follow. Lucky for me, Nurgle's the God of Death, so...." He stared at the two, arms spread out, then dropped to his sides. "I'm sure I can help ya with whatever you're doing. You can always use an extra soldier."

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  • Brund batted the mutilated head around with his foot, while Kharn relaxed his grip only slightly on Gorechild. Brund looked up at the marine and grunted. "The gesture is appreciated, I cannot speak on behalf of The Betrayer though." Kharn walked directly up to the plague marine, unaffected by the miasma surrounding him. "Do you have a problem following my orders?"

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  • Morbus made sure not to get on the Berzerker's bad side. Hell, he wasn't even sure if Khârn HAD a good side. He shrugged. "Why the hell not?" He picked up the beheaded corpse behind him, the body now rotting and infested with parasites and bugs. He threw it far away from the three with a single hand, it landing with a thud and a sickening crack. He seemed amused by it. He then went to readjust his Flamer mounted on the top of his wrist. "When do we start?" He inquired with a grim, eager tone.

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  • Edited by Robot745: 9/11/2016 5:14:53 AM
    "I need you to find this." He holds up a parchment with an etching of a key, adorned with a skull in the handle. It looked unremarkable but could you refuse Kharn? He stares at you waiting for your response

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  • "Hmmmm...." He reached to grab it, his fingers tracing it. The paper began to turn black and rot, curling up like a scared animal trying to retreat from a predator. Morbus withdrew his hand, as the paper stopped decaying. "Any idea where to start?" A Daemon fly crawled out of a crack in his armor. It flew out, circling the Plague Marine for a moment. It landed on his finger as he began to stare at it, getting lost in the creatures eyes.

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  • "No, which is why we all shall go in a different direction, I cannot recall due to this ship." Kharn started off down a hallway, Brund was left standing before you.

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  • "Alright." Morbus replied with a lazy tone. He took his Power Sword and rested it on his left pauldron, then he took out his Bolter in his other hand, keeping it at his side, and walked in the opposite direction Khârn did.

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