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Edited by UltraNoahXV: 9/9/2016 4:36:33 AM

Bungie. Stop Going Overkill with Nerfs and Quit Nerfing stuff that has gotten Nerfed Hard (Rant Post)

[i]Warning. This is another rant post made me. You probably remember me ranting about statistics and stuff and Cozmo replied. This time, its the nerfs. There is a TL:DR BTW. The video is a reaction to all the nerfs. I apologize for any spelling errors in advance. [/i] So if anyone hasn't read the "Weapon's Balancing Patch" yet, [u][u]most[/u][/u] of the nerfs were overkill. Yes, there were some buffs, but they don't counteract the needs good enough. I'll quote what exactly they said and put my own stance on it. [quote][i][u]Thorn[/u][/i] Since we are bringing back Thorn for Rise of Iron, it was worth re-evaluating its place in the weapon ecosystem. What are Thorn’s strengths? -Damage over time (which provides location information and health recovery delay) -Fastest family of Hand Cannon fire rate -Effectively best in class level range with Send It To avoid a repeat of year one, we decided to remove one of those elements from the equation; -Reduced base range by 25%[/quote] There is NO WAY Thorn Year 2 Pre-Update was going to be a repeat where it was back in Year 1. Phantom Bullets are a thing on Thorn and Since its one of the "High RoF" Guns, Spamming The Trigger is your best aggressive offense, but also causes Phantom Bullets. I've said it before and I'll say it again; "You telling us to pace pur shots on Fast RoF guns is Stupid". In short, the range Nerf was overkill and it [i][u]STILL suffers from the aggressive ballistics Nerf.[/u][/i] I would suggest Re-Buff it back to TK launch but make it stack precision damage and burn, but start with a low Critical Headshot Damage. [quote][i][u]Universal Remote[/u][/i] -Exotic Perk range bonus reduced by 75% [u][i][b](no longer guarantees maximum shotgun range)[/b][/i][/u] -Increased rate of fire (lowers damage as a secondary effect) [/quote] If that was all it was that made the gun OP, then 3/4 of its range shouldn't have to be nerfed. If it guaranteed maximum Shotgun Range (Hint; Felwinter's Lie), than Either: -A) scale it back to the range of Party Crasher +1 with Rifled Barrel and Underdog -B) maybe those perks on range of the Patch A archetype can get put on there. [quote][b][i][u]Touch of Malice[/u][/i][/b] It is intended that Touch of Malice still shine best in King’s Fall, but outside of the Raid, clever players figured out how to avoid Touch of Malice’s single drawback by imbuing themselves with the Blessing of Light - but the Darkness has been boiling stronger within the gun... Touch of Malice’s self-damage infliction now removes Blessing of Light[/quote] You nerfed this gun..... Because someone got smart and USED A SUPER..... Just to be efficient with a gun that did self-inflicting damage...... and not only that, but for the remaining players that have this gun that still need Oryx's Challenge on Hard can't use it efficiently with a Super...., a NON OP/DAMAGING super as well.... This was so stupid and idiotic...... I don't know what to say. [b][i][u]Sniper Rifles:[/u][/i][/b] [quote]The resulting Sniper Rifle has all the strengths of other families but without the drawbacks. To spread the power a bit, we touched two elements: -Reduced damage on the mid-high impact (1000-Yard Stare family) of Sniper Rifles by 6.95% -Mid High impact snipers can no longer reliably kill high armor guardians in super -Reduced Target Acquisition for LDR 5001/Y-09 Longbow Synthesis to bring in line with other snipers in the same family [/quote] Well first off, thanks for weakening Snipers in PVE without realizing it. Even though its not much, but there is no Exotic Sniper Archetype like Black Spindle that's a Legendary unless its Black Hammer. Oh wait: [spoiler]Its a Year 1 Gun[/spoiler] Second, most supers now have really weak armor. You could've just buffed Super Armor and Abilities (PVE wise). As for target aquisition... I don't really know have a comment on this as well as flinch so I'll leave that to the pros. [quote][b][i][u]Auto Rifles:[/u][/i][/b] Reduced the maximum magazine size for highest rate of fire Auto Rifle family (all weapons in the Doctrine of Passing family) [/quote] OK. That archetype has gotten nerfed so hard... It was fine where it was at. Reducing ammo magazine size was stupid enough. Big Deal if the opponents don't get an attack of opportunity. If you shoot first, you will mostly likely kill them first. You should've undid the previous damage Nerf if you were going to reduce the magazine size [b][i][u]Final Thoughts and TL:DR:[/u][/i][/b] Everything else was buffed, but by like up to 2%. ALL THE GUNS NEED A DAMAGE BUFF IN PVE BY ALOT (25%-50%). Thankfully, no subclass nerfs. TL:DR: Bungie needs to start buffing stuff instead of nerfing stuff thats already been nerfed/overkilling it with huge nerfs. Thanks for reading. I spent 55 mins typing this on an Android. Comment what your opinion is. Please share this as well.

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  • Bump. I guarantee that when we all switch to Hand Cannons to effectively kill... They'll be nerfed as well.

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    1 Reply
    • Ok first off i wanna say i like your opinions but pve dammage is fine. If you can land precision shots with a handcannon everythings a one shot and knights, and captains are three. Everything in pve is alright, but i usually have the most kills anyways in a raid or strike ( especialy VoG). Dont complain just learn to them crits, otherwise very nice suggestions

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    • The endless nerfloop😐

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      18 Replies
      • Once again PvE suffers because of PvP They gave up on PvE clearly. And NOTHING about how they butchered Sunsingers.

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        7 Replies
        • Bungie couldn't balance a scale, much less a game.

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          2 Replies
          • Someone is butt hurt. Listen buddy, everything that was in the weapons patch was needed. So boo hoo you can't run through pve content with ease anymore. It's now challenging for you and I'm not sorry. As a crucible player these are great 😊 thank you.

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            3 Replies
            • It's a repeat of the crap they pulled just before TTK. "We noticed players really enjoyed these features - We must get rid of them!" The only way the game can truly be balanced is if everyone had the same stats/abilities/weapons. That's BORING!

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              • Edited by Pro: 9/9/2016 4:17:21 AM
                None of this surprised me, well the thorn nerf did. Didn't see that coming. I don't mind rotating metas. At least we will see more sniper variety in the crucible now.

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                1 Reply
                • You're suffering confirmation bias. You've cherry picked the nerfs and ignored the buffs. The weapons balance is better than ever, and these changes represent a step forward. Maybe don't use 'le epic meme most utterly powerful option' all the time? That way you're less likely to lose out to nerfs.

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                • They also nerfed big time, the item drops. Before it was all blue and most could be used to be decrypted, now its like 95% low level green drops that can't be decrypted. For a game that was already a grind, this has become an even bigger grind due to the slow leveling up items levels. I am very tempted to cancel my preorder of this expansion.

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                  • Edited by Smithy: 9/9/2016 2:52:18 PM
                    Thorn: Prior to these changes, Thorn was objectively the best handcannon. Best range, best stability, best archetype, and it did burn. Short of a god-roll no other HC will be better. They fixed that. UR: -blam!- UR. Was a godawful idea. ToM: Clearly they didn't like blessings bubbles + ToM. Clearly they knew about it for a long time. Clearly they didn't act till now. I wonder why. Maybe because, I dunno, they didn't want to piss people off trying to clear the raid? Autos: Missed the part where they said "when using guns you haven't seen yet, they had too much ammo." "Stop nerfing stop buffing": Going line by line, 25 buffs, 11 nerfs. Yeah, clearly they nerf everything. Some nerfs were huge. Some buffs were huge. Stop spouting this bullshit.

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                    8 Replies
                    • Bump. So sick of the fun being removed from this game because of stupid shits like Weisnewski.

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                    • Well said guardian, I agree with all you said and am also overjoyed to snipers finally take a hit. Also happy with the change to Fabian strategy, but we'll annoyed with my favourite gun Thorn being weakened further, thanks bungie. 😖

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                    • Such a bullshit update. I've defended these guys since the start, well f**k it, Jon needs to be fired and someone who actually plays the game at a high level (shit, or at all) needs to replace him.

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                      2 Replies
                      • I'm not sure if I'm the only one reading the TOM details like this but to me they are changing nothing about the gun in the raid but in Crucible only. Has anyone run the raid with TOM since the patch and does it drop the shield or not?

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                        2 Replies
                        • This is from BruhhhWatchThis in regards to Skip Grenades. He told me I'm a moron cause I called his NERF post a disgrace and I'm not as good as him in crucible... He thinks stats are everything! [quote]Can these just get properly nerfed already? 85% of your health gone with no skill involved is ridiculous. FIX IT.[/quote] It's another NERF post! Right after we got a major NERF!

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                        • I think noone of these nerfs were needed. The game could perfectly stay in the previous state.

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                        • Edited by H_TOWN_BALLA_80: 9/9/2016 6:23:29 PM
                          EDIT: I'm pissed at a few of the nerfs but I'm sure the people who were crying for them are happy.

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                          4 Replies
                          • My reaction was as follows: Thorn. No one cares. Universal Remote. Finally. Touch of Malice. Doesn't matter. Sniper Rifles. Assuming they add a legendary sniper in Y3 with the same impact as Black Spindle / Efrideet's Speer, this is actually a good decision. If they don't, then it is a very bad decision. I am 50/50. Everything else was good, except for the Queen's Choice. That gun did not need a nerf, but oh well.

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                            7 Replies
                            • Meh. Mostly positive changes as far as I'm concerned. 1) After the nerf to AR's my Arminius still has like 60 in the clip, I'll live. 2) Thorn's range was arguably just as big a problem as the DoT. You shouldn't be mapping people with a hand cannon. That's just silly. 3) Sniper nerfs are unlikely to make a huge difference in PvE but will help diversify and speed up PvP a lot. - I'm not that good but even for me it's entirely too easy to get sniper headshots under pressure - More flinch is a change top level players have been talking about for a long time, it won't effect PvE. A good move by Bungie. - It's frustrating to get shot out of supers so easily. I mean, they're [u]supers[/u], FFS, one person shouldn't be able to counter it with so little effort. If you buffed the supers armor instead then you'll end up with unstoppable Sunbreaker killdozers ruling the crucible again. No thanks. 4) ToM nerf is the only one I have a big problem with. But, as it got more widely known people were using it for everything and it was on it's way to being Gjallarhorn 2.0. Presumably it would have allowed someone to cheese part of the new raid... I guess they let us get away with it until KF wasn't the endgame anymore and then nerfed it. Would have been nice if they found a way to still make it work in that raid but oh well. I was already using Sleeper for most of it anyway.

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                            • If you don't want nerfs, stop crying for them in the name of balance.

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                            • Underwhelming weapons update. Thorn is more garbage than what it already was, primary weapons remain sub par to special weapons, buffs were weak and justifications for nerfs are laughable. This is maddening considering the excellent ideas for buffs and adjustments of perks and exotics found here in the forums and everywhere online. RIP fun for Destiny

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                            • I hate nerfs, but quickscoping was getting out of control like CoD.

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                            • It's NERF or nothing!

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                            • I did the same thing with RoI that I did when I read the patch notes before TTK, I called Microsoft and cancelled my pre order. Now I will just wait until they have a sale and maybe buy RoI, maybe not depending on the reviews. I got TTK for free with 2 other game purchases through Best Buy last year. Maybe they will have that sale again. I love the lore of Destiny but PvP is what carries it through the drought of content between updates. PvP has gotten worse every single update.

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