I personally think the nerf was justifiable. Even though some of his flank routes were shut down, he still has very many routes that work almost equally as well. He was very hard to pin down, and now that his swift strike no longer surpasses traps and he can no longer jump after climbing a wall, it is not as easy to just run away and grab a medkit then come back every two minutes.
Tell me what you think!
Edited by shell: 9/8/2016 12:12:11 PMHe is actually a bit better due to the larger hitboxes on projectile weapons. I'm getting more kills. The ultimate time bieng lower means I have to communicate to my team and focus fire the tanks down so I don't have to spend the full duration chopping Roadhog's belly, but that's balanced, in my opinion. I do hate that they removed triple wall jumps, though, as I now have to use swift strike for mobility more rather than purely as a weapon.