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9/7/2016 5:41:52 PM

Was Genji's Nerf Reasonable? (Overwatch)

Yes. Genji was way too hard to pin down, even for the people supposed to COUNTER him.


No. Genji now cannot be as slippery as I think he should be.


I dunno


hur dur ogrewach suks bolls




I don't play Overwatch.


I personally think the nerf was justifiable. Even though some of his flank routes were shut down, he still has very many routes that work almost equally as well. He was very hard to pin down, and now that his swift strike no longer surpasses traps and he can no longer jump after climbing a wall, it is not as easy to just run away and grab a medkit then come back every two minutes. Tell me what you think!

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  • /Shoots rockets at feet

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  • [insert rant purely about triple jump]

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  • Overall yes, it honestly barely impacted him from my experience. Good players still pick him and destroy with him, whereas bad players can't use him in the slightest (this is even more apparent now). I would probably give him back the triple jump, but everything else should stay.

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  • The only questionable nerf for me was the triple jump nerf. That shut down many routes possible to take as Genji. I thought the ult nerf was perfect though, it lasted far too long.

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  • Edited by shell: 9/8/2016 12:12:11 PM
    He is actually a bit better due to the larger hitboxes on projectile weapons. I'm getting more kills. The ultimate time bieng lower means I have to communicate to my team and focus fire the tanks down so I don't have to spend the full duration chopping Roadhog's belly, but that's balanced, in my opinion. I do hate that they removed triple wall jumps, though, as I now have to use swift strike for mobility more rather than purely as a weapon.

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  • rip genji 2k16

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  • Edited by Ungod: 9/8/2016 12:38:51 AM
    He is still immensely powerful and the bane of my existence as a Mercy player. Now the Hanzo and Mei buffs, those I'm not sure were so necessary.. they both needed some love for sure but they are just insane now!

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    5 Replies
    • Where's the ehhh option

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      1 Reply
      • He's much better now and still completely viable

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      • Meh, Tracer is way worse to hit on console.

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      • it would be fine, if they would: 1- give back triple jump 2- fix bugs that hinder genji (sword slashes not registering, bad dash coding, etc)

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        5 Replies
        • He's alright as he is right now. I still have some games where I dominate with him

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        • It was justified, especially the nerf to his ult. He's still in no way a completely non-viable character.

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        • I'm assuming most the users here are on console, but on pc the mobility nerf is completely unreasonable, I get the nerfs to his slash and combo, but there's no reason to nerf his jump, which often makes it much harder or even impossible to reach certain areas

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        • His nerf was fine. Separates the amateur Genji players from the good ones

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        • He honestly needs to be nerfed even further.

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        • Yes. Genji could be used by a five year old as long as he knows how to spam the Jump button a lot. Genji simply takes 0 skill. [spoiler]Here comes the Genji supporters[/spoiler]

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          5 Replies
          • Edited by Sneak Attack 65: 9/7/2016 10:40:16 PM
            I didn't even know he was nerfed. Also, I laughed a little when I read the ogrewach option.

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          • His ult definitely deserved it, but the jump... I dunno. He's still great without it though, because you can just save it until you're off the wall if you really need to.

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          • He's fine as he is now. Still good in the right hands but hopefully he's in a place where if someone joins a team that needs support, they won't pick Genji. The problem with Genji is far too many people pick him. He's not hard to kill in most cases, he's barely an annoyance in others. Very rarely will I see a genuinely good Genji player. More often than not they are awful. Hopefully the nerf keeps the more awful of the bunch from picking him and leaving matches as 5 V's 6. I've said it before and I maintain that I love facing teams with a Genji, especially if i'm defending, it's free kills all around. Hop on Symmetra and laugh as they try to parry the beam like numpty's. I hate having Genji's on my team. Solo quick play is painful when you get people picking a second Genji and it feels like 4 V's 6. If I see 2 Genji's in the team during the pick before the match starts i'll just leave. Long rant short, the nerf is fine, he'll still be good in the right hands. Shit players will get less kills with him but perhaps that might do us all a favour and keep them from picking him in the first place and gimping teams.

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          • Edited by DarkLordBacon: 9/7/2016 9:56:48 PM
            The only thing I have a problem with is the triple jump. And that's only because I keep thinking I have triple jump and I mess crap up.

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          • I played a few great games with him after the nerf, so he's definitely not ruined. Still, I'm gonna miss the triple jump tech. It was why he was my go-to during skirmishes.

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          • 1
            Genji's as slippery as ever, but it takes more awareness and skill from the player to get him like that. It's similar to Phara, where you really have to focus both on avoiding damage and dishing it out.

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          • No the whole point of Genji is to be insanely mobile and make some quick strikes. I don't think his nerf is as big a deal as most people say. But I still don't necessarily agree with it either

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          • Edited by DirtyBlondeMedic: 9/7/2016 5:43:32 PM
            Shameless self buff

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